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More information about Macau is available on the China Country Page and from other Department of State publications and other sources listed at the end of this fact sheet.


In 1999, Macau returned to Chinese sovereignty from Portuguese administration. Macau is a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. Its foreign relations and defense are the responsibility of China. However, China grants Macau considerable autonomy in economic and commercial relations. Macau is a separate customs territory and economic entity from the rest of China and is able to enter into international agreements on its own behalf in commercial, economic and certain legal matters.

U.S. policy toward Macau is grounded in the U.S. Macau Policy Act of 1999 and reflects U.S. support for Macau’s autonomy under the “One Country, Two Systems” framework established in Macau’s Basic Law. The U.S. promotes trade and investment in Macau, supports broadening law enforcement cooperation, works to bolster academic, educational, and cultural links, supports official U.S. visitors to Macau, and serves the growing numbers of U.S. citizen residents and visitors in Macau. U.S. residents in Macau are estimated at over 4,000.

U.S. Assistance to Macau

The United States provides no foreign assistance to Macau.

Bilateral Economic Relations

In 2017, the United States accounted for 6.9% of Macau’s exports and 5.5% of its imports. U.S. investment has played a leading role in the development of Macau’s gaming and entertainment sector. As of the end of 2016, the total stock of U.S. foreign direct investment in Macau totaled $23.8 billion. There are over 30 U.S. firms doing business in Macau.

Macau’s Membership in International Organizations

Macau and the United States belong to a number of the same international organizations, including the World Trade Organization; the Egmont Group, an informal international gathering of financial intelligence units; and the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering, a Financial Action Task Force-style regional body.

Bilateral Representation

The U.S. Government has no offices in Macau. U.S. interests are represented by the U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong.

The U.S. Consul General in Hong Kong and Macau is Kurt Tong; other principal officials are listed in the Department’s Key Officers List.

China’s embassy  in the United States is at 3505 International Place, NW, Washington, D.C. 20008; Tel.: (202) 495-2266.

More information about Macau is available from the Department of State and other sources, some of which are listed here:

CIA World Factbook Macau Page 
U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Statistics International Offices Page (see Hong Kong) 
Library of Congress Country Studies 
Travel Information

U.S. Department of State

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