
Images, Video, Social Media and More

Whether you are an educator looking for dynamic tools to share with your students; a parent helping a child with a homework assignment or project; a student or researcher looking for bird-related resources; or a curious bird enthusiast, we offer content on a variety of media platforms for you to download, view, use and share.

If you still cannot find what you are looking for, please email

Featured news page: Find out the latest happenings in the Migratory Bird Program!

Migratory Bird Program Videos

 Migratory Birds: A Brief Conservation History

 USFWS YouTube channel (search “migratory birds USFWS” for bird-related videos)

 "Roosevelt, Friend of the Birds" (Teddy Roosevelt at Breton island NWR, 1924)

Public Domain Images

Flickr albums
 Migratory Bird Program
 North American Wetlands Conservation Act
 Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act
 Endangered bird species
 Birds on national wildlife refuges

USFWS Digital Library

Searchable database of multimedia products
 Migratory Bird collection

Social Media

 Access all USFWS social media feeds from our Social Media Hub
 "Open Spaces" blog: A Walk on the Wild Side with USFWS employees, interns and volunteers
 USFWS on Pinterest


The following presentations were developed for the Migratory Bird Treaty Centennial celebration in 2016. Among other things, they highlight bird conservation history, partnerships and the many ways that anyone can raise awareness of and participate in conserving birds and bird habitat. The presentations and all images within them are copyright-free. Please feel free to adapt these presentations to fit your needs.
 Centennial Overview (5.7MB)
 Webinar presented to NABCI partners, 10/7/15 (3MB)
 Webinar presented to AFWA/state fish & wildlife staff, 11/17/15 (2.5MB)
 Presentation to USFWS headquarters staff, 12/8/15 (2.6MB)
 Organizing Your World Migratory Bird Day event, featuring Migratory Bird Treaty Centennial information & resources, presented 12/9/15 & 2/16/16. (14.3MB)

Centennial Partners Forum Presentations
 11/16/15 (2.7MB)
 12/10/15 (2.7MB)
 3/10/16 (3.9MB)
 4/16/16 (11.3MB) - Social & Traditional Media
 6/14/16 (9MB) - Centennial Storylines
 7/20/16 (7.5MB) - Social media & web pledge

Training and other videos

 Migratory Bird Program webinar series
 Wild Birds

Newsletters and other publications

 North American Bird Conservation Initiative's "All-bird Bulletin"

Last Updated: January 13, 2020