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FY 2002 Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP) Awards

Bush Administration Awards $20.3 Million to Continue Fight Against Housing Bias

The Department of Housing and Urban Development's fight against illegal housing discrimination in America got a boost on November 19 , 2003, with the announcement of $20.3 million in grants to fair housing groups in 78 cities around the country.

"These fair housing grants will help meet the Bush Administration's goal of increasing minority homeownership by 5.5 million families by the end of the decade," explained Housing and Urban Development Secretary Mel Martinez. "Every American should have equal access to housing opportunities and today's announcement is another step in that direction."

The groups will use the funds to investigate allegations of housing discrimination, educate the public and housing industry about housing discrimination laws, and work to promote fair housing. The grants are funded under HUD's Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP).


Fair Housing Center of Northern Alabama - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Fair Housing Center of Northern Alabama will conduct fair housing enforcement activities in approximately 23 of Alabama's 67 counties. This effort will provide a systemic approach to combating the discriminatory patterns and practices experienced by all protected classes, with special emphasis on the disabled and immigrants. This project will combine housing outreach and investigative services with complaint-based and systemic testing in the rental, sales, and insurance markets. This project will include paired rental tests, sales test and insurance tests and will assist residents with fair housing complaints.

Fair Housing Agency of Alabama - $98,106
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The Fair Housing Agency of Alabama will provide an aggressive education and outreach program to promote awareness and knowledge of fair housing laws in Southern Alabama.
Their goal is to further enhance economic viability and improve the quality of life in their communities. The project's activities, which will focus on Mobile County, Alabama, will include: conducting fair housing workshops and training seminars for the public, housing providers, mortgage lenders and the advertisement industry; disseminating electronic and print media materials on fair housing rights; and, strengthening partnerships to establish fair housing programs to assist low and moderate income persons and persons with disabilities.

Mobile Fair Housing Center, Inc. - $175,609
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Mobile Fair Housing Center, Inc. (MFHC) is a private, non-profit agency established to promote fair housing and prevent discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and familial status. Through this grant, MFHC plans to improve its enforcement and outreach by implementing a program to counter predatory lending in the Mobile area; expanding housing opportunities for protected classes; providing training in order to better align processes/procedures with the Fair Housing Act; conducting a pilot program with a rural faith-based organization to better identify and assist rural and immigrant populations at risk; collaborating to expand permanent housing opportunities for the homeless in the region; expanding the pool of trained testers; and conducting at least one fair housing summit during the grant period.

Central Alabama Fair Housing Center - $274,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Central Alabama Fair Housing Center (CAFHC) will build upon its initial enforcement activities to combat pervasive race-based housing discrimination in central Alabama. The organization will expand its services in the areas of rental and sales testing as well as non-testing investigations to address the following problems: discriminatory sales steering practices; predatory lending, particularly targeting the rural and impoverished west Alabama "Black Belt"; national origin complaints, particularly as they pertain to central and south Alabama's Hispanic communities and other recent immigrant groups; and discrimination toward people with disabilities.


Arizona Fair Housing Center - $99,962
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The Arizona Fair Housing Center (AFHC) will continue to operate an outreach campaign designed to educate residents about laws against housing discrimination. AFHC couples fair housing education with the investigation of housing discrimination complaints to serve residents of seven counties throughout central and northern Arizona, particularly its increasing minority Latino population. Using its resource network of community and civil rights organizations, agencies and churches, along with bilingual media consultants and written materials, AFHC will provide fair housing information to individuals isolated by language and cultural barriers. In addition, AFHC counselors will present workshops and seminars informing individuals about the housing complaint process and refer valid complaints to the appropriate regulatory agencies. Staff attorneys will augment services by reviewing referrals to assure that investigations are comprehensive and adequately completed.

Southern Arizona Housing Center - $274,960
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Through this project, the Southern Arizona Housing Center (SAHC) will endeavor to address housing problems precipitated by economic and social trends concentrated in the Colonias in the eight counties along the Arizona-Mexico border. Specific activities include identifying fair housing complaints in underserved areas and helping local organizations process them; conducting systemic testing to monitor industry compliance with the Fair Housing Act; conducting education and outreach to support compliance efforts; and, increasing SAHC's capacity to provide effective fair housing enforcement.


Los Angeles
Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc. - $70,000
Education and Outreach-Disability (EOI-D)

Mental Health Advocacy Services, Inc. (MHAS) will conduct a land use and zoning training project to provide education and outreach in five Southern California Counties: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties. Activities will include providing training and technical assistance to non-profit housing developers and other organizations involved in the development and operation of housing for people with disabilities. Project activities will have a two-pronged focus: (1) to raise awareness of fair housing laws pertaining to disability and their implications to land use and zoning; and (2) to enable these organizations to address successfully discriminatory barriers to the development of housing for people with disabilities. Specifically, the project will conduct three in-depth training sessions; provide ongoing technical assistance; distribute an education and outreach mailing; make at least one presentation at a local, regional, or statewide conference; and, work with local task forces and inter-agency collaborative to further fair housing for people with disabilities.

Bay Area Legal Aid - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Bay Area Legal Aid will augment HUD's ongoing efforts to ensure equal housing opportunities through aggressive Fair Housing enforcement activities. Competition for a limited supply of rental housing in the Bay Area continues to impact Fair Housing choices. Bay Area Legal Aid's activities will address the Fair Housing needs of protected groups with a focus on non-English speaking immigrants and underserved populations of the rural areas of Gilroy, Alviso, West County San Mateo, and East Contra Costa County (Concord, Pittsburgh, and Antioch). Bay Area Legal Aid will also work with neighborhoods in cities such as Fremont, Santa Clara, Hayward, Oakland and San Francisco. The program will provide aggressive enforcement through: 1) several Fair Housing community education presentations to empower individuals to recognize and report acts of housing discrimination; 2) fair housing trainings to the staff of government and community-based organizations on how to recognize and refer a complaint of housing discrimination; 3) the development of fair lending software to curb predatory lending; 4) the recruitment and training of forty (40) testers; 5) the investigation of complaints; 7) the conciliation of cases; and 8) the filing of cases.

Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board - $88,903
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board (IFHMB) provides fair housing services to individuals and households throughout parts of southern California. Under this grant IFHMB will combat and reduce discrimination in housing by expanding its capacity to help federally protected classes learn more about housing discrimination. Outreach is provided in Spanish and fair housing education will be provided to the Spanish-speaking population, regarding homeownership with an emphasis on predatory lending. Fair housing workshops, conducted for English as a Second Language (ESL) students, will cover renting through home buying and will address predatory actions as well as health and safety issues. IFHMB will develop a survey for the participants to help the agency understand the problems that need to be addressed in future classes. Three 30-minute fair housing videos (produced in 2001) will be translated into Spanish so that they can be aired on cable television.

San Francisco
AIDS Legal Referral Panel - $69,883
Education and Outreach-Disability (EOI-D)

The AIDS Legal Referral Panel (ALRP) will promote awareness and knowledge of fair housing law among people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as housing and service providers in the City and County of San Francisco through presentations, literature, and training. The applicant will target social service providers and community-based organizations throughout San Francisco in an effort to build their capacity to provide their HIV/AIDS clients with sound advice for finding and maintaining housing. In addition, the project will provide developers, landlords, rental managers, real estate agencies, and property owners the education they need to make informed choices that will contribute to the goal of accessible housing.

San Francisco
California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. (CRLA) is a private non-profit California corporation that provides legal representation to farm worker, minority and low-income communities throughout rural California. Through its Rural Fair Housing Center, CRLA will initiate mandatory referrals; collaborate with federal, state, and local fair housing agencies in testing, complaint reporting, complaint referral and enforcement action efforts; revise and implement internal CRLA training; and provide intake and referral for fair housing complaints in all field offices and utilize a data capture and retrieval system for fair housing complaints, referrals, and analysis of discriminatory patterns and practices. CRLA Rural Fair Housing Center will focus its services within the northern Sacramento Valley, the Central Valley, the Salinas Valley-Central Coast, and the Mexican border, and will target underserved populations, including: migrant and seasonal farm workers, recent immigrants, indigenous groups, rural and poor minorities, ethnic minorities, linguistically and culturally isolated populations, and people with disabilities.

San Rafeal
Fair Housing of Marin, Inc. - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Fair Housing of Marin (FHOM), will focus on the enforcement of the rights of immigrants and persons with disabilities, and discrimination against African-Americans in residential care facilities, as well as ascertain if predatory lending practices exist in the California counties of Marin, Sonoma, and Napa. Enforcement activities will include complaint solicitation, intake and investigation; on-site, bilingual counseling at an agency serving immigrant populations; recruitment and training of new testers; a Latino national origin audit in Napa County; professional mediation; and an initial investigation of predatory lending practices in Marin and Sonoma counties. Educational activities will include two Immigrant Rights Workshops in English and Spanish. FOHM will publicize its program through Spanish and English advertisements in local newspapers and will use other media to communicate project results.

