NASA News & Feature Releases

Following are news and feature releases prepared by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Public Affairs Office and by other NASA news services in connection with research and events at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Please see the GSFC Newsmedia site for other Goddard research news, or visit the NASA News Highlights and NASA for Media and Press sites for news from around NASA.

News and media professionals should address inquiries about GISS research to Patrick Lynch, Earth science communications lead at the GSFC Public Affairs Office.


2020-07-27: In Memoriam, Dr. Michael I. Mishchenko

2020-01-24: How Earth Climate Models Help Scientists Picture Life on Unimaginable Worlds

2020-01-15: NASA, NOAA Analyses Reveal 2019 Second Warmest Year on Record

2010-01-09: Study Confirms Climate Models are Getting Future Warming Right


2019-07-09: A Drier Future Sets the Stage for More Wildfires

2019-06-13: Earth's Freshwater Future: Extremes of Flood and Drought

2019-05-23: New Studies Increase Confidence in NASA's Measure of Earth's Temperature

2019-05-09: NASA Education Program Fosters Climate of Discovery

2019-05-01: NASA Study: Human Influence on Global Droughts Goes Back 100 Years

2019-02-06: 2018 Fourth Warmest Year in Continued Warming Trend, According to NASA, NOAA


2018-06-25: Will We Know Life When We See It? NASA-led Group Takes Stock of the Science

2018-01-18: Long-Term Warming Trend Continued in 2017: NASA, NOAA


2017-11-15: Our Living Planet Shapes the Search for Life Beyond Earth

2017-10-19: New NASA Study Improves Search for Habitable Worlds

2017-10-03: Goddard Institute for Space Studies Scientist Wins 2017 Nordberg Award

2017-08-10: NASA Airborne Mission Returns to Africa to Study Smoke, Clouds

2017-08-02: Hubble Detects Exoplanet with Glowing Water Atmosphere

2017-06-12: NASA-MIT Study Evaluates Efficiency of Oceans as Heat Sink, Atmospheric Gases Sponge

2017-05-25: A Whole New Jupiter: First Science Results from NASA's Juno Mission

2017-05-11: NASA Study Finds Unexpectedly Primitive Atmosphere Around “Warm Neptune”

2017-04-28: NASA Awards Goddard Institute For Space Studies Contract

2017-03-29: NASA-University Study Finds 11 Percent of Disappearing Groundwater Used to Grow Internationally Traded Food

2017-01-18: NASA, NOAA Data Show 2016 Warmest Year on Record Globally


2016-11-16: From NYC to Rio: NASA Helps Cities Address Climate Risks

2016-10-12: Cynthia Rosenzweig — “What If and So What? Climate Change and Corn/Wheat/Rice/Soybeans

2016-08-23: To Better Understand Mega-Eruptions, Just Add Water

2016-08-11: NASA Climate Modelers: Venus May Have Been Habitable

2016-08-01: Severe 2015 Indonesian Fire Season Linked to El Niño Drought

2016-07-19: 2016 Climate Trends Continue to Break Records

2016-05-04: Expanding Tropics Pushing High Altitude Clouds Towards Poles

2016-05-03: Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels Will Help and Hurt Crops

2016-03-21: Climate Change Shifting Wine Grape Harvests in France and Switzerland

2016-03-01: NASA Finds Drought in Eastern Mediterranean Worst of Past 900 Years

2016-01-20: NASA, NOAA Analyses Reveal Record-Shattering Global Warm Temperatures in 2015


2015-12-18: Examination of Earth's Recent History Key to Predicting Global Temperatures

2015-09-16: NYCRI Students Team with Teachers and NASA Scientists

2015-08-10: Three NASA Scientists Honored as AGU Fellows

2015-05-12: No Major U.S. Hurricane Landfalls in Nine Years: Luck?

2015-04-21: NASA GISS to Help Lead Search for Habitable Exoplanets

2015-03-25: Increased Rainfall in Tropics Caused by More Frequent Big Storms

2015-02-17: NASA Science Leads New York City Climate Change 2015 Report

2015-02-12: NASA Study Finds Carbon Emissions Could Dramatically Increase Risk of U.S. Megadroughts

2015-01-16: NASA, NOAA Find 2014 Warmest Year in Modern Record


2014-10-31: NASA Program Enhances Climate Resilience at Agency Facilities

2014-10-14: NASA Study Finds 1934 Had Worst Drought of Last Thousand Years

2014-07-17: NASA Kicks Off Field Campaign to Probe Ocean Ecology, Carbon Cycle

2014-06-09: Schmidt Named Director of Goddard Institute for Space Studies

2014-06-04: Teachers and Scientists Meet at NASA GISS for Climate Change Workshop

2014-03-11: Long-Term Warming Likely to Be Significant Despite Recent Slowdown

2014-02-28: NASA Satellite Sees Great Freeze Over Great Lakes

2014-02-27: NASA Goes Down Under to Tap High-Altitude Ice

2014-01-31: NASA Goddard Announces Winners of AMS, AGU and AAS Honors

2014-01-21: NASA Finds 2013 Sustained Long-Term Climate Warming Trend


2013-09-27: Climate Models Show Potential 21st Century Temperature, Precipitation Changes

