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160 Products Found
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The Resurgence of Methamphetamines: Methamphetamine Abuse Associated with the Opioid Crisis
This resource chronicles the recent resurgence of methamphetamine abuse. In addition to documenting the emerging epidemic, it offers pragmatic analysis, recommendations, and resources to assist law enforcement and public health officials respond to the threats posed by increased methamphetamine abuse.
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Promising Practices in Forensic Lab Intelligence
Promising Practices in Forensic Lab Intelligence was developed to provide law enforcement intelligence functions and fusion centers with promising practices and recommendations on how to develop or enhance the relationships between forensic labs and intelligence units to further build out agency intelligence ...
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Analyst Professional Development Road Map, Version 2.0
The resource creates a sustainable, professional career path for analysts operating within federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial organizations.  This path focuses on the development and enhancement of analytic-related knowledge, skills, and abilities over four overarching analyst levels (basic, intermediate, ...
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Global Advisory Committee (GAC) Meeting - Spring 2019 Meeting Highlights
On March 28, 2019, premier leaders and practitioners from across the justice landscape convened for the Spring 2019 Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) Advisory Committee (GAC, Committee) Meeting.  To maximize resources and provide opportunities for Global engagement by an even greater range of ...
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A Global Unified Message Regarding Information Sharing
This 2-page resource provides guidance on planning for system interoperability, incorporating nationwide information sharing programs into policies and plans to leverage existing trusted information sharing platforms, and applying best practices to improve access to data while ensuring privacy, civil rights, and civil ...
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Fusion Center Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Policy Development Template, Version 3.0
This is the third version of the Fusion Center Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Policy Development Template that was developed by DOJ in collaboration with DHS in the joint DHS/DOJ Fusion Process Technical Assistance Program. This version was further supported by the Office of the Program Manager for the ...
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Global Advisory Committee (GAC) Meeting - Summer 2018 Meeting Highlights
On August 29, 2018, premier leaders and practitioners from across the justice landscape convened for the Summer 2018 Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) Advisory Committee (GAC, Committee) Meeting. To maximize resources and provide opportunities for Global engagement by an even greater range of ...
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Alerts Save Lives: A Unified Message Regarding the Need to Support Nationwide Alerts
The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) partnered with the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) to develop a unified message to bring attention to the importance of nationwide alerts.  This message defines the different alerts types, stresses the import role alerts play in law enforcement and ...
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Face Recognition Policy Development Template For Use In Criminal Intelligence and Investigative Activities
This resource is designed to provide guidance to state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement entities, fusion centers, and other public safety agencies on developing policies and procedures for the use of face recognition tools in criminal intelligence and investigative activities.
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Considerations and Recommendations Regarding State and Local Officer-Involved Use-of-Force Investigations
The Considerations and Recommendations Regarding State and Local Officer-Involved Use-of-Force Investigations resource sets forth recommendations and considerations for municipal, county, and state law enforcement officials tasked with ensuring accountability for critical use-of-force incidents that result in death or ...
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Real-Time and Open Source Analysis (ROSA) Resource Guide
The Real-Time Open Source Analysis (ROSA) Resource Guide was developed by the National Network of Fusion Centers, in partnership with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's (ODNI) Office of Partner Engagement for the Information Sharing Environment (PE-ISE), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), ...
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Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Online Training Flyer
The Global Reference Architecture Training is a free, self-paced, online course that helps justice and public safety practitioners gain a comprehensive understanding of the GRA framework, standards, methods, and processes. It uses interactive, scenario-based training that helps stakeholders—such as executives, senior ...
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License Plate Reader Policy Development Template for Use in Intelligence and Investigative Activities
The License Plate Reader Policy Development Template for Use in Intelligence and Investigative Activities (LPR Policy Template) is a policy guidance resource designed specifically for law enforcement entities and fusion centers to assist them in their efforts to develop comprehensive privacy, civil rights, and civil ...
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Global Advisory Committee (GAC) Meeting - Fall 2016 Meeting Highlights
On November 29−30, premier leaders and practitioners from across the justice landscape convened for the Fall 2016 Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) Advisory Committee (GAC, Committee) Meeting. To maximize resources and provide opportunities for Global engagement by an even greater range of subject-matter ...
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Public Safety Primer on Cloud Technology
The Public Safety Primer on Cloud Technology is a high-level primer for law enforcement and public safety communities regarding video and the cloud environment. With the quantity of video evidence now available, storage is a significant problem for record management systems and bandwidth capability. Obtaining video from a ...
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Video Evidence: A Primer for Prosecutors
Video Evidence: A Primer for Prosecutors was developed for the purpose of educating prosecutors on the numerous sources of video evidence, the benefits of its use in court, and challenges faced by prosecutors’ offices in the handling of video evidence. A sample process flow is included as step-by-step guidance on the ...
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Custody Release Reporting Service Specification, Version 1.0
The Custody Release Reporting Service (CRRS) receives reports regarding a release from custody (confinement).    NOTE: To fully review the purpose, scope, capability offered and real-world effect(s) this service specification intends to address, we invite your full review of the associated Service Description ...
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Booking Reporting Service Specification, Version 1.0
The Booking Reporting Service (BRS) is intended to assist with automating the report of a booking. This service provides the ability to report booking information collected at the booking facility at the time of offender intake. A likely consumer of this service is a jail and/or other booking facility.    NOTE: To ...
