Manage AmeriCorps State and National Grants


Governing Authorities and Guidance  

Financial Management and Grant Administration

Federal Financial Management and Grant Administration Requirements

It is the responsibility of all grantees funded by CNCS to ensure appropriate stewardship of federal funds entrusted to them. Under our regulations, each grantee must maintain financial management systems that provide accurate, current, and complete recording and disclosure of the financial results of its program. To meet this requirement, you must have adequate accounting practices and procedures, internal controls, audit trails, and cost allocation procedures. Regulations require all organizations to have financial audits if they annually expend $750,000 or more under federal awards. This requirement applies to the organization’s total expenditures each fiscal year under all of its federal awards, not just an AmeriCorps grant.

See Financial and Grants Management for guidance on regulations, financial management and monitoring eCourses, the Federal Financial Report (FFR) and related FAQs, closeout documents, and additional financial management resources including guidance on subgrant award reporting.

National Service Criminal History Checks

The Corporation for National and Community Service has issued regulations requiring grantees to conduct and document National Service Criminal History Checks on AmeriCorps State and National program participants and staff members, as well as on participants in other Corporation programs.


eGRANTS is the CNCS online grant application and reporting system; it is also the gateway to the My AmeriCorps system, which allows users to manage their programs and members. Available resources include a:

Grantee Progress Reports

Member Enrollment

All programs are encouraged to begin the member enrollment process for AmeriCorps members as soon as possible after grant notification.  This includes taking proactive steps to plan for member recruitment, citizenship verification, and National Service Criminal History Check processes well in advance of your expected member start dates.

Member Enrollment Policy

Training Materials For the Member Enrollment Process

Archived Policy Documents Related to Member Enrollment

Identity and Citizenship Verification Process

To serve in an approved AmeriCorps position, an individual must be a citizen, national, or lawful permanent alien of the United States (42 U.S.C. 12602(a)(3)).  CNCS provides an automated system through which an individual's information can be verified by the Social Security Administration. AmeriCorps members cannot be enrolled until their citizenship status and Social Security Number validity has been verified. 

Performance Measurement and Evaluation

Learning and Best Practices

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