Electoral College

The Electoral College

Certificates now available! 

The Certificates from the 2020 Electoral College are posted to the 2020 results page after we receive them from the States and can process them. We post the Certificates on a rolling basis and update the page only on Federal business days.

It's a Process, not a Place

The Electoral College is how we refer to the process by which the United States elects the President, even though that term does not appear in the U.S. Constitution.  In this process, the States (which includes the District of Columbia just for this process) elect the President and Vice President.

The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) is a part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and, on behalf of the Archivist of the United States, coordinates certain functions of the Electoral College between the States and Congress. Acting as an intermediary, it reviews the Certificates of Ascertainment and Vote before Congress accepts them as evidence of official State action in preparation for the counting of electoral votes in Congress. In addition to posting them on this website, OFR makes the physical Certificates available for public inspection for one year following the election. After that year, the Certificates become part of the National Archives collection.

OFR has no role in appointing electors and has no contact with them.

