Building the Lab of
the Future

Oak Ridge National Laboratory has always tackled the toughest scientific and technical challenges in support of national priorities, with the expectation that our breakthroughs will change the world. We have developed expertise, tools, and even entirely new fields to fulfill our missions. Today, we are sharpening our focus on world-leading impact across our research portfolio.

Reimagining ORNL

In May 2020, we launched “Reimagining ORNL” to expand opportunities for scientific leadership in our existing programs as well as the emerging fields that will define our laboratory in the decades to come. Our goal is to align our people, programs, and facilities for global leadership in research and development; to sustain operational excellence; and to foster an inclusive environment marked by innovation, creativity, and collaboration.

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Science & Technology at
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

The laboratory will be organized into eight research directorates representing the leadership areas we steward for the Department of Energy. Each directorate’s structure serves to focus our research enterprise on the disciplines essential to our missions and to leadership in emerging fields.