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Russia Just Doubled Its Hypersonic Strike Force

David Axe

The Russian air force is standing up a hypersonic strike squadron in Russia’s northern region.

The 98th Mixed Air Regiment, based at Monchegorsk on the Kola Peninsula, already flies twin-engine MiG-31 interceptors. And now the air force is modifying those jets to the new MiG-31K standard, making with them compatible with the Kinzhal hypersonic missile.

The missile, which flies as fast as Mach 10 over a distance of 1,200 miles or so, is all but impervious to existing missile-defense systems—as many ballistic missiles are. In wartime, MiG-31s packing Kinzhals could bombard high-value NATO forces.

But Russian planners would need to be picky. There aren’t a lot of Kinzhals in the inventory. And after the 98th Mixed Air Regiment completes its re-equipment effort, there might be just 20 or so Kinzhal-compatible MiG-31Ks in the entire Russian air force.

The first 10-plane MiG-31K regiment, in the Kremlin’s Southern Military District, got Kinzhals back in late 2017 for operations over the Black and Caspian Seas.

The Kinzhal is a variant of the Iskander ground-launched ballistic missile. Twenty-seven feet in length, it’s too bulky for all but the biggest fighters to carry. The 74-foot-long MiG-31 with its high supersonic speed and impressive altitude performance—65,000 feet or more under some circumstances—is probably the best possible Kinzhal-carrier in Russian service.

Kinzhal could carry a nuclear warhead. And its applications in an atomic war are obvious—obliterate European cities and military bases and speed along the end of the world. The Russian air force’s Il-20M electronic reconnaissance aircraft reportedly can relay target coordinates to MiG-31Ks.

Doctrine for conventional warfare is less obvious. “Given the relatively still-limited number of platforms ... I think Kinzhal is probably focused on higher-value targets such as command-and-control, bases and potentially large ships,” said Han Kristensen, a nuclear expert with the Federation of American Scientists in Washington, D.C.

MiG-31s firing Kinzhals from over Russian territory could strike targets in every NATO country in Europe east of France. If they managed to plot a course over the North Atlantic before launching, the MiGs could target all of NATO’s European members.

And it’s not like Kinzhal is Russia’s only deep-strike munition. “It should be seen in context of the other long-range systems such as the Kalibr and Zircon [cruise missiles],” Kristensen said. “These systems are all about overwhelming defenses with numbers, stealth and speed.”

It’s worth noting that the U.S. Air Force is forming its own hypersonic strike force. The service is testing Lockheed Martin’s LMT Air-Launched Rapid-Response Weapon and could field the weapon in the next few years. The Mach-20 ARRW could arm the B-1 and B-52 bombers and the new F-15EX fighter.

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I'm a journalist, author and filmmaker based in Columbia, South Carolina.