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     Deposit Market Share Reports - Summary of Deposits

The Deposit Market Share is the percentage of deposits an FDIC-insured institution has within a defined geographic market. This data is based on the annual Summary of Deposits (SOD) survey for FDIC-insured institutions as of June 30.

The Deposit Market Share and the Pro Forma (HHI) Reports provide information for all institutions within a specific geographic market for a specific time period. The Market Presence and Growth Rate Reports provide similar information, but from the perspective of one institution. All reports provide data back to 1994 and are available by institution or bank holding company.
Deposit Market Share Pro-Forma Market Presence Growth Rate
The Deposit Market Share Report provides a summary of all FDIC-insured institutions, the number of branches, the amount of deposits and the percentage of their market share for any specified geographic area (state, county, city, zip code). Multiple geographic components can be combined to create user defined custom markets (e.g. multiple counties, zip codes and cities) by holding down the Control key while selecting within the list box.
Deposits as of
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