Welcome to the PPS (Precipitation Processing System) Public Website

The Precipitation Processing System (PPS) evolved from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Science Data and Information System (TSDIS).  The purpose of the PPS is to process, analyze and archive data from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, partner satellites and the TRMM mission.  The PPS also supports TRMM by providing validation products from TRMM ground radar sites.  All GPM, TRMM and Partner public data products are available to the science community and the general public from the TRMM/GPM FTP Data Archive. Please note that you need to register to be able to access this data.   You can quickly register with PPS at our registration portal:
Register with PPS 

Please note, that this registration requirement is now mandatory per NASA policy and the new metric requirements. We do not accept email addresses that require us to take a manual action (Boxbe, etc.) to complete this process.  Please do not use a university address, etc. that is a reflector to gmail but use the direct gmail address instead.

Once registered with us, you can use your registered Email address as both your user name and password to access our public data archive. Registered researchers can access our "arthurhou" data archive here:
PPS TRMM/GPM Public Data Archive

Breaking news Image

IMPORTANT: Please be aware that starting on January 19, 2021 FTP access to 'ftp://arthurhou.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/' will be replaced with FTPS and HTTPS access. This change is mandated by NASA/GSFC Internet Security. Click here for more details

The PPS GPM NRT has transtitioned from FTP to FTPS and https data retrieval as of June 18, 2020 on jsimpson

Please refernce IMPORTANT GPM NRT documents at the GPM NRT Information page for full details. These documents include the following: : FTP to FTPS Transition ,......jsimpsonhttps_retrieval,...... and SDPF Transition from FTP to FTPS . The first 3 documents referenced can also be found in the GPM Documentation page. Please also see Retrieval from arthurhouhttps for details about alternative access to the PPS GPM production area.


A Master (DOI) list of GPM, GPM Constellation (partner) Products and TRMM-Era Data Products can be viewed here.

GPM NRT (Near-Realtime) Data users can find GPM data on our jsimpson (Joanne Simpson) https/ FTPS server.  To gain access to the "jsimpson" NRT FTPS/ https server, you must indicate in the registration information page that you" intend to access these products immediately!".   If you are already registered, but cannot access the NRT ftp area; please enter your "registered" Email address on the registration information page and then click "Verify Email or Update Info".  Once you receive the "Manage PPS Registration" Email, click on the link and check the appropriate request button/box for "Near-Realtime Products" to ensure data access.

Registered users can also search for GPM, partner and TRMM data, order custom subsets and set up subscriptions using our PPS Data Products Ordering Interface (STORM)

PPS offers a selection of tools such as the Orbit Viewer THOR, the GPM Near Real Time Viewer and more for visualizing and analyzing PPS data products.  Users can find these resources here.

When visiting this website and using STORM and other PPS services, we recommend that all users have the most up to date browser software version to maintain full compatibility. Please note that some incompatibility issues can arise when using the "Safari" web browser  We recomend using Firefox or Chrome for the best user experience.  As of 9/01/2016, this website in keeping with NASA security guidelines supports the most current TLS protocol which is TLS 1.2 , but PPS may support other protocols as circumstances necessitate.


PPS System Maintenance Schedule

During the morning to early afternoon on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, PPS system and data server may be down for maintenance. .

For details on current and/or future scheduled PPS preventive or special maintenance please click here

News and Updates



News and Updates

Products Affected



GPM Spacecraft Anomaly and Current Status. The GPM spacecraft experienced an anomaly that caused an interruption of all science instrument data beginning on 8/19/2020 around 12:00 UT. GMI instrument data restarted collection on 8/26/2020 at 13:25 UT. DPR instrument data restarted collection on 8/26/2020 at 22:09 UT. All data collection is now nominal and instruments are in good condition. Near-real-time products are currently being produced and distributed. See Announcement for all details and data distribution projections.




PPS V06B GPM SLH L2-L3 Products Announcement. The Precipitation Processing System (PPS) will start the GPM Spectral Latent Heating (SLH) V06B level 2 and level 3 data reprocessing on Tuesday July 07, 2020. This reprocessing will cover the GPM era from its launch to current. It was found that the change of the input KuPR level 2 data from SLH V05 to V06 increased the bias between the KuPR near-surface precipitation and vertically integrated latent heating of GPM SLH V06A. V06B corrects for this. See Announcement.




TKIO Annoucement - PPS is Announcing a New tkio-3.97 Release.
PPS has created a new TKIO package which includes all the latest production formats. Those wishing to access new production data products listed below using C and Fortran interfaces may wish to download this TKIO package. Those using development TKIO versions that include the newer products do not need this public distribution, it is optional.

All Production Formats including recent additions of the V06X radar products and 3B42/3 in HDF5.



Announcing the availability of Experimental GPM DPR products for Ka Full Swath data with a Product Version of V06X. These are EXPERIMENTAL products and the data within is not suitable for use in publications, no DOI is allocated to these V06X products. The Joint Precipitation Science Team has approved these products for release to allow researchers to become accustomed to the new data and HDF data layout of the V06X products. See the Announcement link for Details

3DPRX (daily ASC/DES and monthly)
The GPM Combined L2/L3 products V06X version at a later date.