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Understanding Digital Footprints: Steps to Protect Personal Information
This document provides material designed to assist law enforcement personnel in protecting themselves and their families from becoming cyber targets: protecting personal information, cyber dos and don'ts, and links to further cyber training and resources.
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Person Photo Search Results Service, Version 1.0
The Person Photo Search Results Service provides photos and demographic data from a Photo Imaging Network (PIN) and DOT photo systems. NOTE: To fully review the purpose, scope, capability offered and real-world effect(s) this service specification intends to address, we invite your full review of the associated Service ...
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Person Photo Search Request Service, Version 1.0
The Person Photo Search Request Service provides the capability to request photos and demographic data from a Photo Imaging Network and DOT photo systems matching provided criteria. The service will take various combinations of Name, Date of Birth (DOB), Social Security Number (SSN), Operators License Number (OLN), and State ...
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Inmate Status Reporting Service, Version 1.0
The Inmate Status Reporting Service provides correctional institutions the capability to report inmate records at predefined events within the inmate supervision life cycle. This service receives inmate records from correctional institutions. NOTE: To fully review the purpose, scope, capability offered and real-world ...
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Juvenile Education History Query/Response Service, Version 1.0
The Juvenile Education History Query/Response Service (JEHQRS) is designed to support sharing of educational background information among Juvenile Justice Decision Makers who are often responsible for performing youth risk assessments and State Educational Agencies (SEA). The JEHQRS allows a requesting juvenile ...
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Offender Tracking Record Transfer Service Specification, Version 1.0
Offender tracking systems generate vast amounts of data; however, community corrections agencies that operate offender tracking programs report that it is often difficult to share this data. This problem is most clearly manifested in cases where an agency is ending its contractual relationship with one offender tracking ...
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Cyber Training for Law Enforcement Call to Action
The flyer is designed to help raise awareness of the need for state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement leaders to ensure that appropriate agency personnel receive cybercrime training.
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Global Advisory Committee: Fall 2015 GAC Meeting Summary
This document provides an overview of the topics, resolutions, and resources (including associated links) presented and approved at the November 4, 2015, meeting of the Global Advisory Committee (GAC), held in Washington, DC, at the Office of Justice Programs offices. The GAC is supported and guided by the Bureau of Justice ...
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Disposition Reporting Service Specification, Version 1.0
Reporting disposition information is critical in keeping justice business partners and systems up-to-date with current details regarding dispositions. This service provides the ability to report dispositions.   NOTE:  To fully review the purpose, scope, capability offered and real-world effect(s) this service ...
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Arrest Reporting Service Specification, Version 1.0
Reporting arrest information is critical in keeping justice business partners and systems up-to-date with current details regarding arrests. This service provides the ability to report new arrests and provide updates to arrests. NOTE: To fully review the purpose, scope, capability offered and real-world effect(s) this ...
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Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Audit Guidance for the State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Intelligence Component
The Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Audit Guidance for the State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Intelligence Component is designed to help state, local, tribal, and territorial agencies conduct a privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties audit of records within the agency's intelligence component.
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Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Service Specification Package V 1.2.0 (Template)
The GRA Service Specification Package (SSP) is a package of 12 templates that developers will find useful when developing a service specification. Please refer to the Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Service Specification Guideline V 1.2.0 (also located within GIST) for practical information on how to use the GRA SSP and ...
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Solving Real-World Business Problems in the Field: Highlights From BJA’s Global Justice Information Sharing Implementations
This document highlights examples of field implementations of the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s (BJA) Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global)-recommended solutions, including the Global Reference Architecture (GRA), Global Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM) framework, National Information ...
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Analyst Professional Development Road Map
This document identifies suggested minimum competencies, knowledge/skills/abilities, and education/trainng for the basic, intermediate, and advanced analytic levels.
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Global Advisory Committee (GAC) - Winter 2015 GAC Meeting Summary
This document provides an overview of the topics, resolutions, and resources (including associated links) presented and approved at the January 27, 2015, meeting of the Global Advisory Committee, held in Washington, DC, at the Office of Justice Programs offices. Included is a recap of the biennial election of the new GAC ...
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Merge Notification Service Specification, Version 1.0
The purpose of the Merge Notification Service is to communicate information about multiple individual system records that, based on certain criteria, represent the same real-world entity. It is a companion service to the Entity Resolution Service. Law enforcement support systems (e.g., federated query or link analysis ...
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Entity Resolution Service Specification, Version 1.0
The purpose of the Entity Resolution Service (ERS) is to provide a means to analyze a set of entity records, through matching and merging logic, to determine whether the records represent the same real-world entity. An entity is a real world person, place, item, location, etc.  It is a companion service to the Merge ...
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Call to Action and Issue Brief: Justice System Use of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs— Addressing the Nation’s Prescription Drug and Opioid Abuse Epidemic
Prescription drug misuse, abuse, and diversion continue to have a devastating effect on communities throughout the country. What the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention describes as a “deadly epidemic of prescription pain killer abuse” affects communities in every state. Every day in the United States, more than 100 ...
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BJA Crime Analysis Consortium Resources
The collection and analysis of crime data and information is challenging for law enforcement agencies. The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) recognizes the enormous benefit that crime analysis capability can bring to law enforcement agencies. BJA funds several projects that offer guidance, training, and technical ...
