29 min

Ep. #028 - Foreign Investigation Work & Champagne Charlie Case with IA Ryan Heethius Standing Post

    • Government

Episode #028 - Please welcome two-time guest, Investigative Analyst Ryan Heethius of the Paris Field Office who speaks on his roles and responsibilities as a foreign field office IA for the Secret Service. He also speaks on an investigation he took part in back in the states called Champagne Charlie. IA Ryan Heethius is under the Investigative Support Division (ISD) for the Office of Investigations. Ryan has worked on many different cases to include, including counterfeit operations, money laundering, homicide, and cybercrime. The role of an Investigative Analysts are multi-faceted, consisting of broad-based criminological research, link analysis, intelligence data gathering, performing complex statistical analysis and trend forecasting for criminal and protective intelligence, develops curricula for and provides high-quality training for investigators, researchers, and support staff. IAs also travel frequently to support field offices and task forces, often assisting with search warrants and asset forfeiture. The work of IAs involves extensive knowledge of criminological theories, research methodologies, and the development and use of investigative and intelligence systems and analysis of investigative cases such as; financial crimes, access device fraud, telecom fraud, high- tech crimes, counterfeit U.S. currency and obligations, and protective intelligence.

Special Thanks to Ryan Heethius and ISD for their time and support.  Special thanks to the executive leadership of the Secret Service and the Office of Communication and Media Relations for their continued time and support of this podcast.

Hosted, Produced, and Edited by: Cody Starken
Associate Producer and assistant editor: Starr Vazquez

This episode is sponsored by the United States Secret Service.  www.secretservice.gov

Music is “Nova Police” by Hermelin, found here:  www.hermelin.bandcamp.com/track/nova-police
The music used in the podcast was altered from the original soundtrack by cutting specific sections of the music to create the intro and outro of the podcast.  This work Attribution-Noncommercial-sharealike 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US), which license definition is located here: creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0

Want to join the Secret Service?  Click here to start your journey
Please visit us at: Twitter @secretservice, Instagram @secretservice, Facebook @UnitedStatesSecretServiceOfficial, YouTube @US Secret Service, and LinkedIn @U.S. Secret

Subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or SoundCloud.com and find it at www.secretservice.gov/press/social-media/

Episode #028 - Please welcome two-time guest, Investigative Analyst Ryan Heethius of the Paris Field Office who speaks on his roles and responsibilities as a foreign field office IA for the Secret Service. He also speaks on an investigation he took part in back in the states called Champagne Charlie. IA Ryan Heethius is under the Investigative Support Division (ISD) for the Office of Investigations. Ryan has worked on many different cases to include, including counterfeit operations, money laundering, homicide, and cybercrime. The role of an Investigative Analysts are multi-faceted, consisting of broad-based criminological research, link analysis, intelligence data gathering, performing complex statistical analysis and trend forecasting for criminal and protective intelligence, develops curricula for and provides high-quality training for investigators, researchers, and support staff. IAs also travel frequently to support field offices and task forces, often assisting with search warrants and asset forfeiture. The work of IAs involves extensive knowledge of criminological theories, research methodologies, and the development and use of investigative and intelligence systems and analysis of investigative cases such as; financial crimes, access device fraud, telecom fraud, high- tech crimes, counterfeit U.S. currency and obligations, and protective intelligence.

Special Thanks to Ryan Heethius and ISD for their time and support.  Special thanks to the executive leadership of the Secret Service and the Office of Communication and Media Relations for their continued time and support of this podcast.

Hosted, Produced, and Edited by: Cody Starken
Associate Producer and assistant editor: Starr Vazquez

This episode is sponsored by the United States Secret Service.  www.secretservice.gov

Music is “Nova Police” by Hermelin, found here:  www.hermelin.bandcamp.com/track/nova-police
The music used in the podcast was altered from the original soundtrack by cutting specific sections of the music to create the intro and outro of the podcast.  This work Attribution-Noncommercial-sharealike 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US), which license definition is located here: creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0

Want to join the Secret Service?  Click here to start your journey
Please visit us at: Twitter @secretservice, Instagram @secretservice, Facebook @UnitedStatesSecretServiceOfficial, YouTube @US Secret Service, and LinkedIn @U.S. Secret

Subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or SoundCloud.com and find it at www.secretservice.gov/press/social-media/

29 min

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