
What would you do if you had access to unlimited computing and world-class experts to help you use it?

In today’s highly interconnected global economy, market leaders know that high performance computing is a critical ingredient in the recipe for competitive success.

What is ACCEL?

Accelerating Competitiveness through Computational Excellence (ACCEL) is an Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) program that is helping start-up companies to Fortune 500 giants supercharge their competitiveness through access to world class computational resources and expertise not available elsewhere. These firms are gaining hands-on experience applying advanced computational tools to their problems and realizing bottom line business benefits.

In today’s highly interconnected global economy, market leaders know that high performance computing (HPC) is a critical ingredient in the recipe for competitive success. Modeling, simulation,
visualization, and large scale data analysis with HPC accelerate innovation while lowering its risk, resulting in lower costs, faster time to market and increased revenue.

What are companies doing with us?

  • Tackling strategic, competitively important problems that are too complex to address with in-house computing resources
  • Scaling internally developed software and investigating codes that already scale
  • Conducting large scale Multidisciplinary Design Optimizations (MDOs) and Design of Experiments (DOEs)
  • Developing new UQ/V&V methodologies for large scale modeling and simulation applications
  • Investigating new/novel approaches to enhance cyber security for internal systems as well as supply chains
  • Testing pathways that build an internal ROI case for additional systems and software

What are Companies Accomplishing?

  • Reducing time to market for new products
  • Accelerating and lowering the cost of R&D
  • Achieving breakthrough insights and understanding
  • Solving seemingly intractable problems
  • Advancing in their ability to use larger scale high performance computing systems to solve more difficult problems
  • Gaining a “crystal ball” look into advanced HPC systems, software, and cyber security methods and a head start in using them


“The ability to work in a relationship similar to what we have right now with Oak Ridge National Lab will allow not only GE, but other private companies to compete effectively globally.”
— Michael Idelchik (VP, Advanced Technologies, GE Global Research)


There are three pathways to apply for time on ORNL’s Summit:

1 Director’s Discretionary Allocation: Allocations (up to 5 million hours of compute time) for high impact science and engineering problems that exceed a company’s internal computing capabilities; scaling, and application performance to maximize productivity on OLCF resources; preparation for ALCC and INCITE applications (see below). Apply year-round.
Director’s Discretionary Application

2 ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC): Larger high-risk, high-payoff simulations that are directly related to the DOE mission (such as advancing energy efficiency), and for broadening the community of researchers capable of using leadership computing resources. Annual call for proposals.
ALCC Information and Application

3 INCITE: Computationally intensive, large-scale research projects pursuing transformational advances in science and engineering through the use of a substantial allocation of computer time and data storage or that require the unique leadership-class architectural infrastructure. Applicants must present evidence that their proposed production simulations can make effective use of a significant fraction, in most cases 20 percent or more, of the high-performance computing (HPC) systems offered for allocation. Annual call for proposals.
INCITE Website
INCITE Application/Additional FAQ

Additional information about these programs can be found on our “Getting Started” page.

What about Fees?

Is there a fee to join the ACCEL program?
This is not a membership program so there is no fee to “join.”

Is there a fee to use Summit?
Users have two options when using Summit:

Option 1 The user agrees to release meaningful research results in order to lift the knowledge base of the science and engineering community. The user is expected to use best efforts to publish these results in an open scientific journal or significant industry technical journal or in significant technical conference proceedings. Most of the projects at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility fall into this category.

Option 2 The user agrees to pay a DOE cost recovery fee if the project output is strictly proprietary.

Are There Other Ways to Work Together?

  • We can collaborate to solve your problem through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA)
    • We provide in-depth assistance with code scaling, algorithm development; data analytics; new code design, etc.
    • CRADA could include access to Summit
  • We can do the work for you through a “Work For Others” contract
    • Building your models
    • Developing new methods and new algorithms
    • Profiling and scaling your code to run more efficiently on current architectures
    • Developing new code design

How Can I get More Information?

If you are interested in learning more about this program, please contact Suzy Tichenor.

Director, Industrial Partnerships Program: Suzy Tichenor
Phone: (703) 413-7846
Email: tichenorsp@ornl.gov