Total Pending Actions: 88

Regulatory Review

Executive Order 12866 directs agencies
to follow certain principles in rulemaking,
such as consideration of alternatives and
analysis of benefits and costs, and
describes OIRA's role in the rulemaking

Unified Agenda and Regulatory Plan

The Unified Agenda and Regulatory Plan
provide uniform reporting of data on
regulatory and deregulatory actions under
development throughout the Federal
government, covering over 60
departments, agencies, and commissions.

Information Collection Review

The Paperwork Reduction Act requires
that agency information collections
minimize duplication and burden on the
public, have practical utility, and
support the proper performance of the
agency's mission.

What's New

What's New

  • In light of the growing concerns around COVID-19, beginning March 16, 2020, and until further notice, all EO 12866 meetings will be held as teleconferences only. While OIRA remains committed to hearing the views of outside parties about rules under review, our priority is to protect the health and safety of our staff and our public stakeholders.
  • The 2020 Fall Agenda is now available.
  • Beginning March 16, 2020, will launch the new 30-day comment period feature, for all 30-day Federal Register Notices for information collection requests. Public commenters will now be able to submit comments directly to OMB by using the comment button on either the "ICR Details" page or the "List of ICRs Currently Under Review" page.
  • We have automated our Executive Order 12866 meeting request process! If the public is interested in requesting a meeting with OIRA for draft regulatory actions under Executive Order 12866 review, please visit the EO 12866 Meeting Request page.
  • Regulatory Reform Results for FY 19 are now available.
  • On April 11, 2018, OMB OIRA and the Department of Treasury signed a Memorandum of Agreement: Review of Tax Regulations under Executive Order 12866

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