2013-09-04: This September, Ask a Climate Scientist

2013-04-02: Hansen to Hand Over Reins of Goddard Institute for Space Studies Director

2013-02-20: NASA Releases Glory Taurus XL Launch Failure Report Summary

2013-01-15: NASA Finds 2012 Sustained Long-Term Climate Warming Trend


2012-08-06: Research Links Extreme Summer Heat Events to Global Warming

2012-07-10: The Titanian Seasons Turn, Turn, Turn

2012-06-25: Cassini Shows Why Jet Streams Cross-Cut Saturn

2012-05-02: Decades of Data Show Spring Advancing Faster Than Experiments Suggest

2012-03-13: Cassini Spies Wave Rattling Jet Stream on Jupiter

2012-03-07: Bright Is The New Black: New York Roofs Go Cool

2012-02-16: NASA Awards Goddard Institute for Space Studies Contract

2012-01-30: Earth's Energy Budget Remained Out of Balance Despite Unusually Low Solar Activity

2012-01-30: NASA Scientists Awarded Distinctions as 2012 AGU Elected Fellows

2012-01-19: NASA Finds 2011 Ninth-Warmest Year on Record

2012-01-12: NASA Study Shows Health, Food Security Benefits From Climate Change Actions


2011-12-08: Paleoclimate Record Points Toward Potential Rapid Climate Changes

2011-12-05: Ancient Dry Spells Offer Clues on Future Drought

2011-10-24: NASA Scientist Receives Inaugural Climate Communications Award

2011-04-01: Cleaner Vehicle Standards Good for Health, Agriculture, Climate

2011-03-17: Cassini Sees Seasonal Rains Transform Titan's Surface

2011-03-09: NASA Names Mishap Board For Taurus XL Launch Failure Investigation

2011-03-04: NASA Creates Glory Satellite Mishap Investigation Board

2011-03-01: Glory Satellite Scheduled for Launch on March 4

2011-02-24: NASA Assessing New Launch Dates for the Glory Mission

2011-02-22: Next Step In NASA Climate Studies Set To Launch

2011-02-20: Cleaning the Air Would Limit Short-Term Climate Warming

2011-02-16: Glory Promises New View of Perplexing Particles

2011-02-10: With A-List Help, Glory Aims to Unravel Uncertainties About Aerosols

2011-01-20: Glory to Study Key Pieces of the Climate Puzzle

2011-01-13: Global Temperature Records in Close Agreement

2011-01-12: NASA Research Finds 2010 Tied for Warmest Year on Record


2010-10-27: NASA Models Earth's Fiery Past and Future

2010-10-14: How Carbon Dioxide Controls Earth's Temperature

2010-09-30: How Warm Was This Summer?

2010-07-01: Who CARES About Carbonaceous Aerosols?

2010-06-28: NASA Goddard Introduces the NASA Center for Climate Simulation

2010-02-18: Road Transportation Emerges as Key Driver of Warming

2010-02-18: Scientist Nadine Unger Discusses Which Sectors of the Economy Impact the Climate

2010-01-21: 2009: Second Warmest Year on Record; End of Warmest Decade

2010-01-21: Climatologist Gavin Schmidt Discusses the Surface Temperature Record


2009-12-14: Black Carbon Deposits on Himalayan Ice Threaten Earth's "Third Pole"

2009-10-29: Interactions with Aerosols Boost Warming Potential of Some Gases

2009-08-24: NASA Expands High-End Computing System for Climate Simulation

2009-07-16: Taking Flight To Seek Out The Least Understood Climate Driver

2009-04-08: Aerosols May Drive Significant Portion of Arctic Warming

2009-03-12: NASA's Next Climate-Research Satellite One Step Closer to Orbit

2009-03-12: New Aerosol Observing Technique Turns Gray Skies to Blue

2009-02-23: 2008 Was Earth's Coolest Year Since 2000

2009-01-29: Cassini Finds Hydrocarbon Rains May Fill Titan Lakes

2009-01-21: Satellites Confirm Half-Century of West Antarctic Warming

2009-01-14: NASA Climate Scientist Honored by American Meteorological Society


2008-12-08: Target Atmospheric CO2: Where Should Humanity Aim?

