Education at GISS

Advanced Study Programs


Columbia University Graduate Study
Study toward an advanced degree in the atmospheric sciences may be conducted at GISS through enrollment in departments at Columbia University.
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Postdoctoral Research Programs
Advanced programs through which new scientists may participate in GISS research, including NASA and Columbia University postdoctoral appointments, are announced in the GISS employment pages.
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Educator and Internship Opportunities


Climate Change Research Initiative
CCRI is a year-round STEM engagement program allowing educators and students to work directly with NASA GISS scientists, with a summer program for high school and undergraduate interns.
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General information about student internships at NASA/GISS and its NYC-area partners, as well as links to useful related resources.
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Past Programs


New York City Research Initiative
Educator and internship program in which teams of students worked with GISS scientists and affiliated university researchers. NYCRI concluded in 2014.
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GISS Institute on Climate and Planets
A collaborative program between GISS, Columbia University, and the City University of New York. ICP concluded in 2004
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Resource Materials

CCRI STEM Curriculum Modules
Instructional modules developed during the GISS Climate Change Research Initiative and NASA/SMD approved.
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Education GCM
The EdGCM project at the Columbia University Center for Climate Systems Research couples GISS Model II with a user-friendly interface that runs on macOS and Windows desktop computers. EdGCM allows students to explore the subject of climate change in the same way that actual research scientists do.
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ICP Educational Materials Archive
Curriculum modules and learning tools developed during the Institute for Climate and Planets program (1994-2004) for use in classroom learning about climate and environmental research.
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