AIDS Research Advisory Committee Agenda

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Division of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Virtual Meeting
January 25, 2021

Time Presentation
12:30 p.m. Welcome and Approval of Minutes
Kenneth Freedberg
12:35 p.m. Director's Report and SBIR Contract Topics
Carl Dieffenbach
12:55 p.m. Office of AIDS Research Advisory Council Update
Tricia Burdo
  Concept Review (approval requested)
1:10 p.m. Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE)
  • EHE Overview
    Ann Lee
  • Multidisciplinary Treatment Approaches To End the HIV Epidemic
    Tia Morton
  • Prevention Strategies To End the HIV Epidemic
    Dale Burwen
  • Respond: Epidemiology To End the HIV Epidemic
    Rosemary McKaig
2:10 p.m. BREAK
  Programmatic Overview:
Key Accomplishments and Future Directions
2:20 p.m. Therapeutics Research Program
Peter Kim
2:50 p.m. Vaccine Research Program
Mary Marovich
3:20 p.m. Basic Sciences Program
Diana Finzi
3:50 p.m. Prevention Sciences Program
Sheryl Zwerski
4:20 p.m. Public Comment(s)
4:25 p.m. Adjourn

Future Meeting Dates
June 7, 2021
September 13, 2021
January 31, 2022

For directions, maps, and parking information, see NIH’s Visitor Information page.

For more information, see the Advisory Council portal.

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