Santa Ana
Orange County Fair Housing Council - $129,600
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

This project will focus on Fair Housing Act violations having particular impact on immigrant communities while continuing the organization's existing enforcement activities, including education and counseling, complaint intake, complaint-based testing; investigation of housing discrimination allegations; evaluation of test results; mediating complaints; and enforcing meritorious claims through court or administrative actions. In addition, the organization plans to expand its current enforcement activities through paired testing of rental housing providers, real estate agents, and home mortgage lenders in order to determine evidence of differential treatment on protected class characteristics of race, color, or national origin, as well as limited English proficiency. It will also examine any connection between predatory lending practices of sub-prime lenders and differential treatment against persons in the above-mentioned categories.


Colorado Coalition for the Homeless - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Colorado Coalition for the Homeless (CCH) will work to enhance compliance with Federal, State, and local fair housing laws by promoting activities that focus on the needs of persons with disabilities, homeless and low-income, minority and migrant populations, those who have experienced discrimination since September 11 as a result of their national origin or religion, and those individuals vulnerable to abusive lending practices. CCH partners with government agencies, service providers including landlords, and faith-based, cultural, and community organizations throughout the state to provide bilingual information to consumers regarding their rights and to assist housing providers and lenders in complying with mandates. Mosques, churches, synagogues, and neighborhood associations serve as information distribution channels. CCH advocates on behalf of its individuals, aiding them in recognizing discriminatory housing and lending practices and filing complaints to the appropriate enforcement agencies.

Housing For All The Metro Denver Fair Housing Center - $268,674.66
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Metro Denver Fair Housing Center (Center) will perform the following activities: conduct paired tests in the areas of rentals, sales, and mortgage lending; conduct investigations of individual and systemic housing discrimination. In addition, the Center will conduct an annual Fair Housing Summit to increase awareness about fair housing laws and resources; collaborate with a local attorney to conduct a seminar to inform architects, builders, planners, and inspectors of accessibility laws and regulations that apply to new construction. Finally, the Center will collaborate with local community service agencies to improve services to non-English speaking and limited English proficiency and immigrant populations; perform systemic testing of mortgage lenders and real estate firms to identify sites where there may be region-wide discrimination; and implement a landlord/tenant intervention program.


Connecticut Fair Housing Center - $254,558
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Connecticut Fair Housing Center Inc. will conduct outreach to and investigation of complaints from all people of all protected classes, with a special focus on national origin, race, disability, and family status. To accomplish these activities, the organization will investigate complaints of discrimination; continue to perform home sales testing in suburban communities to discern steering of Latinos and African Americans; teach the fair housing portion of a first-time homebuyer class; conduct specific outreach directed to the Hispanic/Latino community as well as outreach directed at combating housing discrimination based on religion and national origin and provide fair housing services to people with disabilities by testing for discrimination based on psychiatric disabilities and HIV/AIDS status, conducting outreach and advocacy services, and conducting accessibility surveys of newly constructed housing.


Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council - $64,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council (DCRAC) has several years of experience in fair housing education and outreach. DCRAC plans to utilize their existing networks, while exploring networks with leaders in the immigrant, Muslim, and disabled communities, to continue to educate all Delawareans about fair and equal access to housing and lending. DCRAC's outreach program has two components: a media outreach blitz that capitalizes on its strong network to relay much needed fair housing information, including a journal column and newsletters; and an educational program that includes information about fair housing and fair lending, and how to contact DCRAC. The DCRAC Informational Special, a TV program, is designed to empower consumers to seek out enforcement of noncompliance with fair housing and fair lending laws. DCRAC also will continue to distribute educational materials in Spanish on building alliances with Latino and disabled advocates that will assist in helping residents deal with inappropriate fair housing practices.

District of Columbia

Acorn Fair Housing - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

ACORN Fair Housing will conduct a campaign to increase compliance with the Fair Housing Act, designed to decrease the "reverse redlining" or predatory lending that is occurring in neighborhoods primarily inhabited by the elderly, low-income, and people of color. ACORN's national education and outreach efforts serve HUD's Southwest United States region, specifically Dallas, Fort Worth, and San Antonio, Texas. ACORN uses its links with community organizations, churches, unions, small businesses, immigrant organizations, and city governments to distribute information and assist individuals with filing complaints.

Equal Rights Center - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Equal Rights Center's Private Enforcement Initiative will address the Fair Housing needs of the Washington, DC Metropolitan region. It is designed to increase compliance with the Fair Housing Act and its substantially equivalent Fair Housing laws by aggressively working to root out all forms of discriminatory housing practices and by working to increase enforcement actions that both expand the law and vindicate the rights of victims of discrimination. The Equal Rights Center will assist victims of discrimination, particularly Latinos, Asians and other immigrants by conducting complaint intake, testing, investigations, and referral of rentals, sales, mortgage lending, and design and construction accessibility complaints to HUD FHEO for enforcement action.

Leadership Conference Education Fund - $1,000,000
Education and Outreach Initiative - Media Campaign Component (EOI-MC)

Grant funds will be used for a national multimedia campaign to coordinate with National Fair Housing Month observed in April, 2003. LCEF's partners on this project will be the National Fair Housing Alliance, the Ad Council, and a coalition comprising more than 180 national civil rights organizations representing African Americans, Hispanics, Arab and Asian Americans, persons with disabilities, families with children, faith-based organizations, and rural housing communities. LCEF will produce advertisements, public service announcements, and a website to publish and disseminate fair housing materials in various languages.

National Fair Housing Alliance - $999,712
Education and Outreach Initiative - Fair Housing Awareness Component (EOI-FH)

Grant funds will be used to coordinate a national multi-media campaign to specifically address the issue of predatory and abusive lending practices. The National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) will focus on populations that are most vulnerable to lending scams such as the elderly and homeowners who have built equity in their homes and live in predominately African American, Latino, Asian American, Native American, and other integrated neighborhoods. NFHA will partner with the Ad Council, National Coalition of Asian Pacific American Community Development, National Council of La Raza, and various community, consumer, and fair housing organizations. NFHA will also provide materials to national organizations representing disability rights issues as well as those representing minority rural housing needs.

* National Fair Housing Alliance - $1,049,622
Fair Housing Organizations Initiative (FHOI)

Grant funds will be used by the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) to establish a new full service organization in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Marion County Center for Housing Opportunities (MCCHO) will serve all protected classes residing in Marion County, Pike, Washington, Lawrence, Wayne, Center, Warren, Decatur, Perry, and Franklin townships with special attention to Latinos and Asians. MCCHO will distribute bilingual material that addresses rental, sales, lending, and insurance practices. In addition, MCCHO will leverage its collaboration with other non-profit and government entities and attorneys to increase enforcement activities including testing, investigations, and administrative and legal support. This is a three-year grant.
* Description also listed under Indiana


Fair Housing Continuum, Inc. - $274,998
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Under this grant, the Fair Housing Continuum, Inc. will continue to focus on the issues concerning persons with disabilities and will increase efforts in the underserved community of immigrant populations. The Continuum will provide fair housing enforcement and conduct education and outreach with special emphasis on national origin and religion issues of the underserved communities of immigrant populations (non-English speaking or limited English proficiency) and persons with disabilities. The Continuum will recruit and train testers, complete systemic and/or complaint-based tests, conduct an annual Fair Housing Month Activity, and implement a media campaign. In addition, the Continuum will continue testing on new construction accessibility during this grant period.

Daytona Beach
Mid-Florida Partnership, Inc. - $100,000
Education and Outreach-Disability (EOI-D)

Mid-Florida Housing Partnership, Inc. (MFHP) will provide outreach and education to underserved areas and populations on their rights and responsibilities under fair housing laws with special emphasis on the needs of the disabled. The project will serve Volusia, Flagler, and Seminole counties. MFHP will utilize a network of local area churches, social service agencies, and disabled (citizen) advocacy groups to deliver the fair housing law and will also inform citizens about the dangers and hazards of predatory lending, how to recognize it, and how to avoid it. MFHP will utilize the efforts of a bilingual fair housing advocate. MFHP will develop a fair housing website with a link to its homepage and other helpful resources. It also will develop a complaint referral process and assist citizens with a simplified mechanism to file a complaint of discrimination with HUD. MFHP, in partnership with the Fair Housing Continuum, Inc, will provide trainings, workshops, and seminars on fair housing and the rights and responsibilities of the citizens and community and will serve as a clearinghouse for information on fair housing for housing providers and consumers.

Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc. - $723,293
Fair Housing Organizations Initiative (FHOI)

The grant funds will be used over a three-year period to sponsor two fair housing organizations Three Rivers Legal Services (TRLS) and Withlacoochee Area Legal Services (WALS), in the Gainesville and Ocala areas, respectively. Activities will be centered in 15 under-served metropolitan and rural counties which include: Alachua, Marion, Columbia, Suwanee, Hernando, Sumter, Citrus, Levy, Gilchrist, Dixie, Lafayette, Madison, Taylor, Union, and Hamilton. The TRLS and WALS will conduct fair housing enforcement activities serving Hispanics and African Americans.

Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc. - $274,960.11
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)
Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc. (JALA) through the Fair Housing Advocacy Center (FHAC) in Jacksonville will continue to serve as the exclusive provider of private enforcement of fair housing laws on behalf of victims of discrimination in the Jacksonville metropolitan area. In addition, the FHAC will continue to provide quality fair housing testing in areas of rental, sales, fair lending, and insurance. Since 1996, FHAC's enforcement activities have resulted in the referral of hundreds of fair housing complaints, the award of thousands of dollars in monetary settlements to victims of housing discrimination, the granting of reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities, and the preservation of homes for families.

Fair Housing Center of the Greater Palm Beach, Inc. - $186,649.16
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Fair Housing Center of the Greater Palm Beaches Inc. (FHC) will provide service to the non-English speaking immigrants, with emphasis on those who are vulnerable to acts of discrimination based on national origin and religion. The FHC will educate all people protected by the Fair Housing Act (race, color, national origin, religion, disability, sex, and familial status) and the general public of their rights to fair housing. Specific activities of this broad-based, full service enforcement project will include: interviewing potential victims of discrimination, analyzing housing-related issues, taking results, conducting preliminary investigations, conducting mediation, enforcing meritorious claims through enforcement agencies, and disseminating information about fair housing laws.

Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence, Inc. - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence, Inc. (H.O.P.E., Inc.), will be a catalyst for establishing and institutionalizing a network of entities that advocate for the fair housing rights of immigrants, persons with disabilities, the homeless, and other minority groups. H.O.P.E., Inc. will provide a full range of fair housing services, including complaint intake, testing, investigation, fair housing counseling, and supervised referrals, to residents of Miami-Dade and Broward counties, with the goal of increased numbers of fair housing complaints. Outreach activities will be conducted in Spanish and Creole in an aggressive effort to reach the massive groups of immigrant and non-English speaking persons of South Florida. H.O.P.E., Inc. will conduct intake and investigation of fair housing complaints and will conduct numerous tests.

West Palm Beach
Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County, Inc. - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County's grant project coordinates a campaign that facilitates compliance with Federal and State fair housing mandates. Serving Palm Beach County residents, the Project employs an outreach coordinator, and paralegal, who with other staff, develop informational tools necessary to inform target populations about fair housing issues, especially within the context of disabilities and predatory lending. The Society will conduct consumer and housing provider workshops and distribute printed and electronic versions of educational materials representing the major outreach initiatives, particularly directed to groups most vulnerable to discrimination based on their race, color, national origin, religion, sex, handicap, and familial status. Project collaborations with government agencies, professional associations, property owners, and neighborhood associations bridge these communities with the resources they need for increased public awareness of rights, obligations, and mechanisms for compliance and remediation.


JC Vision and Associates, Inc. - $99,993
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

JC Vision and Associates will provide fair housing educational and outreach in its service area and select rural county areas. JC Vision will provide educational seminars, outreach activities, one-on-one counseling, referral services and follow-up services to assist the rural communities to become familiar with local and national fair housing laws and regulations as well as provide complaint referrals to the appropriate local and State agencies

Savannah-Chatham County Fair Housing Council, Inc. - $96,288
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Through its Coastal Discrimination Project, the Savannah-Chatham County Fair Housing Council (SCFHC) will endeavor to eliminate housing discrimination through conducting complaint-based and systemic testing. The project will target underserved populations and expects to produce several outcomes, including: investigation and resolution of housing discrimination complaints; continued progress toward Fair Housing Action Plan goals; and a gradual reduction in discriminatory housing practices within the target area.


Legal Aid Society of Hawaii - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The Legal Aid Society of Hawaii plans to promote fair housing through coordinated outreach efforts among housing agencies and organization. The Society builds coalitions among faith-based and community organizations, and hence, its capacity to serve renters and homebuyers who are most susceptible to discrimination (i.e., non-English and limited English immigrants, persons with disabilities, Filipinos, those of Hawaiian or other Pacific Island descent, and black and African Americans). Their activities will include distributing fair housing materials and conducting trainings, with a concentration on public awareness, support, and enforcement services to low-income families forming the cornerstone of the campaign. The majority of outreach will occur on the island of Oahu. The Society plans to replicate its program for export to neighboring island service providers.


Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Idaho Legal Aid Services (ILAS) will utilize FHIP funds to continue to promote statewide education and outreach about fair housing requirements. ILAS' target population is consumers, particularly ethnic and non-English speaking minority immigrants, persons with disabilities, and persons living in low-income and rural communities. With a goal of increasing fair housing awareness, Idaho Legal Aid Services partners with the Intermountain Fair Housing Council to present symposiums for housing providers. Augmenting the symposiums are a web site and newsletter, marketing materials, and multilingual brochures, including ones produced in alternative formats to accommodate persons with disabilities. Several collaborations with social service, government, immigrant, and other non-profit organizations increase project capacity for education and outreach activities.

Intermountain Fair Housing Council - $274,989
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Through FHIP funding, the Intermountain Fair Housing Council will ensure that all Idahoans have a full choice in housing opportunities. The Council relies on the twin strategies of education about, and enforcement of, State and Federal fair housing laws to fulfill its mission. With about 60 percent of Idaho's households living in communities under 20,000 inhabitants, Idaho has been determined by HUD to be an unserved and underserved rural state. More than half of Idaho's households include families with children under 18 or persons with disabilities. Idaho's immigrant population consists of some 100,000 Latinos (most Spanish-speaking), Native Americans (16,000 - 20,000). There are also some 10,000 recent or new immigrants from Eastern Europe who speak little or no English. Southeast Asia, Africa, or the Middle East are serious risk of discrimination in housing. The Council will provide a comprehensive, full service enforcement program that will focus on the fair housing rights of rural immigrants; limited English speaking communities; those experiencing religious discrimination in housing; families with children; and persons with physical and mental disabilities.


Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Access Living Metropolitan of Chicago proposes to take up the spirit of the New Freedom Initiative and the strategic goals of HUD such as promoting home ownership; strengthening ties with faith-based community groups; improving the quality of public housing; addressing community development; and embracing high standards of ethics and accountability. The target area of the project is Cook County and the Chicago Metropolitan area, Illinois' most populous and racially diverse region. The project will attend to all protected class claims throughout the Chicago Metropolitan area, however, it will articulate particular consideration to: (1) discrimination claims based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin as they are experienced by people with disabilities; (2) incorporating new HUD strategic goals, like homeownership and improving public housing; and (3) targeted outreach to immigrants, and other underserved communities in Chicago, especially the city's Empowerment Zone.

(Second grant) Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Inc.  - $242,339
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

While addressing the needs of minorities in the metropolitan Chicago area, the Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights will increase awareness of fair housing rights; empower victims to report incidents of discrimination; develop credible, legitimate evidence to support discrimination complaints; increase the number of complaints referred to HUD for enforcement; and provide relief to discrimination victims. Utilizing access to pro bono attorneys from Chicago's most prominent law firms, as well as their resources, the Chicago Lawyers' Committee will receive, document, and investigate individual complaints of discrimination.

Jane Addams Hull House Association - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)
The Jane Addams Hull House Association in collaboration with the Chicago Housing Authority, City College of Chicago, and various Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) will seek to raise the public's awareness, particularly among low-income families throughout the city, about fair housing rights, obligations, and measures for redress. Association programs will focus on training sessions for FBOs to increase outreach capacity, dissemination of materials, and assistance with fair housing complaints.

The John Marshall Law School - $273,868
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

John Marshall Law School's Clinic will provide legal representation to those persons who it determines have meritorious complaints that can be handled effectively by the Clinic. Maintaining an active caseload of cases, the Clinic will assist and cooperate with The John Marshall Law School (JMLS), a Qualified Fair Housing Enforcement Organization, and the Fair Housing Legal Clinic (Clinic). The project will focus on communities in the Chicago Metropolitan area, Northwest Indiana, and on the interrelationships that exists in the communities of the near West Side, Pilsen/Little Village and Southern Empowerment Zone communities in the City of Chicago. The Clinic will interview potential victims of discrimination; analyze housing-related issues; take complaints; perform testing; evaluate test results; conduct preliminary investigations and mediation; enforce meritorious claims through litigation or referral to HUD. The Clinic will also handle group homes, accessible housing issues, occupancy standards, familial status, and zoning, especially focusing on housing discrimination with religion and natural origin.

Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Open Communities, in partnership with several faith-based and immigrant groups, will conduct education and outreach activities to advance fair housing in the Chicago region for all protected classes, especially Latino, Arab, Muslim American, and other recent immigrant groups. In addition to three regional forums for local government officials and fair housing presentations to Latino or Arab/Muslim affinity groups, the Leadership Council will produce and/or distribute fair housing brochures and resource guides. Open communities will also arrange two media placements and demonstrable fair housing actions in 15 area communities.

Forest Park
Progress Center for Independent Living - $100,000
Education and Outreach-Disability (EOI-D)

A consortium of three centers for independent living-Progress Center for Independent Living (PCIL), the Lake County Center for Independent Living (LCCIL), and the DuPage Center for Independent Living (DCIL)-will endeavor to create a wide spread base of knowledge about the Fair Housing Act. The consortium will conduct educational trainings for 450 area consumers on fair housing laws, particularly as they relate to people with disabilities, by distributing information about the project utilizing: public service announcements; media interviews; strategic advertising in the Chicago metro area mailings to more than 3,000 disabled individuals; providing information, referrals, and technical assistance services in English and Spanish via phone, mail, and e-mail; and setting up methods for referral of complaints to the appropriate agencies for enforcement. They also plan to conduct outreach to at least 30 stakeholder groups, with particular attention to faith-based, immigrant, Latino, and local-governmental organizations; and provide information, referral, and technical assistance to follow up on training activities in English and Spanish via phone, mail, and e-mail for stakeholders who wish to further research the Fair Housing Act. Consumer outreach, including relationship-building meetings, will direct particular attention to immigrant and Latino groups, faith-based organizations and other community service providers.

South Suburban Housing Center - $225,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The South Suburban Housing Center (SSHC) will ensure that the housing markets serving the South Chicago Metropolitan region are open and free of discriminatory practices to African-Americans, Latinos, persons with disabilities and all other protected groups who pursue the dream of a home in these suburban areas. The organization will also work to establish a Central Illinois Fair Housing Enforcement Project to begin to meet the neglected needs of this area for fair housing enforcement monitoring and complaint intake assistance. SSHC will establish a comprehensive testing program to monitor all aspects of real estate sales, rental, mortgage lending, and homeowner insurance practices to detect discrimination against all protected groups. In addition, SSHC will continue to expand educational outreach and fair housing enforcement efforts in communities with substantial concentrations of previously underserved Latino residents, work directly with disability rights groups, the Wil-Grundy Center for Independent Living and the Kankakee County Options Center for Independent Living, to further fair housing protection awareness for person with disabilities. Finally, the organization will establish a presence in the small cities and rural areas of the Central Illinois region to provide basic Fair Housing complaint intake, investigation, monitoring and mediation assistance to all protected and underserved groups, and work with community and faith-based groups to develop the local capacity to meet these needs.

Prairie State Legal Services, Inc. - $99,820
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G )

In a 35-county area of northern and central Illinois, excluding Cook and Will Counties, Prairie State Legal Services will conduct a multimedia fair housing education and outreach campaign that serves Spanish-speaking and persons with disabilities and those vulnerable to discrimination based on gender and family status. More specifically, the attorneys who operate the project including a blind attorney, bilingual attorneys, and one who has worked in a rural setting, have produced several informational materials about the legal aspects of fair housing. Armed with bilingual materials and a goal of informing 500 persons, the attorneys will deliver bilingual presentations, distribute literature, and broadcast their message on radio programming for Spanish-speaking persons. They also will use the Internet to reach their constituency. This project integrates fair housing information into Prairie States Legal Services' ongoing legal services system.

Statewide Independent Living Council Homeownership - $47,931
Education and Outreach-Disability (EOI-D)

The Statewide Independent Living Council of Illinois, the lead agency for the Homeownership Coalition for People with Disabilities, will promote equal housing opportunity for all the protected classes under the Federal, State and local Fair Housing laws. Specific project activities will encompass a six-county area and will involve: conducting educational seminars in six counties; distributing HUD approved educational materials, implementing a complaint referral process for housing discrimination cases; and promoting, more effectively, fair housing practices within its service area.

HOPE Fair Housing Center - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

HOPE Fair Housing Center will provide four programs serving DuPage County, Kane County, McHenry County, Western Cook County, and 26 underserved rural counties in Northern and North Central Illinois. One project will conduct rental tests and non-testing investigations for enforcement to ensure that participants of the Housing Choice Voucher Program actually have a choice in housing. In another project, HOPE will conduct non-testing investigations in the cities of Moline, Carpentersville, and Rockford to determine if there is discrimination against minority and new immigrant residents in the enforcement of housing or property maintenance codes. An additional project will have HOPE collaborating with social service, legal assistance agencies, apartment referral services, and civil rights organizations to open doors to new housing opportunities, and fight on-going racial and ethnic steering in Western and DuPage Counties. Finally, HOPE will collaborate with centers serving persons with disabilities to conduct accessibility tests and tests for persons with disabilities in underserved and older established cities


*National Fair Housing Alliance, Washington, DC - $1,049,622
Fair Housing Organizations Initiative (FHOI)

Grant funds will be used by the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) to establish a new full service organization in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Marion County Center for Housing Opportunities (MCCHO) will serve all protected classes residing in Marion County, Pike, Washington, Lawrence, Wayne, Center, Warren, Decatur, Perry, and Franklin townships with special attention to Latinos and Asians. MCCHO will distribute bilingual material that addresses rental, sales, lending, and insurance practices. In addition, MCCHO will leverage its collaboration with other non-profit and government entities and attorneys to increase enforcement activities including testing, investigations, and administrative and legal support. This is a three-year grant.
* Description also listed under District of Columbia


Des Moines
Iowa Civil Rights Commission - $98,543
Education and Outreach-Disability (EOI-D)

Through its "Expanding the Dream-Providing the Tools to Ensure Sufficient Accessible Housing in Iowa Program", the Iowa Civil Rights Commission (ICRC) plans to increase the awareness of individuals with disabilities, their family members, and groups and organizations who advocate on their behalf regarding housing accessibility, and to increase the capacity of the Iowa private bar to assist those who come forward to file fair housing complaints. The applicant will accomplish this by collaborating with other entities to develop a consumers' guide to housing accessibility and design. This guide, which will be published in print and in Braille, via the Internet, will provide information on what the law requires and options to consider with respect to housing accessibility. Staff from the ICRC, in collaboration with staff from Legal Services Corporation of Iowa, will conduct several workshops that focus on the information outlined in its aforementioned consumer's guide as well as the fair housing rights of disabled seniors. A seminar for attorneys in the Volunteer Lawyers Project will also be conducted, which will endeavor to increase the capacity of the Iowa private bar to assist victims of housing discrimination, particularly as it relates to the rights of the disabled.


Urban League of Wichita, Inc. - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

With this grant, The Urban League of Wichita will expand and strengthen its education and outreach activities to help meet the needs of non-English-speaking immigrants and other protected classes. The target area consists of 12 counties: nine in southwestern Kansas and three in south-central Kansas, including the Wichita metropolitan statistical area (MSA). Counties in the original service area were Ford, Finney, Seward, and Sedgwick. New counties to which services are being extended are Butler, Harvey, Gray, Kiowa, Hodgeman, Haskell, Meade, and Steven. Their inclusion increases the overall target area from 4 to 12 counties. The Urban League of Wichita plans to distribute information on the Fair Housing Act; present examples of discriminatory rental, sales, insurance, and lending practices; provide lists of local and state agencies that work with HUD to enforce fair housing laws; encourage complainants to file with HUD; and reach out to local governments, churches, community organizations, and groups to promote fair housing seminars, workshops, and conferences. With this funding, the applicant also will research official records to determine the frequency and scope of complaints and findings of bias, and it will maintain easy-to-use complaint filing, referral, and follow-up procedures.


Lexington Fair Housing Council, Inc. - $233,721.65
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Lexington Fair Housing Council will utilize this funding to continue its strong history of enforcement of federal, state and local fair housing laws to eradicate housing discrimination through a continued focus on testing, filing of complaints focusing on reducing community tension and continuing to refer valid enforcement proposals to HUD, the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission and the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights.

