The National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) is a nationally-directed, locally-administered program of services for migrant and seasonal farmworkers (MSFWs) and includes 53 Career Services and Training grants and 9 Housing grants across the United States and Puerto Rico. See Career Services and Training Grants and Housing Grants for more information.

The program partners with community organizations and state agencies to counter the chronic unemployment and underemployment experienced by farmworkers who depend primarily on jobs in agricultural labor performed across the country. The NFJP is an integral part of the public workforce system and a partner in the nationwide network of American Job Centers. In addition, NFJP partners with state monitor advocates to provide services to farmworkers and their families working in agriculture employment.

The NFJP program was created under the 1964 Civil Rights Act and is currently authorized under Section 167 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).