
Healthy Birds, Healthy Habitats, Healthy Communities

The Migratory Bird Program is charged with conserving migratory bird populations through protection, restoration and management. Bird management includes both population and habitat conservation and management - and generally, managing habitats for bird conservation benefits a variety of species.

To manage birds and their habitats, we work with bird conservation partnerships comprising federal and state agencies, Tribes, nongovernment organizations, universities, corporations, individuals with expertise in bird conservation, and private landowners. These partnerships develop and implement management plans that provide explicit, strategic and adaptive sets of conservation actions required to return and maintain species to healthy and sustainable levels.

To help our partners manage birds and habitats, evaluate and monitor your impact on birds, or fulfill legal obligations, we also provide helpful tools and resources such as Best Management Practices, project assessment tools and other industry guidance documents and decision support tools.

To help regulate migratory bird harvest throughout the four migration flyways, we provide biological information such as survey data.

Biological and management information is also available for several nonhunted species.

Migratory Bird Joint Ventures, public-private partnerships that work in specific regions to conserve habitat for all birds, and conservation grant programs are also available. We also offer training resources for agency staff and non-government partners.

Last Updated: July 31, 2018