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Business Process Description Version 1.0
Global has added a new document—the Business Process Description Document (BPDD) Template—to its portfolio of standards associated with the Global Reference Architecture (GRA).  It is not uncommon for multiple services to be required to solve a single business information sharing need.  For example, lessons learned through ...
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Aligning Justice-to-Health Priority Exchanges Task Team Final Report
The value of stronger communication, and in particular, stronger interoperable “electronic” information sharing between the Justice and Health domains has been recognized by both communities. To that end, the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) embarked on an incremental collaborative process to identify ...
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SSP Documentation - Sample XML file using the SSP metadata model
SSP Documentation - Sample XML file using the SSP metadata model.
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SSP Documentation - Metadata Spreadsheet - XLS file type
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet of types and properties for use in service specification packages.
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GAC Summer 2014 Summary
On June 23 in Washington, DC, Global Advisory Committee (GAC) representatives from over 30 premier state, local, and tribal justice organizations joined federal sponsors, partners, and guests to tackle today’s justice and public safety challenges facing our neighborhoods and nation through more effective, efficient, and ...
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Establishing a Privacy Officer Function Within a Justice or Public Safety Entity: Recommended Responsibilities and Training
A privacy policy is a written, published statement that articulates the policy position of an organization on how it handles the personally identifiable information and other personal, sensitive information it seeks or receives and uses in the normal course of business.  A privacy policy protects the agency, the individual, ...
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Video Evidence: A Law Enforcement Guide to Resources and Best Practices
The purpose of this resource is to provide answers to straightforward common questions that law enforcement officers, or the agencies they represent, may have regarding properly securing, collecting, storing, and analyzing video by directing them to valuable tools and resources from experts in the field.  Through ...
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Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative: Strategic Solutions to Transform Our Nation’s Justice and Public Safety Information Sharing – A Call to Action
The Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) Advisory Committee (GAC) is a Federal Advisory Committee to the U.S. Attorney General, providing recommendations on promising national information sharing policies, practices, and technologies to solve problems and improve justice. Through the work of the Bureau of ...
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Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative Briefing Booklet
This booklet serves as an excellent primer on the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global). It includes an overview of Global and the Global Advisory Committee (GAC), and importantly highlights reasons why “Global Matters” to and supports the justice-interested enterprise by addressing priority business issues ...
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Health Security: Public Health and Medical Integration for Fusion Centers
This document identifies the recommended actions for state and major urban area fusion centers to integrate the public health and healthcare (PH/HC) community into the fusion process.
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National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (Version 1.0) Resource CD
Provides resources to implement the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan, version 1.0.
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Fusion Center Guidelines Resource CD
Provides resources to assist agencies in the development and operation of a fusion center.
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Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Offers a brief overview of the Global Reference Architecture.
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Subject Contact Notification Service (SCNS) Specification, Version 1.0
The Justice/Human Services Subject Contact Notification Service (SCNS) is designed to facilitate the bidirectional sharing of client interaction information between agencies and programs that bridge the criminal justice and human services domains to provide for better decision making in regard to supervision decisions and ...
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Subject Contact Subscription Service (SCSS) Specification, Version 1.0
The Justice/Human Services Subject Contact Subscription Service (SCSS) is designed to facilitate the bidirectional sharing of client interaction information between agencies and programs that bridge the criminal justice and human services domains to provide for better decision making in regard to supervision decisions and ...
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NIEM - The National Information Exchange Model
NIEM—the National Information Exchange Model—is a community-driven, government-wide, standards-based approach to exchanging information. NIEM may sound complex, but the premise of it is simple: NIEM connects communities of people who share a common need to exchange information in order to advance their ...
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Technical Privacy Training
Global provides a framework for automating access control (in particular, privacy) policy as part of information exchange. Converting privacy policy to a form understandable to computers continues to be a significant problem and a high priority for the justice community.  The following site / link is an excellent resource ...
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Minimum Standards for Intermediate-Level Analytic Training Courses
This resource provides the minimum training standards for intermediate-level analytic courses. Training partners developing intermediate-level analytic courses (such as comprehensive analytic training) or specialized courses (such as report writing or analytic tradecraft development) should use these standards as they ...
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National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan Version 2.0
The NCISP Version 2.0 provides a way forward to continue to support law enforcement’s and homeland security’s ability to develop and share criminal intelligence through the identification of recommendations and action items. The resource includes both internal agency recommendations and action items, as well as action items ...
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Event Deconfliction Unified Message
This resource addresses the importance of using an event deconfliction system in agency operations to assist in officer safety. The resource does not identify what system to use but rather encourages all agencies to use one of the three nationally recognized systems. Additional information on event deconfliction, including ...
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Charging Service Specification, Version 1.0
The Charging Service will assist justice agencies by supporting more efficient and effective sharing of charging information including bill of information and complaints, and indictments to appropriate agencies and individuals within the justice system. The service will obtain charging information from a particular system ...
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Client Profile Query Response Service - Justice Service Specification, Version 1.0
This is one of three Client Profile Query (CPQ) services, all designed to facilitate sharing of client (subject) information between justice and non-justice domains to provide for better decision-making in regards to supervision and social support as they apply to clients, their families, and the community. Public safety as ...
