Welcome to the SeaWiFS Bio-optical Archive and Storage System (SeaBASS), the publicly shared archive of in situ oceanographic and atmospheric data maintained by the NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG). For information on how to search for data, please refer to the "Get Data" menu options. For information about preparing files for submission to SeaBASS, refer to "Contribute Data."

Recent Data Updates

Date Investigator Cruise Parameters
2020-12-17 Antonio Mannino b01_biome ag
2020-12-09 Jonathan Sherman M158 par,f-initial,fm,fv_fm,sigma_psii,tauav
2020-11-20 Craig Lee EXPORTSNP wt,sal,sigma_theta,ed,par,oxygen_kg,vsf,chl
2020-11-17 David Siegel [Multiple cruises] ag,abs_ag,abs_blank_ag
2020-11-13 Antonio Mannino cyanate2016 DOC_L, TDN
2020-11-06 Antonio Mannino cyanate2016 PN,POC,volfilt
2020-11-03 Jacqueline Long EXPORTSNP wt,sal,ph,no3
2020-10-27 Ken Buesseler EXPORTSNP conc_th_234,pc,pic,pn,ba_138_134_d_delta,conc_po_210
2020-10-13 Antonio Mannino [Multiple cruises] poc,poc_sd,poc_cv,pn,pn_sd,pn_cv,volume
2020-10-11 Antonio Mannino p06_2017_leg2 poc,poc_sd,pn,pn_sd



New website look

The SeaBASS website has received a new look to go along with several background updates and small accessibility changes.


filename extension change (.sb)

The filename extension ".sb" is now officially used to identify the SeaBASS file format. Read more. Data submitters, please use ".sb" when creating future file names (instead of .csv, .txt, etc.) Data users should note that a large percentage of historical files have had their names updated to the new standard. Other than the metadata "/data_file_name" being updated, the contents and format are otherwise unchanged.


New: Data Submission Special Requirements

A new Data Submission Special Requirements page has been launched. It has requirements and examples for various types of data. When preparing a new submission, check to see if your data type is listed on that page. If so, review the conditionally required metadata, and optionally read tips or examples for formatting your files.

Importantly, some submissions must now include a checklist document listed under required extra documents. Checklists forms were designed to standardize and better preserve critical methods and analysis details that are part of community vetted protocols.
