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Executive Fellows Alumni

Baldrige Executive Fellows Program Overview artwork showing that there are five sessions in different locations (the kickoff, visionary leadership that works, operational excellence, leading for engagement, and the capstone presentations, graduation).
Credit: Patricia Hilton

Current Cohort  |  Alumni Listing  |  Capstone Interviews  |  Baldrige Executive Fellows Program  |  #BaldrigeFellow


Alumni of the Baldrige Executive Fellows Program have an honored place in the Baldrige Program and community. After completing your year-long fellowships—networking with the senior leaders of Baldrige Award recipient organizations and sharing with peer senior leaders—you have unique perspectives on leadership challenges today.

As alumni, we welcome you to make the most of the networks and close relationships that you have built during your fellowships. Take advantage of Fellows events to gather and network with other senior leaders; stay in touch through LinkedIn and other social media environments; and consider opportunities to build a deeper understanding of the Baldrige framework and to provide a patriotic service to American organizations by becoming—or encouraging your staff members to become—state or local examiners.

These pages contain updates on the capstone projects of some alumni, as well as stories of ways they continue to make strategic improvements in their own organizations. We welcome your continued learning and sharing on industry trends and leadership, as well as updates on your own stories, capstone projects, and continued success.

Share Your Impacts

Reach out to let us know how you’re continuing to make an impact in your organizations and industries. We’d love to hear from you!

Stay Connected


Baldrige Executive Fellows
Alumni Group



  • Baldrige Customer Service
    (301) 975-2036
    100 Bureau Drive, M/S 1020
    Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1020
Created October 3, 2019, Updated October 6, 2020