COVID-19 Information

SLAC received approval from the Department of Energy to move into Phase 1 of recovery on June 30. The current peak daily population limit for Phase 1 is 600 personnel on site (approximately 1/3 of the normal site population).

The primary purpose of Phase 1 is to further prepare buildings and workspaces for resumption of work, allow for additional work on the recovery of LCLC and the LCLS-II project, and expand some laboratory work activities. Other on-site activities include COVID-19-related research, site security, facility maintenance, custodial services, essential computing maintenance, and shipping & receiving.

We will continue to take a measured and phased approach to these activities, with safety considerations underpinning all that we do.

SLAC employees looking for COVID-19 information, including FAQs, should visit the COVID-19 Resource Center, which requires an employee login.

Below are some FAQs for members of the public and those interested in visiting SLAC for tours, events, or to use our scientific facilities.

(Updated 10/2/20)



Information for Visitors and Users


When will the run schedules for facilities be made available? (last updated 10/2)

Run 18 for LCLS started on Aug. 16 and will run through April 2021. Only users whose on-site presence is deemed essential will be approved by LCLS management to come on site. See the latest LCLS experimental run schedules.

SPEAR3 restarted in September following a brief maintenance shutdown over the summer. SSRL is gradually restarting beam lines. Due to COVID-19, initial X-ray experiments will be performed primarily by beam line staff through mail-in samples or remote access. Get the latest COVID-19 updates on the SSRL website.

What procedures will be in effect for external/international Users at our facilities? (last updated 10/2)

The goal is to ensure the health and safety of everyone on site, so users will also be subject to our new COVID-19 safety protocols, including daily Health Checks, the use of face coverings, physical distancing, and cleaning as you go. However, the vast majority of our users will conduct their experiments remotely, with the support of a limited number of on-site staff.

How will visitors and Users be affected by the curtailment of on-site activity at SLAC? (last updated 10/2)

Visitors and children will not be allowed on site during this period. If you'd like to visit the lab virtually, we have a virtual interactive tour that you can explore. Our Public Lecture series has also gone virtual, with live Q&As conducted online.

Generally, users will not be allowed on site unless authorized by SLAC management. Certain LCLS Users may be authorized to come on site for experiments during Run 18, which began on Aug. 16, where an on-site presence is deemed essential and has been approved by LCLS management. X-ray experiments at SSRL are primarily being performed by beam line staff through mail-in samples or remote access.

When will SLAC resume tours? (last updated 10/2)

All SLAC tours are cancelled at this time until further notice. We will be taking guidance from public health officials when planning the resumption of tours and other events. If you'd like to visit the lab virtually, we have a virtual interactive tour that you can explore. Please check our website for updates on public tours and educational tours.

What are the plans for summer internship programs? (last updated 06/12)

SLAC will still be participating in and providing summer learning opportunities, but all opportunities will be offered remotely without exception, and only students residing in the U.S. can participate. Compared to previous years, we'll have more middle and high school participants and less college students. Employees can read more about summer internships and educational programs this year on SLAC Today (internal link)


About On-site Safety


How will cleaning materials be provided to support clean-as-you-go protocols on site? (last updated 10/2)

All activities on site require the completion of a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) in partnership with Environment, Safety, and Health (ESH) Coordinators. During this process, required cleaning supplies will be identified and ordered for pickup by ESH Coordinators at Building 462.

Will Health Check compliance be checked at the Main Gate? (last updated 05/11)

At the moment, there is no feasible way to check all people coming in through the Main Gate. The participation of all personnel in the daily Health Checks is key to the tool’s effectiveness.

We are currently working with Stanford IT, OHC and Security to investigate ways to tie in site access with completion of the health check, whether through a barcode on your phone or through the badging system.

Will external contractors be required to use the Health Check tool? (last updated 05/11)

We’re in discussions with Procurement, Legal, and contracting companies on the best way to implement employee screening for those employees - whether they use the Stanford Health Check tool or an equivalent program run by the contracting company.

How are we planning to control outside vendors and deliveries - will incoming drivers or visitors be screened? (last updated 05/11)

All outside vendors and contractors are required to comply with SLAC’s COVID-19 health and safety protocols, including requirements for face coverings, daily health screenings and cleaning as you go.



How SLAC is Helping


What research is SLAC involved with to help with the pandemic? (last updated 08/14)

Visit our COVID-19 Research at SLAC page to find out more.

How is SLAC working with the DOE and other national labs? (last updated 05/11)

SLAC is part of the Department of Energy’s COVID-19 Working Group, which brings the 17 national labs together as a single virtual lab. The working group, also called the National Virtual Biotechnology Laboratory (NVBL) consortium, is led by Office of Science Director Chris Fall and leverages the broad range of advanced scientific tools, deep technical knowledge, and unique expertise of all 17 national labs in a coordinated and rapid response to COVID-19.
This system-wide effort is developing ideas and approaches in a number of areas, including bioimaging, therapeutics, computing, sterilization and decontamination, viral fate and transport, next generation testing, large scale environmental testing, materials and advanced manufacturing, and supply chains, with $100m in funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. SLAC is part of six multi-lab proposal teams that have made submissions for the NVBL R&D initiative.
Our people are also teaming up with the Bay Area labs (LBNL, Livermore and Sandia) to plan a local, virtual lab to provide a framework for the national collaboration.



COVID-19 Resources