The Kentucky Fair Housing Council - $99,937
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The Kentucky Fair Housing Council will publish ten issues of the Fair Housing Advocate including one issue devoted specifically to disability and accessibility. In addition, the Council will periodically report on significant court cases involving predatory lending including notable settlements and judgments. Also, a significant goal of the KFHC is to create a major conduit for private and non-profit agencies, community groups and governmental agencies to share resources and information about current fair housing events and to distribute meaningful information to potential victims of housing discrimination.


New Orleans
Acorn Community Land Association of LA - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Louisiana ACORN Fair Housing Organization (LAFHO) promotes fair housing education and outreach through its service to Indian tribes, immigrant communities, and residents of rural areas. LAFHO trains staff, volunteers, and board members and conducts financial justice fairs and studies that maximize faith- and community-based partnerships. In addition, LAFHO's referrals to mortgage counselors and sponsorship of Predatory Lending Community Roundtables link consumers and housing professionals with information necessary to increase equal housing opportunities in Southern Louisiana. Maintaining a web site, documenting impediments to fair housing, and referring residents to HUD augment the array of outreach and education services LAFHO delivers.

New Orleans
Advocacy Center - $98,425
Education and Outreach-Disability (EOI-D)

The Advocacy Center proposes to educate individuals with disabilities in Louisiana, their families, and service providers about all aspects of rights associated with fair housing. The Advocacy Center will establish a collaborative network, which includes the Advocacy Center, the Human Development Center, and the Fair Housing Action Center. Representatives from these three collaborators, along with a consumer with a disability, will comprise the project's management team. The team and staff will complete the following major activities: catalog existing fair housing education outreach resources; review fair housing education and outreach materials to determine appropriateness of use in proposed training curriculum; revise existing and develop new fair housing resources to meet the fair housing training, accessibility, and literacy needs of individuals with disabilities, families, and service providers; recruit trainers from disability advocacy organizations; conduct four fair housing symposia for the purpose of educating persons with disabilities, family members and disability service providers; conduct train-the-trainer sessions to improve the fair housing training skills of recruited trainers; implement a compliance system to increase referrals of fair housing complaints regarding possible discriminatory practices; maintain a website; monitor and evaluate all project activities; and implement a plan for sustainability of project activities/resources following the cessation of federal funding.

New Orleans
Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center, Inc. - $274,999
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Greater New Orleans Fair Housing Action Center, Inc. (FHAC) will concentrate its efforts within the Greater New Orleans area and will focus on all protected classes in all housing markets. Services, products, and activities will center on education, testing, and enforcement and specifically will involve: recruitment and training of testers for rental, sales, insurance, and lending testing; intake of new fair housing complaints; systemic investigations to determine the nature and extent of discrimination against underserved populations; development and distribution of outreach materials; fair housing presentations to first-time home buyers and groups serving protected classes; and, annual Fair Housing Month Summits to focus the community's attention on fair housing issues.


Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Inc. - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Pine Tree seeks to develop a comprehensive education and outreach program strategically designed to promote activities that enhance compliance with and enforcement of the Fair Housing Act and equivalent state and local fair housing laws throughout Maine. The target populations are urban and rural communities throughout the state, focusing on three key constituencies: (a) recent immigrants and individuals with limited English proficiency; (b) people with disabilities, including both physical and mental health disabilities; and (c) single-parent households receiving some form of government assistance. FHIP funding will allow new bilingual materials on fair housing issues to be added to Pine Tree's online "Learn about Maine Law" series and to be linked to relevant Websites for other housing and advocacy organizations. The funding also will allow Pine Tree to create a new listserv for social services and agency staff members who work with client populations affected by fair housing issues. In collaboration with community partners and appropriate state agencies, a series of workshops will cover fair housing mandates and housing market norms to help consumers recognize and report abusive and intimidating behaviors by unscrupulous landlords and other real estate industry members. Finally, Pine Tree will establish a speakers' bureau to give presentations (upon request) on federal and state fair housing laws.


Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston - $274,995
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston (FHCGB) will provide Fair Housing enforcement activities in the Greater Boston area. Activities will include in-take, investigation and testing of complaints, development of systemic cases, recruitment and training of testers, and a legal seminar for cooperating attorneys to investigate and litigate individual and systematic cases. The agency anticipates conducting a number of rental and sales tests. The FHCGB will use 5% of its allocated funds for education and outreach activities. These funds will be used for educational activities designed to increase the awareness of potential housing discrimination victims. The project's educational efforts will specifically address the underserved population of first time homebuyers, people who are homeless, and non-English speaking immigrants. The project will direct media efforts, community educational campaigns, and enforcement efforts toward these protected classes.


Detroit Alliance for Fair Banking - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G

The Detroit Alliance for Fair Banking (DAFB) will supplement and expand its education and outreach activities to businesses and individual consumers throughout the City of Detroit¾including Detroit's Empowerment Zone. DAFB will expand the reach of its most popular workshops: "Don't Borrow Trouble", "Financial Literacy Education," and "Mortgage Qualification." Education efforts will focus on the Fair Housing Act, and other federal financial regulations, as well as the roles of the agencies that govern fair housing and credit. Specifically, DAFB will expand its efforts to educate consumers on the home-buying process, how to recognize predatory lending practices, and how to file complaints of discriminatory housing practices.


Metropolitan Interfaith Council on Affordable Housing - $99,998
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Metropolitan Interfaith Council on Affordable Housing (MICAH) will partner with four community-based organizations serving immigrants, refugees and underserved communities and will establish the Comadres Project which will seek to empower grassroots leaders to provide outreach and education on fair housing issues and concerns to these communities in order to effectively address their fair housing issues and concerns and reduce the incidence of housing discrimination. The Comadres Project will provide outreach and education to the grassroots leadership structure of these groups to overcome discrimination and other barriers that prevent them from securing safe and affordable housing. MICAH will also conduct a comprehensive outreach and education campaign to raise awareness of fair housing issues within the immigrant, refugee and underserved populations. Finally, MICAH will develop fair housing advocacy strategies through the grassroots leadership of these protected groups to reduce the incidence of housing discrimination.

St. Paul
Acorn Housing Corporation - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Through this project, ACORN Housing Corporation (AHC), in partnership with ACORN Fair Housing (AFH), will increase compliance with the Fair Housing Act by conducting public outreach and education, performing intensive Home Mortgage Disclosure Act and other data analysis and mapping, investigating reverse redlining and illegal practices among predatory lenders, and referring complaints to HUD, the Department of Justice, state and local agencies, and/or private attorneys. This project will be implemented in HUD's Minnesota region, specifically in the Minneapolis and St. Paul neighborhoods with large numbers of African Americans as well as recent immigrants from Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America. ACORN will use research tools to identify the abusive lending practices most often used in these locations, and then go "on the ground" to educate the public about these practices and the rights afforded to them under the Fair Housing Act. ACORN will also assist people in filing complaints.

St. Paul
Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services, Inc. - $184,358
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services, Inc., (SMRLS) will build on its current fair housing enforcement efforts as a Fair Housing Organization providing enforcement services to underserved, low-income protected class populations including, but not limited to: a variety of refugee and immigrant populations; low-income populations of color concentrated and segregated in economically impoverished pockets of larger urban areas; homeless persons of color and homeless persons with mental or other impairments; and migrant farm workers seasonally residing throughout Minnesota and in the Red River Valley of North Dakota. Some of the organization's project activities will include: outreach to the aforementioned populations; pursuit of enforcement complaints of discriminatory actions, practices, and polices; implement a metropolitan Action Guide addressing identified impediments to fair housing; and, more particularly, to establish a metro-wide fair housing testing program.


South Mississippi Legal Services Corporation - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

South Mississippi Legal Services Corporation (SMLSC) will coordinate a statewide, community-based, outreach campaign to increase awareness of fair housing laws and the availability of remedies for fair housing violations. SMLSC provides outreach to 12 counties, all of which are rural except one. With its partners, SMLSC will conduct seminars in communities and distribute fair housing materials through its client counseling network and collaborative channels.


St. Louis
Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council - $274,994.42
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council (EHOC) proposes to identify violations of fair housing laws and assist home seekers of all protected classes in enforcing their fair housing rights. The project will serve counties in Southern Illinois and Eastern Missouri and will involve: investigating complaints of discrimination; conducting rental, sales, and lending tests; conducting a lending audit of predatory lending tests; distributing and posting to the Internet a quarterly newsletter, OPEN DOORS; initiating fair housing counseling/intake sessions for immigrant groups, disability groups, and residents of homeless shelters; conducting an annual public press briefing of fair housing practices in the region; and sponsoring a day-long fair housing conference for housing providers, public officials, advocates, and the general public


Montana Fair Housing, Inc. - $259,481
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Montana Fair Housing, a qualified fair housing organization in Montana, provides full services for victims of housing discrimination in the state. This project will provide fair housing services for the entire state of Montana, and will include education, outreach, and complaint-based enforcement. Specifically, Montana Fair Housing, Inc. will receive and track complaints; recruit and train 10 new testers; complete several complaint-based paired rental tests and paired tests focusing on discrimination in lending, sales, and insurance practices; refer enforcement proposals to HUD; make presentation to at least four churches or places of worship on fair housing laws; and continue its current education and outreach activities.


