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Updated Friday December 11, 2020

GAIN: Industry Q&A with Rita
December 11, 2020
On October 29, 2020 Dr. Rita Baranwal, Assistant Secretary, Office of Nuclear Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, spent time answering questions with the Advanced Nuclear Technology Developers and Suppliers. Please take a minute to review the questions and answers listed below.
Q&A Responses​

Industry FOA Questions and Answers updated:
December 3, 2020
Follow this link​​ to the FOA Q&A

GAIN announces fourth-round FY 2020 Nuclear Energy Voucher recipients
September 16, 2020

The Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) announced today that three nuclear companies will be provided GAIN Nuclear Energy (NE) Vouchers to accelerate the innovation and application of advanced nuclear technologies. NE vouchers provide advanced nuclear technology innovators with access to the extensive nuclear research capabilities and expertise available across the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory complex. This is the fourth set of awards in FY 2020. 

​The businesses selected to receive GAIN nuclear energy vouchers for Round 4 FY 2020 are:


GAIN NE voucher recipients do not receive direct financial awards. The GAIN nuclear energy vouchers provide access to national laboratory capabilities at no cost to the voucher recipients. All awardees are responsible for a minimum 20 percent cost share, which could be an in-kind contribution.

The GAIN NE Voucher Program accepts applications on innovation that supports production and utilization of nuclear energy (e.g., for generation of electricity, supply of process heat, etc.) in the following general topic areas:

  • Analysis and evaluation of, and for, advanced reactor concepts and associated designs, including development of licensing information or strategies
  • Structural material and component development, testing and qualification
  • Advanced nuclear fuel development, fabrication and testing (includes fuel materials and cladding)
  • Development, testing, and qualification of instrumentation, controls, and sensor technologies that are hardened for harsh environments and secured against cyber intrusion
  • Modeling and simulation, high-performance computing, codes and methods
  • Technical assistance from subject matter experts and/or data/information to support technology development and/or confirm key technical or licensing issues

Further information on the GAIN nuclear energy voucher program as well as current and all past awards may be found here

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy (DOE-NE) established GAIN to provide the nuclear community with the technical, regulatory and financial support necessary to move innovative nuclear energy technologies toward commercialization while ensuring the continued safe, reliable and economic operation of the existing nuclear fleet.  Through GAIN, DOE is making its state-of-the-art and continuously improving RD&D infrastructure available to stakeholders to achieve faster and cost-effective development of innovative nuclear energy technologies toward commercial readiness.


A Past, Present, and Future Glance at GAIN
September 10, 2020
Kemal Pasamehmetoglu is known for being both innovative and candid. So, looking back to when the Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) was founded in December 2015, he readily acknowledges that “in the first seven to eight months, we tried to define what GAIN really meant.” 
There were numerous meetings with Department of Energy (DOE) program managers, a roadshow to national laboratories, emphasizing how they could be part of the program, and discussions with private industry about GAIN’s potential benefits. 
“We needed to determine how to best line up the existing programs and be helpful,” Pasamehmetoglu, GAIN’s first director, said. There was a focus to ensure the “being helpful” metric applied to every corner of the nuclear community, especially private reactor developers. 
GAIN has been highly successful at being helpful. In being broadly understood, not so much.

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If you have a regulatory question for NRC, please see the GAIN Regulatory Tab to submit your question.  

To view previous posts visit: What's New In GAIN Archive
FY2019 GAIN Highlights Image
FY2019 GAIN Highlights (Printable Version)
Gensler & Third Way (2018)
Adaptive Reuse of EBR-II Dome (2019)
Architectural Rendering

This rendering represents a vision for the iconic Experimental Breeder Reactor II dome. It is a conceptual design at this point and represents—in the spirit of reimagining nuclear energy—the infinite possibilities for renewed infrastructure. We hope that you find this rendering inspirational and ask you to reflect on how the nuclear industry can repurpose old facilities to demonstrate new technologies. 




GAIN University Directory
GAIN provides the nuclear energy industry a single point of access to the technical, regulatory, and financial support necessary to propel advanced nuclear technologies, including advanced reactors and technologies which advance existing reactors, toward commercialization.

The GAIN University Directory will highlight university nuclear research and  development capabilities of interest to advanced  nuclear technology developers. University participation is voluntary and not comprehensive. The directory will provide a "Resource" section with various links to detailed descriptions of university offerings. 

If your university wants to participate in the directory, please check here to fill out the form.

 GAIN Advanced Nuclear Directory
PDF Version Sixth Edition
This directory was created in partnership between the Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) and Third Way, with the help of the United States Nuclear Infrastructure Council (USNIC). 

It offers a sample of companies engaged in the development of advanced nuclear technologies and should not be considered a comprehensive list of this industry. If you are interested in additional information please go to the contact tab and leave a message.

If your company is a developer or supplier in the advanced nuclear technology area and you want to participate in the directory, please check here to fill out the form.
FACT SHEET: Obama Administration Announces Actions to Ensure that Nuclear Energy Remains a Vibrant Component of the Unites States' Clean Energy Strategy
November 06, 2015
As detailed in the Climate Action Plan, President Obama is committed to using every appropriate tool to combat climate change. Nuclear power, which in 2014 generated about 60 percent of carbon-free electricity in the United States, continues to play a major role in efforts to reduce carbon emission from the power sector. As America leads the global transition to a low-carbon economy, the continued development of new and advanced nuclear technologies along with support for currently operating nuclear power plants is an important component of our clean energy strategy. Investing in the safe and secure development of nuclear power also helps advance other vital policy objectives in the national interest, such as maintaining economic competitiveness and job creation, as well as enhancing nuclear nonproliferation efforts, nuclear safety and security, and energy security.