Effective 18 June 2020, the end of GPM NRT FTP availability

GPM NRT Data on jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov



PPS is releasing the DPR and downstream data for distribution from April 22, 2020 - April 30, 2020. There are continuing short data outages for the radar that are being investigated and corrective measures are scheduled to be applied on May 14, 2020. PPS will be releasing May 2020 data in stages with an expected return to normal data availability soon after the corrective measures are applied. For Level-1 and Level-2 products users should check the dataQuality flag given per scan to check validity of the data. For a list of orbits that were impacted by the radar anomalies, please see here & under 'Details'.


GPM Anomalous Events Table

HTTPS location


Following a reset of the DPR to Standby Mode that occurred on April 22, 2020, the DPR Ka radar data acquisition has been restored and PPS is expecting to begin releasing research quality products after May 14, 2020 with a catalog of impacted orbits.Users should expect some partial and/or empty Ku/Ka radar data products during the times between April 22, 2020 and May 14, 2020. GMI operations and data products continue to be nominal during this time. Near Real Time info and other details can be found on the "announcement" link




At 07:56:59GMT (3:56:59AM EDT) on April 22, 2020 both units on the Dual Precipitation Radar reset from Observation Mode to Standby Mode. The recovery process is ongoing for the Ka radar and we expect production of all radar products to resume normal operations soon. GMI operations and data products continue to be nominal during this time. PPS has put radar and downstream product distribution on hold. Once products are released users should expect to see some partial and/or fully empty radar products. PPS will provide a complete listing of those anomaly orbits once we have complete information. For GPM (NRT) Ku radar data is continuing to be received and Level-2 Ku products are currently being made available. Please click on "announcement" link (right) for full details




PPS is converting all of the V7 TMPA 3B42 and 3B43 data products to the HDF5 format. These products will be available from the PPS archive after the products are produced and archived at: ftp://arthurhou.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov/ The data will be located under the 'trmmdata' directory along side of the current HDF4 products and also through STORM (PPS's Online Data Ordering Interface): https://storm.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov

TMPA 3B42 and 3B43



IMPORTANT: Effective June 01, 2020, ftp will no longer be available on the NRT server: jsimpson.pps.eosdis.nasa.gov . On that date the primary access method will be ftps. A number of different ways to use ftps are available: Click on the "Announcement" link for details.

GPM NRT Data Products



PPS has commenced processing new satellite METOPC MHS GPM data starting with Dec 11, 2019 data.  L1C METOPC MHS GPM and L2- L3 GPROFMETOPC MHS GPM  data and climatology products are available.

METOPC MHS GPM Level 1C,  GPROFMETOPC MHS GPM Level 2 and Level 3 data and Climatology Products



Previous IMPORTANT PPS News and Update Announcements can be viewed here:  


  • TRMM public data archive Icon PPS Public Data Archive GPM,TRMM and partner data products and files for the entire mission can be found here.
  • THOR Application Icon PPS Orbit Viewer -THOR (Tool for High-resolution Observation Review) For (Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X)  Get the latest Release.
  • STORM Application Icon STORM (Science Team On-Line Request Module) Browse and order TRMM data with PPS STORM (Science Team On-Line Request Module)
  • NRT viewer GPM NRT (Near Real-Time) Interactive Viewer. This tool displays NRT GMI Level 1, DPR Level 2, GPROF (GMI Level 2), DPR/GMI combined Level 2 and IMERG Half-hour Early data
    as soon as it is available in the NRT archive on a three-dimensional interactive globe.
  • GPM project satellite diagram GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) Mission Home
    GPM web site
  • GPM Preliminary Documents Icon GPM Documents
    PPS/ GPM File and naming Specifications for the Global Precipitation Measuring Mission GPM)
  • GPM Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents icon GPM ATBD (Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents)
    PPS/ GPM Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documentation for Level 1, Level 2 and merged product algorithms and other variables.
  • GPM GV data GPM Ground Validation (GV) Data
    Web Portal for accessing the various radar, disdrometer, gauge and other instrument data sets supporting GPM GV activities
  • GPM field-campaigns GHRC (Global Hydrology Resource Center) Field Campaign Data
    The mission of the GHRC DAAC is to provide a comprehensive active archive of both data and knowledge augmentation services with a focus on hazardous weather, its governing dynamical and physical processes, and associated applications. Within this broad mandate, GHRC will focus on lightning, tropical cyclones and storm-induced hazards through integrated collections of satellite, airborne, and in-situ data sets.  This link focuses on the field campaigns including GPM-GV.
  • Toolkit Icon GPM Science Algorithm Toolkit
    This version of PPS/GPM Science Algorithm Toolkit (TKIO), "Toolkit for I/O (input/output)" incorporates the initial GPM product formats.


    PPS Rules of Behavior (For PPS Staff) and (External NASA Affiliates)

    PPS User Access Request Form (GSFC Only)

    Accessing GPM GMI Near-realtime Data



    TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)

    PPS Documentation Icon PPS/TRMM documentation TRMM data product documentation can be found here. Version 7 documentation is now available

    Toolkit Icon PPS TRMM Science Algorithm Toolkit
    The PPS/TRMM Science Algorithm Toolkit (TKIO), "Toolkit for I/O (input/ output)" allows seamless integration of TRMM algorithms into the PPS environment.