Family Housing Advisory Services, Inc. - $254,457
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Family Housing Advisory Services, Inc. (FHAS) will engage in a variety of tasks aimed at expanding its current enforcement activities. Services will be directed to residents in urban and rural portions of Nebraska and Western Iowa. Although all protected classes will be covered, FHAS' project will emphasize national origin as a protected class, giving special emphasis to Hispanic residents and others with limited or no English skills. Specific undertakings will include: matched pair systemic fair housing tests; collaborative efforts with key faith-based and grassroots community organizations; reviews of mortgage loans to determine the presence of predatory lending practices; and, services in Spanish that include a toll-free hotline.


Silver State Fair Housing Council - $265,014
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Silver State Fair Housing Council (SSFHC), a Qualified Fair Housing Organization, will undertake several activities targeted to all protected classes, but will place special emphasis on underserved rural communities, national origin and religion issues, and the fair housing rights of persons with disabilities. Specifically, SSFHC will conduct paired rental site tests and paired rental phone tests; recruit and train new housing discrimination testers; conduct complaint intake, assessment, and referral for all residents of northern Nevada; develop housing discrimination claims using testing, property and corporate searches, site visits and surveys, witness interviews, building permit research, and expert reports, as needed; refer all bona fide claims to HUD, and assist in reasonable accommodation/modification requests. In addition, SSFHC will raise public awareness of fair housing and SSFHC services through seminars, newsletters, advertising, and the Internet.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Legal Assistance - $258,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Through this grant, the New Hampshire Legal Assistance (NHLA) Fair Housing Project (FHP) will hire a Testing/Program Coordinator/Paralegal who will focus on test coordination, tester recruitment and training, and program coordination and support. The grant will support the FHP to carry out fair housing activities, both statewide and in the four-county target area where concentrations of protected class members exist. Activities to be undertaken include: a testing program, community education initiatives, community-based intakes, and community partnerships to further equal access to housing. The FHP will also distribute, in four languages, written material on Fair Housing Laws and will coordinate a forum of community, business, and government leaders to evaluate predatory lending practices in New Hampshire.

New Jersey

Citizen Action of New Jersey - $88,378.62
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Citizen Action of New Jersey (CANJ) conducts a campaign that focuses on educating residents and community leaders about predatory lending practices. Specifically, low- and moderate-income and disabled residents in Essex County receive information about these discriminatory lending practices. CANJ conducts bilingual consumer and community leader workshops on recognizing and enforcing protections against unfair lending and throughout the County, CANJ presents train-the-trainer workshops that instruct workers on teaching clients to identify, screen, and report fair lending complaints. Its media campaign consists of print and broadcast announcements and victim training to become media spokespersons against predatory lending

Fair Housing Council of Northern New Jersey - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Fair Housing Council of Northern New Jersey (the Council) is a full-service agency that carries out fair housing testing activities statewide. The Council's clients include: persons with disabilities; persons of color; religious, ethnic, and racial minorities; and all individuals and families covered under Federal and state fair housing laws. Through this grant, the Council will engage in the following enforcement and educational activities: sales/rental testing; investigation of complaints of discrimination; referral of all FHIP funded complaints to HUD; recruitment and training of new testers to add to the current testing pool; and, promotion of the program.

New Mexico

Legal Aid Society of Albuquerque, Inc. - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Fair Housing Project of the Legal Aid Society of Albuquerque, Inc. (LASA) will expand its efforts to address the needs of severely underserved communities in southeastern New Mexico, including the recent immigrant communities in the Colonias, and to provide services in the central New Mexico region, Santa Fe and Doña Ma Counties. Specifically, the LASA will also increase its accessibility through developing a web site, establishing a statewide toll-free Fair Housing/Fair Lending hotline, and expanding and distributing the Renter's Guide/Guia para Renteros. In addition, LASA anticipates building upon its established LASA rental testing program by developing a lender testing program to address the fair housing needs of both renters and homebuyers.

Santa Fe
City of Santa Fe - $98,889.95
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The Santa Fe Fair Housing Project ("Fair Housing Project"), the current FHIP-funded project addresses the city's most significant impediment to fair housing - the lack of fair housing services. This application proposes the continuation of the current FHIP-funded program and outlines outreach activities to address growing housing discrimination in our community, particularly that which affects Spanish speaking immigrants and persons experiencing discrimination because of the September 11th attack. In its second year, the project will continue to focus on increasing public awareness about housing discrimination, providing referrals and remedies for persons experiencing discrimination and promoting accessible, affordable housing choices on a region-wide basis.

New York

Bronx Independent Living Services, Inc. - $100,000
Education and Outreach-Disability (EOI-D)

Bronx Independent Living Services (BILS), a cross-disability, consumer-controlled Independent Living Center, will initiate a program of education and outreach concerning fair housing rights and responsibilities, with an emphasis on those regarding people with disabilities. BILS' staff consists predominately of people with disabilities and/or people of color, many who have personally experienced discrimination. Project activities will include identifying the best existing education materials on fair housing and adapting them for people in the Bronx, conducting outreach in English and Spanish to the general public and to people with disabilities about the nature of housing discrimination against people with disabilities and how to prevent or stop it; educating our target population using materials and content tailored to each subgroup; and refining a referral process that will enable the organization to identify and refer consumers with credible claims of housing discrimination to HUD and other fair housing enforcement agencies. The project will target Bronx residents who have disabilities and others who are covered by the Fair Housing Act and its state and local counterparts; trade associations for housing-related professions, such as building owners and managers, real estate brokers, mortgage lenders, home insurance agents; attorneys from Legal Aid, Legal Services, the Bar Association; and, Community Boards in the Bronx.

Housing Opportunities Made Equal, Inc. - $247,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Through this grant, Housing Opportunities Made Equal, Inc. (HOME) will conduct a variety of activities specifically aimed at combating housing discrimination in the Buffalo Niagara region. The activities include, but are not limited to, conducting outreach presentations for organizations that serve new immigrants, potential victims of religious and national origin discrimination; persons with disabilities, and the homeless; publishing informational brochures in English and Arabic; conducting intake of discrimination allegations; testing of rental complexes and real estate firms; conducting accessibility tests; and mediating and conciliating validated cases of housing discrimination.

New York City
Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy - 100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy Project (NEDAP) will extend its fair housing education and outreach campaign to the Bronx, which supplements its existing outreach in Brooklyn and Queens. With an emphasis on predatory lending, NEDAP maintains mapping and other reporting tools to monitor lending patterns and identify possible violations of fair housing regulations. NEDAP will link with current and potential homeowners through a hotline, e-mail address, and community presentations. In its on-going collaboration with community, ethnic, and faith-based and legal groups, combined with media coverage, NEDAP will inform groups, especially the elderly-disabled, senior and immigrant populations, including Asian Americans, about mortgage discrimination and other barriers to homeownership. NEDAP will conduct workshops with bank examiners and government employees to educate them about discriminatory housing patterns and practices.

Housing Council in the Monroe County Area, Inc. - $99,728
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The Housing Council (Council) will emphasize its education and outreach activities toward improving housing opportunities for racial and ethnic minorities, new immigrants, residents of underserved rural areas, and persons with disabilities. The Council's goal is to increase the number of complaints resulting from heightened awareness of the barriers to fair housing choices. With faith-based organizations, they will employ "Train the Trainer" sessions with clergy and church leadership to multiply capacity by engaging congregations in workshops. In partnership with Wayne County, customized curricula will be tailoring instructions to elected officials and planning board members in rural areas. Advertising and maintenance of a hotline represent an ongoing resource for information, counseling, publications, and case management to consumers, particularly complainants and those residing in rural communities. Finally, classes geared toward realtors designed to enhance their knowledge of fair housing laws, penalties, and the compliance process complement community-based, multilingual consumer workshops.