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Client Profile Query Response Service - Treatment Provider Service Specification, Version 1.0
This is one of three Client Profile Query (CPQ) services, all designed to facilitate sharing of client (subject) information between justice and non-justice domains to provide for better decision-making in regards to supervision and social support as they apply to clients, their families, and the community. Public safety as ...
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Client Profile Query Service Specification, Version 1.0
This is one of three Client Profile Query (CPQ) services, all designed to facilitate sharing of client (subject) information between justice and non-justice domains to provide for better decision-making in regards to supervision and social support as they apply to clients, their families, and the community. Public safety as ...
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Submit Suspicious Activity - Suspicious Activity Reporting Service Specification, Version 1.0
The purpose of the service is to allow law enforcement and public safety agencies to submit information related to suspicious activity to fusion centers. The scope includes electronic system-to-system exchange of information related to suspicious activity between law enforcement/public safety agencies and fusion centers. The ...
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Person Information Availability (PIA) Service Specification, Version 1.0
The PIA Service will provide a summary of the availability and location of information relating to a specific person by querying multiple sources.  This capability will enable exchange partners to quickly and efficiently identify the type of information available regarding a specific individual, who is responsible for that ...
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Arrest Warrant Information Exchange, Warrant Update Service (AWIE-WU)
This is the Arrest Warrant Information Exchange, Warrant Update Service (AWIE-WU). It is one of a collection of five Arrest Warrant Information Exchange Reference Service Standards that, collectively, provides a framework for criminal justice agencies to communicate and route arrest warrant information throughout the warrant ...
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Arrest Warrant Information Exchange, Warrant Serve Service (AWIE-WS)
This is the Arrest Warrant Information Exchange, Warrant Serve Service (AWIE-WS). It is one of a collection of five Arrest Warrant Information Exchange Reference Service Standards that, collectively, provides a framework for criminal justice agencies to communicate and route arrest warrant information throughout the warrant ...
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Arrest Warrant Information Exchange, Warrant Recall Service (AWIE-WR)
This is the Arrest Warrant Information Exchange, Warrant Recall Service (AWIE-WR). It is one of a collection of five Arrest Warrant Information Exchange Reference Service Standards that, collectively, provides a framework for criminal justice agencies to communicate and route arrest warrant information throughout the warrant ...
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Arrest Warrant Information Exchange, Warrant Query Service (AWIE-WQ)
This is the Arrest Warrant Information Exchange, Warrant Query Service (AWIE-WQ). It is one of a collection of five Arrest Warrant Information Exchange Reference Service Standards that, collectively, provides a framework for criminal justice agencies to communicate and route arrest warrant information throughout the warrant ...
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Arrest Warrant Information Exchange, Warrant Issue Service (AWIE-WI)
This is the Arrest Warrant Information Exchange, Warrant Issue Service (AWIE-WI). It is one of a collection of five Arrest Warrant Information Exchange Reference Service Standards that, collectively, provides a framework for criminal justice agencies to communicate and route arrest warrant information throughout the warrant ...
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Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) Interjurisdictional Relocation Service (SIRS) Specification, Version 1.0
Under the federal SORNA (Title I of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006), a sex offender’s SORNA registration jurisdiction (e.g., a state, tribe, or territory) is required to notify the new jurisdiction when the sex offender intends to relocate. The purpose of this legal requirement is to enable the new ...
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Offender Transfer Notification Service (OTNS) Specification, Version 1.0
The Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision (ICAOS, Commission) is an organization of interstate compact commissioners appointed by the 53 member states and territories to make rules that carry out the policies under which offenders are transferred between and among states.  Its mission is to guide the transfer ...
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Global Standards Package (GSP) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Guide
This is a frequently asked questions guide pertaining to the Global Standards Package (GSP) -- what it is and what is contained within it.
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Checklist for the Development, Review, and Dissemination of Analytic Products and Resources
Checklist for the Development, Review, and Dissemination of Analytic Products and Resources is designed to be used as a checklist for personnel operating in an intelligence enterprise (including fusion centers and agency intelligence units), to ensure that privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties protections are upheld in ...
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Developing a Policy on the Use of Social Media in Intelligence and Investigative Activities: Guidance and Recommendations.
Developing a Policy on the Use of Social Media in Intelligence and Investigative Activities:  Guidance and Recommendations provides law enforcement and justice agencies with guidance and recommendations on issues to consider when developing a social media policy (or updating other relevant policies), focusing on access, use, ...
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Victim Notification (VN) Service Specification, Version 1.0
The VN Service is a National Information Exchange Model (NIEM)- and Global Reference Architecture (GRA)-conformant national information standard for the exchanges of offender information and notifications from a criminal justice “notifying agency” system to a Victim Notification Provider (VNP) system. NOTE:  To fully ...
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Applying Wireless Security Practices to Justice Information Sharing
This wireless document is a companion resource to Applying Security Practices to Justice Information Sharing (document) or (Applying Security Practices). In most cases, the reference material in the Applying Security Practices document is relevant to the wireless perspective. This wireless document contains expanded ...
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Responding to First Amendment-Protected Events—The Role of State and Local Law Enforcement Officers Training Videos
The Bureau of Justice Assistance, with the support of the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative and the Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council, developed the Responding to First Amendment-Protected Events—The Role of State and Local Law Enforcement Officers videos to assist agency leadership in providing training ...
