Eric Tegler

Dec 11, 2020

Tomcat RIO Is A Welcome Escape And A Great Christmas Stocking-Stuffer.

For those who love airplanes, taking a ride in the back seat of an F-14A Tomcat in the late 1980s is an appealing daydream for the short Holiday afternoons to come. Tomcat RIO comfortably closes the canopy around the reader, providing a personal look at life in an F-14 squadron.
Dec 1, 2020

Super Late? Japanese Budget Shortfalls Could Cause Delays In F-15JSI Upgrades

Among the qualities that will set Japan’s F-15 JSI apart from other Boeing Advanced F-15 Eagles could be delayed entry into service. Recent reports in the Japanese press suggest the country’s plan to upgrade 20 of its F-15Js to F-15JSIs by 2027 is running into budget headwinds.