Monroe County Legal Assistance Corp. - $274,944
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Fair Housing Enforcement Project (FHEP) is a partnership project between Rochester Center for Independent Living (RCIL), a disability advocacy group, and the Monroe County Legal Assistance Corporation (MCLAC), a public interest law firm that administers the project, which seeks to reduce illegal discrimination in housing transactions. The Project will work to prevent future fair housing discrimination in Monroe County, an urban/rural county of 735,000 people in upstate New York and five rural counties, Livingston, Ontario, Seneca, Wayne and Yates, an underserved area of 316,280 people. Monroe County includes the City of Rochester and twenty-nine surrounding rural and suburban towns. The Project will perform fair housing tests, a few of which will be targeted to housing discrimination in the rural counties. In addition, the Project will file enforcement actions in order to (1) curtail violations of the Fair Housing laws, and (2) obtain remedies from housing providers who violate the law. MCLAC will increase the number of referrals to HUD from the rural counties through increased enforcement activities, including (1) generating complaints, (2) auditing potential violators, (3) investigating complaints in a timely fashion, (4) assessing appropriate remedies, if any, and (5) enforcing Fair Housing laws through complaints filed with HUD and in federal court.

Fair Housing Council of CNY, Inc. - $271,895
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Fair Housing Council of Central New York, Inc., a qualified fair housing enforcement organization, will initiate a broad-based and full-service project to help ensure equal housing opportunities throughout upstate New York. The project will focus on new immigrants and non-English speaking populations in select areas. Persons with disabilities and ethnic and religious minorities will also be targeted. The organization will carry out tester training sessions; rental, sales, and lending tests; complaint intake; and, investigation of cases as warranted. In addition, the organization will investigate predatory lending practices and will promote awareness of the project through educational workshops within the service area.

North Carolina

Asheville-Buncombe Community Relations Council - $272,879
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Asheville-Buncombe Community Relations Council in partnership with sub-grantee Pisgah Legal Services (PLS), sub-grantee N.C. Fair Housing Center, and the Affordable Housing Coalition of Asheville and Buncombe County will focus on housing discrimination in fifteen, predominantly rural counties (Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Henderson, Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, Yaney Counties) serving African Americans, Native Americans, Latinos, persons with disabilities and other minorities. ABCRC and PLS will emphasize investigation of discrimination cases arising in the public and private rental markets and in the mortgage lending market. Investigation and enforcement efforts will be closely coordinated between the two agencies.

North Dakota

North Dakota Fair Housing Council - $273,810
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The North Dakota Fair Housing Council (NDFHC) is the only fair housing organization in North and South Dakota. Its goal is to strengthen enforcement activities in the project area through testing and other investigation methods and the filing of administrative and judicial fair housing cases. Specifically NDFHC will: conduct complaint-based, paired rental tests of the housing market; litigate fair housing complaints; distribute PSAs and newsletters; coordinate a town hall meeting to discuss religious and national origin discrimination; conduct fair housing workshops for consumers and providers; engage in outreach activities; and locate fair housing materials that have been produced in Spanish for distribution.


Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio (COHHIO) will conduct a statewide campaign to dismantle barriers to homeownership, with special attention to the elderly, low-income, and minority populations. A recent study cited the Cleveland-Lorain-Elyria area as the metropolitan area with the highest incidence of subprime home refinance loans in the state. However, because the percentages are comparably high throughout the state, COHHIO will concentrate on mortgage lending discrimination and abusive or predatory mortgage lending practices in its fair housing awareness campaign. COHHIO will use seminars and forums, materials, and direct assistance to support organizations and service providers to promote awareness and empowerment among its underserved population.

Toledo Fair Housing Center. - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Toledo Fair Housing Center (FHC) will provide comprehensive services, which will include intake, investigation, and resolution of complaints from all segments of the housing industry: rental, sales, lending, appraisal, insurance, zoning, new construction, rehab, and advertising. Five components-Victims' Assistance, Complaint Investigation, Outreach to Underserved Populations, Monitoring, and Prevention-comprise the FHC's proposed project, which will place special emphasis on immigrant issues, particularly with regard to the local Hispanic community.


Housing Partners of Tulsa, Inc. - $60,921
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Housing Partners of Tulsa, Inc., proposes to create a Fair Housing Coordinator position in order to coordinate with the Tulsa Area Fair Housing Partnership in implementing a comprehensive, precisely targeted fair housing educational campaign over the course of twelve months. The Fair Housing Coordinator will counsel individuals and groups of both housing professionals and private citizens, in a variety of contexts. Moreover, the Coordinator will conduct a carefully targeted media campaign to educate the public about fair housing concerns. Finally, the Coordinator will serve as a highly visible point of first contact for housing discrimination complaints. These complaints will be processed by the City of Tulsa's Department of Human Rights. Through this project, Housing Partners of Tulsa, Inc., will educate the citizens of Tulsa, Oklahoma, about housing discrimination and increase the efficiency of complaint enforcement investigations, thereby reducing incidence of housing discrimination in the community over the long term.


Fair Housing Council of Oregon - $274,464
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

During the grant period, Fair Housing Council of Oregon (FHCO) will evaluate several complaints of illegal housing discrimination received over its toll free hotline. FHCO will perform several complaint-driven tests and audit tests of the homeowners' insurance and mortgage lending markets (for discrimination) and new rental construction and design (for accessibility). FHCO will also assist callers with disabilities who need guidance on requesting a reasonable accommodation. FHCO will focus its outreach efforts on Latino, Middle Eastern, Russian, Asian and other immigrant and refugee communities as well as Oregon's rural communities. FHCO will provide culturally appropriate contact to these communities using bilingual and bicultural staff or contract with language and culturally appropriate interpreters. FHCO will also recruit and train 12 new testers from the Latino, Russian, Asian, and Middle Eastern communities.

Legal Aid Services of Oregon - $99,908
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

With this grant, Legal Aid Services of Oregon (LASO) in partnership with the Fair Housing Council of Oregon (FHCO) plans to perform education and outreach activities in Oregon. Project activities will help immigrant communities, people with disabilities, and residents of rural communities in Oregon (as well as the agency staff members and housing providers who serve these populations) to understand fair housing rights and responsibilities. Special focus will be placed on increasing the understanding and awareness of predatory lending issues among attorneys throughout Oregon. Another objective is to provide organizations with linguistic and culturally appropriate translation services, thus enabling them to conduct training sessions in languages other than English. The project will present four one-and-a-half day workshops in Klamath Falls, Bend, La Grande, and Ashland, presented in person by LASO and FHCO staff: "Fair Housing/Predatory Lending for Consumers and Their Advocates," "Fair Housing for Public and Private Housing Providers," "Fair Housing Law/Predatory Lending Issues for Attorneys," and "Fair Housing for Faith-Based and Community Organizations." Videotapes of training sessions will be made available to those unable to attend the workshops in person. Outreach will include the media, personal contacts, and the distribution of materials.


Fair Housing Council of Montgomery County - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The Fair Housing Council of Montgomery County (Council) conducts a fair housing campaign that serves individuals residing in Montgomery County and the Philadelphia metropolitan region, especially the County residents who are homeless, disabled, or immigrants. The Council provides training in the community to staff and consumers to promote access to homeownership, facilitate referrals for housing discrimination, and inform individuals about germane topics such as predatory lending and fair housing protections for victims of hate crimes. Collaboration with community-based partners includes establishment of a housing counselor position and ongoing links with direct service staff, counselors, and local government personnel. In addition, the Council aims to increase the community's awareness of housing laws and remedies, including enforcement protections.

Fair Housing Partnership of Greater Pittsburgh, Inc. - $274,997
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Fair Housing Partnership of Greater Pittsburgh Inc.'s (FHP) principal mission is "to eliminate housing discrimination and to promote Fair Housing in the Greater Pittsburgh area." The project will recruit and train new testers as its complaint-based program is augmented with a growing systemic testing program. It will also provide resources for legal assistance to victims of housing discrimination, and will continue to directly represent victims of discrimination while recruiting and training attorneys for its Panel of Cooperating Attorneys. The revolving litigation fund will provide for clients who cannot afford litigation costs. In addition, FHP will provide education about the Federal, State and local fair housing laws. FHP will continue its current policy of monthly workshops to local advocacy and community groups, and will build on its contacts in outlying communities to establish a broader presence in the Greater Pittsburgh Metropolitan area.

TRCIL Services, Inc. - $ 40,218
Education and Outreach-Disability (EOI-D)

Three Rivers Center for Independent Living (TRCIL) through its service subsidiary, TRCIL Services, Inc. intends to provide Fair Housing education and outreach to residents of Allegheny County in Southwestern Pennsylvania, with an emphasis on persons with disabilities. TRCIL Services, Inc.'s approach will be to create and connect networks to advocates; share and disseminate information; train and educate; and provide access to services, resources, and technical assistance for people with disabilities. Specifically, TRCIL Services, Inc. will conduct educational symposia on a variety of topics, including home ownership opportunities, and Fair Housing Act rights and responsibilities; provide outreach to people with disabilities, their support organizations, housing providers, and the general public regarding rights of people with disabilities under the act; develop a HUD complaint referral process and become a point of contact for people with disabilities with any housing needs; and, continue to advocate homeownership with fair housing, universal design, and visitability for people with disabilities. TRCIL Services, Inc. will partner with Fair Housing Partnership of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in offering its services

Rhode Island

Rhode Island Legal Services, Inc. - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Rhode Island Legal Services (RILS) will conduct a statewide campaign to educate residents about fair housing rights and remedies, with a special emphasis on resident groups most at-risk for housing discrimination, such as non-English speaking immigrants, the disabled, and religious, racial, and ethnic minorities. Information will be disseminated through pamphlets produced in three languages, exhibits, seminars, and web sites. Community workers will receive training to become ongoing resources within their communities. In conjunction with its partners, RILS will host a statewide conference and refer cases to HUD.