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Inmate Release Information (IRI) Service Specification, Version 1.0
The Inmate Release Information reference service standard will allow requesting agencies, e.g. fusion centers, arresting agency, law enforcement, probation, parole, state criminal history repository, prosecutor, public defender, victim advocacy organizations, etc, to request summary or detailed information regarding an ...
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Global Information Sharing Toolkit (GIST) Information Card
The Global Information Sharing Toolkit card illustrates the different ways to navigate a search within the toolkit when looking for Global solutions. 
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JISP Beacon Webinar: Getting the GIST - June 15, 2012
Discussion and demonstration for Getting the Global Information Sharing Toolkit (GIST).  This demonstration provides a step-by-step walkthrough of the GIST, highlighting the ways to discover Global Solutions. 
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GFIPM Web Services System-to-System Profile
The GFIPM Web Services System-to-System Profile is a normative specification that defines a complete, composable SOAP Web Services protocol stack for basic system-to-system GFIPM use cases.
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GFIPM Trusted Identity Broker Onboarding Guide
The GFIPM Trusted Identity Broker (TIB) Onboarding Guide describes the concept of inter-federation information sharing within the GFIPM paradigm, via the use of a TIB.
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GFIPM Overview
This document provides a high-level executive overview of basic Federated Identity and Privilege Management (FIPM) concepts and also introduces the Global Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM) concept of information sharing based on FIPM. It also discusses the GFIPM value proposition and provides additional ...
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GFIPM Membership Documents
The GFIPM Membership Documents package is a set of template documents and forms that a GFIPM federation can adopt for its use in support of its governance process. The purpose of each document in this package is described in the GFIPM Operational Policies and Procedures Guideline.
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GFIPM Member Certificate Policy Template
The GFIPM Federation Member Certificate Policy (CP) Template provides a template and authoring guidance to any GFIPM federation on how to write its own Member CP, which is a set of rules that indicates the applicability of certain Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates to a particular community and/or class of ...
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GFIPM Federation Name Registration Process
The GFIPM Federation Name Registration Process Document describes the process by which the content of the GFIPM Federation Name Registry ( is managed.
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Supervision Conditions Summary Service Specification, Version 1.0
This service provides a summary of supervision (e.g., probation and parole) conditions to which a specific person is subject to. This capability enables exchange partners to quickly and efficiently perform assessments, determine whether a subject is in violation of any supervision conditions, and support decision making ...
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Terrorist Screening Center Encounter Information (TSCEI) Service Specification, Version 1.0
This service will be used by state or U.S. government territory designated fusion centers to receive information regarding positive encounters from TSC. The encounter information received by state or U.S. government territory designated fusion centers will be limited to Positive Encounters resulting from the hits by local ...
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Fingerprint (FP) Service Specification, Version 1.0
This service will provide positive identification or verification based on the submission of fingerprint information. The service receives one or more fingerprint images and returns a biometrically based response which facilitates the determination of the physical identity of an individual. NOTE: To fully review the ...
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An Introduction to Familial DNA Searching for State, Local, and Tribal Justice Agencies
GPIQWG, on behalf of Global, developed this overview to support state, local, and tribal (SLT) justice entities that are performing or considering performing familial DNA searching with a primer on the science of familial DNA and its use in criminal investigations, key issues implicated by familial DNA searching, and ...
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Criminal Intelligence Resources Guide
Consolidated listing of criminal intelligence products and resources.
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A Call To Action: A Unified Message Regarding the Need to Support Suspicious Activity Reporting and Training
This Unified Message was created to help clarify a unified approach to the process of reporting and sharing of information related to suspicious activity.
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Minimum Criminal Intelligence Training Standards
The document Minimum Criminal Intelligence Training Standards for United States Law Enforcement and Other Criminal Justice Agencies explains the recommended development of minimum training standards for all affected levels of law enforcement personnel, including core training objectives in six areas: General Law Enforcement ...
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Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Process Implementation Checklist
Provides a simplified checklist for chief executives and senior leadership to implement a SAR process within their agencies.
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Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Concept of Operations
Provides a common understanding of the NSI process so that implementation activities can be planned, executed, and measured.
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Final Report: Information Sharing Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Evaluation Environment
Provides lessons learned, best practices, and implementation steps identified during the ISE-SAR Evaluation Environment that can be utilized while implementing the NSI.
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Information Sharing Environment-Suspicious Activity Reporting (ISE-SAR) Functional Standard
Builds upon, consolidates, and standardizes nationwide aspects of those ISE-relevant activities already occurring at the federal, state, and local levels with respect to the processing, sharing, and use of suspicious activity information.
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Findings and Recommendations of the Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Support and Implementation Project
In accordance with the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan and the National Strategy for Information Sharing(NSIS), the Findings and Recommendations of the SAR Support and Implementation Project was developed to describe the all-crimes approach to gathering, processing, reporting, analyzing, and sharing of suspicious ...
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Why Law Enforcement Agencies Need an Analytical Function
Why Law Enforcement Agencies Need an Analytical Function explains how the analytical function benefits law enforcement agencies.
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National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan
The National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP), the first of its kind in the country, provides a blueprint to help agencies establish criminal intelligence sharing policies, procedures, standards, technologies, and training. The Plan was assembled with close input and cooperation from local, state, tribal, and ...