2008-10-13: Giant Cyclones at Saturn's Poles Create a Swirl of Mystery

2008-09-10: NASA Study Illustrates How Global Peak Oil Could Impact Climate

2008-05-14: Earth Impacts Linked to Human-Caused Climate Change

2008-03-03: Dr. Robert Jastrow, 1925-2008

2008-01-16: 2007 Was Tied as Earth's Second-Warmest Year


2007-12-17: NASA Climate Change 'Peacemakers' Aided Nobel Effort

2007-08-30: NASA Study Predicts More Severe Storms With Global Warming

2007-05-30: Research Finds That Earth's Climate is Approaching 'Dangerous' Point

2007-05-09: NASA Study Suggests Extreme Summer Warming in the Future

2007-05-08: Cassini Finds that Storms Power Saturn's Jet Streams

2007-04-11: NASA Predicts Non-Green Plants on Other Planets

2007-03-15: Global 'Sunscreen' Has Likely Thinned, Report NASA Scientists

2007-02-12: NASA Study Finds Warmer Future Could Bring Droughts

2007-02-08: 2006 Was Earth's Fifth Warmest Year

2007-01-30: NASA Probes the Sources of the World's Tiny Pollutants


2006-10-24: NASA Looks at Sea Level Rise, Hurricane Risks to New York City

2006-09-25: NASA Study Finds World Warmth Edging Ancient Levels

2006-03-14: NASA Study Links "Smog" to Arctic Warming

2006-03-09: NASA Finds Stronger Storms Change Heat and Rainfall Worldwide

2006-02-28: Scientists Confirm Historic Massive Flood in Climate Change

2006-01-30: Keeping New York City "Cool" is the Job of NASA's "Heat Seekers"

2006-01-24: 2005 Was Warmest Year in Over a Century


2005-08-11: Volcanic Blast Location Influences Climate Reaction

2005-07-18: Methane's Impacts on Climate Change May Be Twice Previous Estimates

2005-06-28: NASA's Cassini Reveals Lake-Like Feature on Titan

2005-05-20: Web Site Explains How Climate Change Affects New York City

2005-05-18: Marshes Tell Story of Medieval Drought, Little Ice Age, and European Settlers near New York City

2005-04-28: Earth's Energy Out of Balance

2005-03-23: Black and White: Soot on Ice

2005-03-09: Cassini Images of Titan Reveal an Active, Earth-like World

2005-02-08: Earth Gets a Warm Feeling All Over

2005-01-10: NASA Scientist Wins AMS Award

2005-01-10: Watching Earth's Climate Change in the Classroom


2004-11-09: NASA Climatologists Named in Scientific American Top 50 Scientists

2004-11-03: Scientists Hunt for Acid Rain and Methane in Wetlands

2004-10-06: Study Shows Potential for Antarctic Climate Change

2004-08-12: Modeling Ocean Behavior: The Key to Understanding Our Future Climate


2003-12-22: Black Soot and Snow: A Warmer Combination

2003-12-05: Saturn Details Become Visible To Cassini Spacecraft

2003-09-03: Ocean Sponging Up Some Warmth Over Next 50 Years

2003-05-13: NASA Finds Soot has Impact on Global Climate

2003-03-20: NASA Study Finds Increasing Solar Trend that Can Change Climate

2003-03-06: Rising Storms Revise Story of Jupiter's Stripes

2003-03-05: NASA Scientist Awarded Distinction of AGU 2003 Fellow

2003-02-10: NASA Goes On-Line with Extra-Tropical Storm Tracks Atlas


2002-10-28: Computer Model Suggests Future Crop Loss Due to Potential Increase in Extreme Rain Events Over Next Century

2002-09-26: Black Carbon Contributes to Droughts and Floods in China

2002-09-19: Climate Change: 50 Years Past and Possible Futures

2002-09-18: Study Finds Thicker Storm Clouds Over Warmer Tropical Waters Affect Climate

2002-06-04: Climate Change May Become Major Player in Ozone Loss

2002-01-31: Fewer Clouds Found in Tropics

2002-01-14: Greenhouse Emissions Growth Slowed Over Past Decade


2001-12-18: New NASA/SGI Supercomputer Brings "Early Spring" to Climate Models

2001-12-10: Methane Explosion Warmed the Prehistoric Earth, Possible Again

2001-12-06: The Sun's Chilly Impact on Earth

2001-11-19: Ocean Circulation Shut Down by Melting Glaciers After Last Ice Age

2001-11-05: Satellites Shed Light on a Warmer World

2001-09-18: El Niño, La Niña Rearrange South Pole Sea Ice

2001-04-23: Greenhouse Gases Main Reason for Quicker Northern Winter Warming

2001-04-17: Wetter Upper Atmosphere May Delay Global Ozone Recovery

2001-03-05: NASA Goddard Scientist to Receive Heinz Award

2001-01-16: The Eastern U.S. Keeps Its Cool While the World Warms


2000-10-05: NASA Scientist Predicts Less Climate Cooling from Clouds

2000-08-29: New Views on the Culprits of Climate Change

2000-06-19: Researchers Take New York City's Temperature


1999-06-04: Scientists Prepare New York City for Future Climate Change

1999-06-02: Warmer and Wetter Winters in Europe and Western North America Linked to Increasing Greenhouse Gases

1999-04-08: Link Between Solar Cycle and Climate is Blowin' in the Wind


1997-12-12: Opportunity to Avoid Extreme Climate Changes within Reach

1997-11-18: Global Land Precipitation Increases in 20th Century

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