FFI: Ecological Monitoring Utilities

FFI graphic

Read the FFI Overview (PDF).

Visit the Google Discussion Group for FFI tips and technical support.


FFI and FFI-Lite v1.05.08 have been posted on the Manuals and Software page. Existing users should follow the instructions in the Upgrade Installation Instructions document available on application download page. New users should follow the installation instructions in the FFI User Guide. The major changes in v1.05.08 are:

  • Allow monitoring statuses to be copied with associated sample events when macro plots are assigned into a new project unit.
  • Right-click to assign monitoring status
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes including reports and analysis
  • Updated existing and added new CSV reports
  • Update files exported for FOFEM and FuelCalc
  • Behind-the-scenes code changes to improve efficiency of import/export
  • Added Canopy-Densiometer protocol and reports
  • Updated Log – Fixed-areaprotocol
  • Added sample attribute Comment field to each protocol
  • Remove support for GIS toolbar
  • Remove support for PDA




FFI (FEAT/FIREMON Integrated) is an interagency plot-level monitoring software application designed to assist managers with collection, storage and analysis of ecological information. It was developed through a complementary integration of the Fire Ecology Assessment Tool (FEAT) and FIREMON. FFI is funded by the Department of the Interior and US Forest Service, and developed in cooperation with Axiom IT Solutions.

FFI Team

Agency Oversight
Nate Benson, National Park Service
MaryBeth Keifer, National Park Service
Duncan Lutes, U.S. Forest Service
Martha Isbister, National Park Service

Development Team
Marc Dousset, Axiom IT Solutions
Erik Brilz, Axiom IT Solutions
John Caratti, Caratti Analytics, LLC
Carter Barnes, Crema Development