Publication Abstracts

Minnis et al. 2020

Minnis, P., S. Sun-Mack, Y. Chen, F.-L. Chang, C.R. Yost, W.L. Smith, Jr., P.W. Heck, R.F. Arduini, S.T. Bedka, Y. Yi, G. Hong, Z. Jin, D. Painemal, R. Palikonda, B. Scarino, D.A. Spangenberg, R.A. Smith, Q.Z. Trepte, P. Yang, and Y. Xie, 2020: CERES MODIS cloud product retrievals for Edition 4, Part I: Algorithm changes. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., early on-line, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2020.3008866.

The Edition 2 (Ed2) cloud property retrieval algorithm system was upgraded and applied to MODerateresolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data for the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Edition 4 (Ed4). New calibrations for solar channels and use of the 1.24-µm channel for cloud optical depth over snow improve daytime consistency between Terra and Aqua MODIS retrievals. Employment of additional spectral channels and revised logic enhanced the cloud-top phase retrieval accuracy. A new ice crystal reflectance model and a CO2-channel algorithm retrieved higher ice clouds, while a new regional lapse rate technique produced more accurate water cloud heights than in Ed2. Ice cloud base heights are more accurate due to a new cloud thickness parameterization. Overall, cloud optical depths increased, especially over polar regions. Mean particle sizes rose slightly for water clouds, but more so for ice clouds in polar areas. New experimental parameters introduced in Ed4 are limited in utility, but will be revised for the next CERES edition. As part of the Ed4 retrieval evaluation, average properties are compared with those from other algorithms and differences between individual reference data and matched Ed4 retrievals are explored. Part II of this paper provides a comprehensive, objective evaluation of selected parameters. More accurate interpretation of CERES radiation measurements has resulted from the use of the Ed4 cloud properties.

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BibTeX Citation

  author={Minnis, P. and Sun-Mack, S. and Chen, Y. and Chang, F.-L. and Yost, C. R. and Smith, Jr., W. L. and Heck, P. W. and Arduini, R. F. and Bedka, S. T. and Yi, Y. and Hong, G. and Jin, Z. and Painemal, D. and Palikonda, R. and Scarino, B. and Spangenberg, D. A. and Smith, R. A. and Trepte, Q. Z. and Yang, P. and Xie, Y.},
  title={CERES MODIS cloud product retrievals for Edition 4, Part I: Algorithm changes},
  journal={IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.},

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RIS Citation

ID  - mi06520w
AU  - Minnis, P.
AU  - Sun-Mack, S.
AU  - Chen, Y.
AU  - Chang, F.-L.
AU  - Yost, C. R.
AU  - Smith, W. L., Jr.
AU  - Heck, P. W.
AU  - Arduini, R. F.
AU  - Bedka, S. T.
AU  - Yi, Y.
AU  - Hong, G.
AU  - Jin, Z.
AU  - Painemal, D.
AU  - Palikonda, R.
AU  - Scarino, B.
AU  - Spangenberg, D. A.
AU  - Smith, R. A.
AU  - Trepte, Q. Z.
AU  - Yang, P.
AU  - Xie, Y.
PY  - 2020
TI  - CERES MODIS cloud product retrievals for Edition 4, Part I: Algorithm changes
JA  - IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.
DO  - 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3008866
ER  -

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