PA eMarketplace   Supplier Service Center   Bureau of Procurement  

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 Welcome to the official site of the
  Pennsylvania eMarketplace portal. This is your
  one-stop shop for Bidding, Awards and other
  Contract information. Please explore our site
  and feel free to contact us with your questions
  and any suggestions you may have.
Pennsylvania's eMarketplace
Menu Description of menu options
Bid Solicitations   In the Solicitations section you will be able to search and view current solicitations.
Solicitation Tabulations   In the Solicitation Tabulations section you will find an overview of the suppliers and
  pricing for previous solicitations. The Solicitation Tabs are for information only and
  do not constitute an award.
Bid Awards   In the Awards section you will find a list of awards in response to solicitations.
Bid Contracts   In the Contracts section you will be able to search the Commonwealth database for
  state contracts awarded by DGS and other Commonwealth agency-selected contracts.
Source Justification   In this section, you will find agency requests since July 2008 for sole source procurements of supplies and services, which require DGS approval.
Help   Here you will find helpful tips and guides on how to use the PA eMarketplace
PA Homepage   Visit Pennsylvania’s all new PA.GOV website, your pathway to all things
  government within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
>Ready  >Set   >Buy

   This portal is your gateway to electronic
   business with the Commonwealth. It
   serves as a "one-stop shop" for viewing
   and responding to current Commonwealth
   bids, managing your account information
   and accessing other collaborative functions.