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10 Simple Steps to Help Your Agency Become a Part of the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan
This document provides valuable guidance towards systematically sharing law enforcement information among local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies—large or small.
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Guidelines for Establishing and Operating Gang Intelligence Units and Task Forces
This document provides guidance to agencies seeking to establish and operate a gang task force or gang intelligence unit within their jurisdiction or those agencies that participate in a gang task force or intelligence unit.
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Fusion Center Technology Resources Road Map
This document provides guidance on how information, technology infrastructure, applications, performance metrics, and business processes align with the core business capabilities of a fusion center. The document leverages best practices of enterprise architecture, business process, information flow, and exchange ...
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Fusion Center Technology Guide
The Fusion Center Technology Guide was developed collaboratively by technology subject matter experts. It provides a methodology for fusion center directors and managers that can be used to facilitate technology planning and provides a practical perspective on the value of technology as an enabler to the fusion center ...
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Defining Fusion Center Technology Business Process: A Tool for Planning
The purpose of this document is to provide a tool to fusion center directors/managers to assist with understanding and implementing the fundamental business requirements of the center and planning for the underlying components for each of the business processes the particular fusion center is or will be undertaking (e.g., ...
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Fusion Center Guidelines: Law Enforcement Intelligence, Public Safety, and the Private Sector
The document Fusion Center Guidelines addresses the development of guidelines for fusion centers as well as the foundation for the development of fusion center guidelines for law enforcement intelligence, public safety, and private sector entities. These guidelines and related materials will provide assistance to centers as ...
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Fire Service Integration for Fusion Centers
This document identifies recommended actions and guidance for state and major urban area fusion centers (fusion centers) to effectively integrate the fire service into the fusion process. Within the context of this document, the fire service is defined as including fire and emergency operations, emergency medical service ...
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Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources: Protection Capabilities for Fusion Centers
This document identifies the capabilities necessary for state and major urban area fusion centers (fusion centers) to establish a critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR) protection analytic capability that supports infrastructure security activities at the state and local levels. This document is an appendix to the ...
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Law Enforcement Analytic Standards
The booklet Law Enforcement Analytic Standards discusses the standards created by the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts (IALEIA) as a result of the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP) recommendations. The analytic standards consist of 25 standards that explain the requirements ...
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Law Enforcement Analyst Certification Standards
This document provides guidance to agencies and organizations that offer analyst certification. The first section provides guidance to agencies and organizations that offer analyst certification. Recommendations include the development of a code of ethics, development of policies and procedures for the certification process, ...
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Common Competencies for State, Local, and Tribal Intelligence Analysts
The Common Competencies for State, Local, and Tribal Intelligence Analysts identifies common analytic competencies that should be exhibited by state, local, and tribal intelligence analysts working in state or major urban area fusion centers or similar analytic law enforcement entities. These competencies are essential for ...
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Analyst Toolbox
This document aims to provide intelligence analysts with information on the tools they need to effectively and efficiently perform their duties and produce useful intelligence products. The tools examined in this document represent the basic toolbox that the intelligence analyst will need to provide the vital intelligence ...
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Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Line Officer Training
The Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Line Officer Training was developed to assist law enforcement line officers in understanding what kinds of suspicious behaviors are associated with pre-incident terrorism activities, documenting and reporting suspicious activity, and protecting privacy, civil rights, and civil ...
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Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Compliance Verification for the Intelligence Enterprise
This document assists agencies in determining whether they are in compliance with applicable privacy-related policies, procedures, rules, and guidelines. The document includes a suggested methodology for conducting the review of an agency’s intelligence enterprise and identifies the high-liability areas of concern that ...
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Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Reliable Secure Web Services Service Interaction Profile
The purpose of this document is to establish a RELIABLE SECURE WEB SERVICES SERVICE INTERACTION PROFILE (RS WS-SIP) based on the Web services (WS) family of technology standards and, in particular, the Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) Reliable Secure Profile [WS-I RSP] to the extent practical. A SERVICE ...
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Web Services Security Issues in a Justice Environment
This document raises information security issues that should be considered by justice and public safety managers who are deploying justice XML-based systems for the exchange of justice and public safety information. These concerns are not meant to discourage continued development of these standards, but rather to assist ...
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Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM): Terminology Matrix
The GFIPM Terminology Matrix provides a terminology and concept map between GFIPM and other prominent paradigms in the areas of identity management, privilege management, and service-oriented architecture. Its purpose is to help GFIPM stakeholders better understand the various technical terms used in GFIPM by mapping each ...
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Privacy and Information Quality Risks: Justice Agency Use of Biometrics
This awareness primer is intended for administrators and policymakers who have the responsibility for overseeing the use of biometric technology. These individuals may be unaware of the major privacy and information quality issues that can arise at different points in the collection and use of information derived from ...
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Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM): Implementation Guide
The GFIPM Implementation Guide contains detailed instructions for implementers of identity providers (IDPs) and service providers (SPs), which are the two types of systems that participate in user-to-system transactions as specified in the GFIPM Web Browser User-to-System profile. The document covers all aspects of IDP and ...
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Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM): Web Browser User-to-System Profile
The GFIPM Web User-to-System Profile is a normative specification that defines a set of protocols and bindings for web browser-based interaction between users and resources across trust domains within a federation. It leverages parts of the SAML 2.0 specification, specifically Web Single Sign-On (SSO) and Single Log-Out ...
