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Environment, Safety, and Health Management System

NETL Albany

Questions about NETL’s Environment, Safety and Health Management System may be directed to Allen Lichvar, 304-285-4042 , Allen.Lichvar@NETL.DOE.GOV.

NETL has implemented an Environment, Safety and Health (ES&H) Management System, based on DOE’s Integrated Safety Management System, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14000 series, and the ISO 45000 series. While the original scope of the ES&H Management System included the Morgantown and Pittsburgh sites, in fiscal year 2010, the Albany site was incorporated into the existing ES&H Management System. In addition, all three sites underwent an ISO 14001:2015 upgrade audit in 2018 and all three sites were certified to the ISO 45001:2018 standard, which covers Occupational Health and Safety, in 2019.

The scope of the management system comprises on-site operations involving NETL employees at the Albany, Morgantown, and Pittsburgh sites of the laboratory. This includes on-site R&D activities, site operations, and the supporting administrative functions. Excluded from the scope are those operations not owned or controlled by NETL, such as the credit unions and daycare facilities.

NETL Environment, Safety and Health Policy
NETL will achieve environmental, safety, and health quality by proactively, systematically, and fully integrating ES&H considerations into the planning and execution of all work, so that the mission is successfully accomplished for the safety and health of the public without detriment to NETL or the environment.

NETL is committed to reducing environmental, safety, and health impacts by:

  • Complying with all applicable ES&H laws, regulations, and standards through rigorous regulatory compliance programs.
  • Implementing pollution prevention programs to eliminate or reduce waste and emissions and accident/incident reduction programs to eliminate or reduce accidents and incidents.
  • Conserving energy and materials through resource management and recycling/reuse.
  • Using safety analysis and review systems to identify, control, and reduce safety and health risks and environmental impacts through engineering and administrative controls.

NETL will work continually to improve environmental, safety, and health systems with the goal of improved ES&H performance. Performance will be measured against stated objectives and targets.
NETL will communicate information to employees and seek their involvement in reducing our environmental, safety, and health impacts and communicate our policies to stakeholders and the public.

Each year NETL develops an Annual Site Environmental Report that details NETL's compliance with applicable environmental regulations and its progress on meeting the objectives and targets set forth in its environmental, safety, and health management system.  The Annual Site Environmental Report demonstrates NETL’s commitment to environmental protection, compliance, sustainability and NETL’s best efforts to ensure the validity and accuracy of the monitoring data.  The report can be found at the following link.

NETL's Significant ES&H Aspects

  • Waste Minimization, Pollution Prevention, and Recycling
  • High Performance Sustainable Building Implementation
  • Hazardous Procurement, Consumption, and Storage
  • Electronic Stewardship
  • Greenhouse Gas Air Emissions
  • Green Purchasing
  • Energy and Fuel Management
  • Water Usage
  • Workplace Health and Safety Issues

Albany Groundwater Monitoring Program 
NETL-Albany is committed to safety and the environment and proactively has taken steps to ensure the well being of its community and its employees.  As part of a DOE Environmental Protection Program, NETL-Albany voluntarily initiated a Groundwater Monitoring Program in 2001, working in partnership with State of Oregon officials, to evaluate the fate and transport of certain legacy contaminants and to characterize the groundwater regime of the site.