K-12 STEM Education

INL’s K-12 STEM education and outreach program focuses on developing a skilled, talented and prepared science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) literate workforce in order to fill the pipeline of potential future INL employees with scientists, engineers, and technicians.


INL’s core education programs include:

• Student outreach
• High school internships
• Teacher professional development programs
• Teaming with teachers
• INL education corporate investment
• Resource investment – student, informal STEM, teacher grants, and STEM classrooms
• Corporate – teacher resources and development
• Employee children scholarships


Click below to browse STEM Career opportunities at INL:

STEM Help Wanted INL

K-12 STEM Grants

INL is committed to increasing the number of students pursuing STEM careers. The lab does this by supporting the Idaho STEM initiative or i-STEM and also funding grants to enhance K-12 classrooms. Check the K-12 STEM Grants website for grant information.

Teaming Teachers with INL

Through this summer program, educators work with INL scientists and technical experts on research projects relevant to the classes they teach.