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Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM): Cryptographic Trust Model
The GFIPM Cryptographic Trust Model defines a normative schema for a GFIPM Cryptographic Trust Fabric, which is document shared among all members of a GFIPM federation. A GFIPM Cryptographic Trust Fabric document contains public key material and system entity metadata for each trusted endpoint in the federation. The spec ...
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Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Execution Context Guidelines
The purpose of this document is to elaborate on the concept of execution context as defined in the Global Reference Architecture [GRA]. It will do so by providing guidelines to practitioners overseeing the implementation of a SERVICE-ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE (SOA).
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Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM): Operational Policies and Procedures Guidelines
The GFIPM Operational Policies and Procedures Guideline document describes the operational policies and procedures that govern the basic operation of a federation for trusted information sharing, including federation membership, change management for federation standards, help desk policies, etc. It also contains some ...
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Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM): Governance Guidelines
The GFIPM Governance Guideline document defines the governance structure for a GFIPM federation, including the parties that play a role in the governance structure (e.g. Board of Directors, Federation Management, Identity Providers, Service Providers, Trusted Identity Brokers, etc.) and the decisions to be made by each ...
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Global Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM) 2007 Users Conference Summary Briefing
This PowerPoint presentation was submitted by the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) to provide an introduction and status of the GFIPM project.  These slides were delivered during the Chicago Users' Conference on August 21, 2007.
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Global Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM) Security Interoperability Demonstration
It is clear that the entire justice and law enforcement community stands to benefit from a solution that allows user management processes (vetting, permissioning, and credentialing) to be efficiently and effectively leveraged and reused across trust domains, thereby facilitating interoperability between SBU information ...
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Global Federated Identity and Privilege Management (GFIPM): Executive Summary
Justice organizations are looking for ways to provide secured access to multiple agency information systems with a single logon. This pamphlet offers a brief summary on how the GFIPM initiative provides the justice community with a security and information sharing architecture that is based on an electronic justice ...
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SEARCH Podcast: The Global Federated Identity & Privilege Management Initiative
Justice organizations are looking for ways to provide secured access to multiple agency information systems with a single logon. The GFIPM initiative provides the justice community with a security and information sharing architecture that is based on an electronic justice credential. This standards-based justice credential ...
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GFIPM Metadata Specification 2.0 Overview and Usage
The GFIPM Metadata 2.0 specification defines common syntax and semantics for metadata describing users, entities (trusted software service endpoints), resources (sensitive data objects, databases, documents, etc.), actions (attempts by users or entities to access resources), and the data-sharing environment in which actions ...
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Implementing Privacy Policy in Justice Information Sharing: A Technical Framework
This document is intended to provide guidelines for supporting the electronic expression of privacy policy and how to convert privacy policy so that it is understandable to computers and software. This report is intended as a resource for a technical audience, including National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) and Global ...
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Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative: Exploring Service-Oriented Architecture Services for Justice Information Sharing
This is a pamphlet that offers the reader the opportunity to (1) learn about the U.S. Department of Justice’s Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) and its pursuit of a Justice Reference Architecture, (2) explore the concept of SOA and why it is important to the future of justice information sharing, and ...
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A Framework for Justice Information Sharing: Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
The purpose of this report is to describe the recommendation of the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) Advisory Committee (GAC) for the design and development of an information system architecture that will support both the operational requirements of justice agencies and the requirements for a ...
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Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Information Sharing Enterprise Service-Level Agreement
The purpose of this document is to provide a sample Service-Level Agreement (SLA), in this case, for a fingerprint service to local, state, tribal, or federal justice and public safety agencies organized under a Statement of Participation or similar umbrella agreement. This document may be consulted as an example to ...
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Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Information Sharing Enterprise Statement of Participation, Version 1.1
The purpose of this document is to provide a reference model framework of expectations and obligations for those entities participating in any state, local, regional, or tribal information sharing enterprise. An information sharing enterprise is a consortium of information service providers and service consumers created ...
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Global Reference Architecture (GRA) ebXML Messaging Service Interaction Profile Version 1.1
The purpose of this document is to establish a SERVICE INTERACTION PROFILE (SIP) based on the ebXML family of technology standards. A Service Interaction Profile is a concept identified in the Global Reference Architecture ([GRA]). This concept defines an approach to meeting the basic requirements necessary for interaction ...
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Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Web Services Service Interaction Profile Version 1.3
The purpose of this document is to establish a Web Services Service Interaction Profile based on the Web Services family of technology standards. A Service Interaction Profile is a concept identified in the Global Reference Architecture. This concept defines an approach to meeting the basic requirements necessary for ...
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Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Technical Note RESTful Web Services
This Technical Note does not reflect a normative policy position from the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) community of stakeholders. Rather, it is intended to inform participants and practitioners on architectural compatibility issues known to exist between the Global Reference Architecture and ...
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IQ Series Overview: Global Information Quality Series Improves the Quality of Justice Information
This flyer provides an overview of the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Global Privacy and Information Quality Working Group's (GPIQWG) information quality (IQ) resource series which provides practical guidance on how to develop and implement an agencywide information quality program.  Using a progressive “step” approach, ...
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Information Quality Program Guide
This Guide is intended to help justice managers develop an information quality program for their organizations and is designed to support managers who must analyze their justice entity’s information and determine what is needed to ensure good quality information. In support of that effort, the Guide features a step approach ...
