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NETL is organized to provide flexible, dynamic expertise and capabilities to its public and private sector customers throughout the Nation. The Laboratory is focused on:

  • Renewing its emphasis on technical program planning and long-term strategies to maximize technical achievement
  • Emphasizing partnerships with National Labs, private industry and academic institutions on global, state and local levels
  • Cultivating a world-class science and technology workforce
  • Integrating strategic planning for infrastructure around enduring mission elements
  • Integrating its extramural and intramural research to promote collaboration and coordination
  • Increasing transparency in business planning and technical operations
Org Chart


The Office of the Director will maintain full control and authority, including delegated authority, over the complete NETL complex including delivery and execution of NETL’s mission.

In continuous pursuit of the mission and to sustain NETL as a world-class research and development enterprise, the Office of the Director promotes organizational direction toward sustainability, consistency, effectiveness and efficiency in research efforts and business practices. The Office of the Director will:

  • Lead development of the NETL Strategic Plan including identification of future competencies
  • Promote NETL efficiency and effectiveness by establishing and maintaining organizational standards and metrics for quality, productivity, employee development and workforce utilization
  • Oversee the preparation, justification, and execution of NETL’s institutional budget under guidance provided by the Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy and the Department of Energy’s Chief Financial Officer
  • Exemplify and promote the highest levels of safety, scientific integrity, public accountability, and social responsibility in the conduct of R&D programs.


The Science and Technology Strategic Plans and Programs unit will develop the strategic direction for NETL programs and activities that will identify future competency requirements; leverage existing capabilities to optimize output, including through repositioning and redeployment as necessary; and identify investments to sustain and grow the Laboratory. Strategic planning efforts are centered on NETL’s enduring missions: effective resource development, efficient energy conversion, and environmental sustainability. In pursuit of those objectives, the Science and Technology Strategic Plans and Programs unit will:

  • Lead development of annual enterprise portfolio planning, connecting objectives of the strategic plan to specific actions, and including quantifiable deliverables and measureable outcomes
  • Develop technology roadmaps including the DOE Annual Laboratory Plan, the FE Roadmap, and integrated program development plans
  • Define technical capabilities that require investment for the long-term strength of NETL including budgetary requirements for achieving those capabilities
  • Develop a collective strategy and engagement plan for external stakeholders
  • Pursue partnerships with other national laboratories, industries and academia
  • Develop and implement a strategic plan for international efforts to advance the overall strategy of NETL research focus areas

The Science and Technology Strategic Plans are executed by the Research and Innovation Center and the Technology Development and Integration Center.


The Research and Innovation Center nurtures and exercises core technical competencies that enable NETL to be an international resource for fossil energy technology discovery, development and deployment. The technical core competencies, which combine world-class expertise with mission-relevant laboratory facilities, include:

  • Computational Engineering
  • Energy Conversion Engineering
  • Geological and Environmental Systems
  • Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Systems Analysis & Engineering

Core competencies are exercised in collaboration with industry, academia, and other government laboratories, to deliver knowledge and technologies that enable affordable, environmentally sustainable utilization of the Nation’s abundant, domestic energy resources.


The Technology Development and Integration Center implements national programs in fossil energy and broader DOE programs in collaboration with partners through integrated technical and business teams that define, solicit, negotiate, award, manage and deliver federally sponsored research and development.  The Center will:

  • Define project technical and budget requirements to achieve research objectives
  • Lead program/project teams to prepare and issue competitive solicitations
  • Negotiate and manage projects with industry, universities, and national laboratories
  • Coordinate and communicate project results and accomplishments
  • Maintain a qualified and experienced workforce through training and job assignments
  • Support DOE and NETL program planning, development, analysis, execution, outreach and communication efforts
  • Maintain and utilize project management best practices to reduce project risk, enhance project outcomes, and support DOE program success.
  • Leverage multiple perspectives and lessons learned through collaboration with RIC system analysts and researchers and FAC procurement specialists to develop and execute funding opportunities and projects that efficiently and effectively advance technology development objectives.
  • Utilize an integrated systems perspective to appropriately develop and manage projects, especially with respect to project de-risking (FAC) and technology maturation (RIC).

The Technology Development and Integration Center’s work will be performed through three organization element areas: Oil & Gas, Coal, and Energy Technology Development.


The Laboratory Operations Center manages a comprehensive fully integrated suite of laboratory support services consistent with the NETL mission. The Center develops, implements, integrates, monitors and continuously improves the products and services that support NETL business and laboratory operations. The Center incorporates facility operations, information technology and strategic support that will:

  • Perform internal audits and compliance reviews
  • Provide strategic analysis, best practices and improved synchronization functions
  • Facilitate engineering and facilities
  • Support environmental safety and health
  • Maintain security and counterintelligence
  • Provide information technology, records management and cyber security
  • Coordinate human resources
  • Pursue equal employment opportunity functions
  • Maintain effective communications


The Finance and Acquisition Center (FAC) plans, directs and coordinates NETL’s CFO, procurement and financial assistance (grants and cooperative agreements) functions, ensuring effective oversight and stewardship of the Laboratory’s financial resources. FAC is the principal advisor to the NETL Director and senior officials on all matters related to the Laboratory’s financial and acquisition activities.  It provides expert oversight, regulatory compliance knowledge, and operational experience to:

  • Serve as liaison with the DOE CFO, DOE Procurement offices, and Fossil Energy leadership for budget, procurement, and financial assistance matters
  • Provide contractual and financial expertise for sound procurement and business management
  • Implement and coordinate Federal acquisition and assistance policies and procedures
  • Develop and implement the Laboratory’s financial policies
  • Develop budget forecasts, revisions, reports and analyses to support the integrity of the Laboratory’s financial operations
  • Manage and monitor the funds control process