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Information Quality Self-Assessment Tool
The purpose of this tool is to provide practitioners with guidance in evaluating the information quality of justice information reports associated with justice events by way of a self-administered worksheet, designed to provide practical, hands-on assistance to information systems personnel. Evaluating the quality of agency ...
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9 Elements of an Information Quality Program
Developed for high-level, managerial, and administrative personnel within an organization, 9 Elements of an Information Quality Program provides a brief outline of the nine key steps that should be followed when developing and implementing an agencywide information quality (IQ) program.
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Information Quality: The Foundation for Justice Decision Making
This document provides an overview of information quality; problems associated with it; and its framework, dimensions, and scenarios.  It also explains what can be done to promote information quality within electronic data exchanges.
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DHS/DOJ Privacy and Civil Liberties Web Portal
Through a joint effort among DHS, DOJ, and BJA, this collaborative Web portal, accessible at, provides access to a wide range of resources and training materials available in the Information Sharing Environment that address privacy and civil liberties protections, including many of the Global ...
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Guide to Conducting Privacy Impact Assessments for State, Local, and Tribal Justice Entities
Practitioners are provided a framework with which to examine the privacy implications of their information systems and information sharing collaborations so they can design and implement privacy policies to address vulnerabilities identified through the assessment process. Privacy policies emerge as a result of the analysis ...
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7 Steps to a Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Policy
Designed for both justice executives and agency personnel, this document raises awareness and educates readers on the seven basic steps involved in the preparation for development of a privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties policy (as recommended in DOJ's Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Policy Development ...
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The Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Service Specification Guideline V 1.2.0
This document is intended to provide a formal, standardized means of creating and understanding service specifications and service specification packages.  This document was revised to Version 1.2 with the following minor changes:  Included the use of underscores between words in all folder names. 
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Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Guidelines for Identifying and Designing Services Version 1.1
The intent of this document is to provide guidelines to justice organizations that have interest in following or applying the Global Reference Architecture (GRA) in development of a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). This document concentrates on an approach to identifying and designing services that will enable effective ...
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Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Framework, Version 1.9.1
The Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Framework—is a conceptual framework for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) that is based on an industry standard, the OASIS SOA Reference Model, which was developed by a committee of industry and government SOA experts, including some of the Global Infrastructure/Standards Working ...
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Baseline Capabilities for State and Major Urban Area Fusion Centers
Provides fusion centers with the baseline capabilities and operational guidelines necessary to achieve each of the capabilities. By achieving a baseline level of capability, a fusion center will have the necessary structures, processes, and tools in place to support the gathering, processing, analysis, and dissemination of ...
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Navigating Your Agency’s Path to Intelligence-Led Policing
Serves as an overview for implementing the Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP) framework within a law enforcement agency and provides insight regarding the challenges of ILP implementation. Law enforcement executives can use this document as a resource to assist in the successful implementation of the ILP framework within their ...
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The Importance of Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Protections in American Law Enforcement and Public Safety Training Video
Assists local, state, and tribal law enforcement line officers in understanding their role in the protection of privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties as they perform their everyday duties. The video provides an introductory overview of what privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties protections are; examples of these ...
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The Role of State and Local Law Enforcement at First Amendment Events Reference Card
This reference is designed to serve as a pocket-sized reference card for line officers who are responding to a First Amendment-protected event and provides an overview of their roles and responsibilities, as well as an overview of the rights of the participants of First Amendment-protected events.
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Recommendations for First Amendment-Protected Events for State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies
Provides guidance and recommendations to law enforcement agency personnel in understanding their roles and responsibilities in First Amendment-protected events. This guidance document is divided into three stages: Pre-Event, Operational, and Post-Event, with each stage identifying the recommended actions of law enforcement. ...
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Global Privacy Resources Booklet
Thanks to the great work by the U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) Global, Global partners, and through DOJ collaborations with other federal agencies, there are a variety of privacy awareness, policy development, and implementation products available to the justice community today. To help these agencies know which privacy ...
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Policy Review Checklist
The checklist is a companion piece to the SLT Policy Development Template and serves both as a self-assessment tool to assist privacy policy authors, project teams, and agency administrators in evaluating whether the provisions contained within their draft policy have met the core concepts recommended in the SLT Policy ...
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Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Policy Development Template for State, Local, and Tribal Justice Entities: SLT Policy Development Template
Included in the Privacy Guide is the SLT Policy Development Template, which was developed to assist SLT agencies in drafting a privacy policy. The provisions suggested are intended to be incorporated into the agency's general operational policies and day-to-day operations. Each section represents a fundamental component of ...
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Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Policy Development Guide for State, Local, and Tribal Justice Entities: Privacy Guide
This guide is a practical, hands-on tool for SLT justice practitioners charged with drafting the privacy policy, providing sensible guidance for articulating privacy obligations in a manner that protects the justice agency, the individual, and the public. This guide provides a well-rounded approach to the planning, ...
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Executive Summary for Justice Decision Makers: Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Program Development
An awareness resource for justice executives, as well as an informational tool to use for training. The easy-to-read flyer is designed to engender awareness about the topic, make the case for privacy policy development, and underscore the importance of promoting privacy protections within justice agencies. Included is ...