South Carolina

Greenville County Human Relations Commission - $85,936
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The Greenville County Human Relations Commission (GCHRC) provides fair housing services and outreach to people in a four-county area in upstate South Carolina. With the requested funding, GCHRC will be able to increase its coverage of fair housing issues in all of the areas it serves, especially among low-to-moderate income families, the disabled, and immigrant populations. Together with Catholic Charities/Piedmont Deanery, GCHRC will conduct targeted fair housing outreach to new immigrant populations. GCHRC will hire a part-time fair housing education coordinator to develop and maintain a speakers' bureau of fair housing education volunteers. GCHRC will focus on reaching every community in Greenville County through numerous speaking and education outreach engagements. The fair housing education coordinator will conduct a countywide literature canvas in which bilingual fair housing materials (posters and brochures) with a local slant will be developed and distributed to existing partners for dissemination to the general public.


West Tennessee Legal Services, Inc. $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

West Tennessee Legal Services (WTLS) will provide broad-based fair housing enforcement services to all protected classes in all markets. The project places special emphasis upon education and enforcement service delivery to underserved populations, protected class members among immigrant populations (especially racial and ethnic minorities who are non-English speaking and limited English proficiency), rural populations, persons with disabilities, and homeless persons. Specifically, the WTLS will conduct investigations of systemic complaints in all markets and provide other support for administrative and judicial enforcement; analyze appropriate data of statewide banks serving rural areas to determine discriminatory and/or predatory lending; engage in complaint resolution/mediation; present seminars, conduct training, and distribute literature in efforts to increase stakeholders' awareness of fair housing laws; and, administer a revolving litigation fund.

Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency - $98,683.29
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency will utilize FHIP funds to continue its mission to provide educate and outreach to the Nashville community on issues surrounding fair housing and housing consumerism. MDHA's target population will be housing-consumers and housing-providers, especially non-English speaking individuals. MDHA's goal is to sponsor a fair housing conference and at least six community forums, distribute fair housing literature, provide a website with information on how to file fair housing complaints, and to provide fair housing presentations to elementary and high school students.


Austin Tenant's Council, Inc. - $258,971
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Austin Tenants' Council (ATC) will provide testing and legal resources in support of Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended by the Fair Housing Act of 1988. This project will heighten public awareness of the continued effects of housing discrimination in the Austin Metropolitan Statistical Area and will focus specifically on issues surrounding the housing rights of disabled persons and the rights of recent immigrants to the United States. Principal activities will include: promoting fair housing and the availability of ATC's services through mass media; providing intake and referral of fair housing complaints; facilitating requests from persons with disabilities for reasonable accommodation and/or modification; and, conducting a variety of tests to ascertain compliance with fair housing laws.

Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Greater Dallas - $ 50,470.14
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Consumer Credit Counseling Services - Dallas' (CCCS) fair housing education and outreach project will target and educate immigrant populations (especially racial and ethnic minorities who are not English-speaking or have limited English proficiency), older, and disabled Americans to provide information about their fair housing rights. The outcome of these two strategic efforts is to aid immigrants, low-income minorities, the elderly and people with disabilities ensuring that they do not become victims of unfair treatment or discrimination when renting or buying a home. To reach these target constituents, CCCS will enhance and continue building existing programs and relationships with churches, faith-based organization, senior centers, community service organizations, businesses, colleges/universities, schools and English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) programs.

City of Garland - $100,000
Education and Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The Garland Office of Fair Housing proposes to expand its FHIP program to include concentrated education and outreach to a) disabled individuals, b) homeowners who may have been subjected to predatory lending practices by housing investors who sell their properties to unsuspecting buyers under a "contract for deed" arrangement, and c) persons from other countries who may be threatened by anti-Arab or anti-Muslim sentiments after the September 11 terrorist attacks. General education and outreach will also be conducted through its regional media campaign, "Garland: Where Fair Means Fair," to all members of the identified protected classes. Special efforts will be made to provide information in accessible format to the limited-English proficient about housing rights. The program's goal is to reach 35,000 residents through exhaustive information and concentrated education about specific acts that may be violations of the Fair Housing Act. The mission is to educate citizens on Fair Housing laws and to eliminate housing discrimination.


Champlain Valley O.E.O, Inc. - $245,427
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Serving the state of Vermont, the Champlain Valley O.E. O, Inc. (CVOEO) Fair Housing Project will link its education, outreach, and enforcement programs to previous work done by the Vermont Human Rights Commission in an effort to guarantee that Vermont's housing resources will be available to everyone. The mutual effort - promised by the award of this grant - will move CVOEO closer to becoming a sustainable Fair Housing Organization with anticipated State and private funding in subsequent years. FHP continues a vital process aimed at providing services for victims of housing discrimination, implementing strategies to prevent future discrimination, as well as developing a lasting capacity to consistently strive for open housing for all residents.


Piedmont Housing Alliance - $66,655
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

Piedmont Housing Alliance (the Alliance) will coordinate a campaign to educate individuals in the Thomas Jefferson Planning District about fair housing. Of particular interest are low- to moderate-income and disabled individuals, and recent immigrants. The wide array of educational materials, including train-the-trainer and monthly predatory lending workshops, ads, articles, and a web site will help ensure ongoing outreach to consumers and partners of the Alliance. The Alliance will distribute materials in five languages and develop a Predatory Lending Remediation Loan Product, and sponsor a summit representing three vehicles by which the Alliance teams with immigration advocacy groups, housing providers, credit counselors, architects, and others to raise awareness about housing and compliance issues, including accessibility requirements. The volunteer training initiative, in conjunction with faith-based organizations, will serve the dual function of informing congregations while urging them to solicit the participation of their national offices, and thus multiply the impact of this public awareness project.

Endependence Center, Inc. - $100,000
Education and Outreach-Disability (EOI-D)

Project FAIR (Fair housing Act training for Individual Rights) will be operated by the Endependence Center, Inc. (ECI) in collaboration with 16 Centers for Independent Living (CIL) located in Abingdon, Arlington, Charlottesville, Danville, Exmore, Fredericksburg, Grundy, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Lynchburg, Manassas, Norfolk, Pennington Gap, Richmond, Roanoke, and Winchester, Virginia. ECI will provide a statewide training of project staff from the 16 CILs, during which all aspects of the Fair Housing Act (FHA) will be covered and attendees instructed in the provisions of the FHA as they apply to all classes covered by the Act. Furthermore, 74 local FHA trainings will be conducted by the CILs, with each CIL being required to conduct at least four of these trainings that should average approximately 25 attendees per session. ECI will develop a complaint referral process that will include a variety of elements. In addition, CILs will report the number of new housing units created locally as a result of project activities.


International District Housing Alliance - $100,000
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

The International District Housing Alliance (IDHA) is the lead and fiscal agent for the New Americans Homebuyer's Partnership; a collaborative between three community-based organizations to actively work closely together to provide fair housing outreach and education to all protected classes, particularly the underserved immigrant and refugee population in the greater Seattle area. The IDHA also has bilingual staff representation. The activities to be conducted by this alliance include: formulating and conducting fair housing seminars; disseminating fair housing literature to residents on housing discrimination, including predatory lending; having the Human Rights Commission and The Office of Civil Rights train staff on complaint referrals and fair housing advocacy activities; and providing fair housing counseling. General education and outreach will also be conducted through a joint regional media campaign.

Northwest Fair Housing Alliance - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Northwest Fair Housing Alliance (NWFHA) seeks funding to carry out fair housing enforcement activities in eastern and central Washington, with special emphasis on providing these services to immigrants who speak little or no English and who reside in underserved cities and rural areas. Under the proposed project, NWFHA will use its established base of contacts along with the multi-lingual fair housing outreach materials produced under its current FHIP partnership, to expand and enhance effective fair housing enforcement services for these immigrant populations. NWFHA will also employ testing and other investigative techniques to equip victims of discrimination with knowledge and information needed to file meritorious fair housing claims with HUD and the Washington State Human Rights Commission.

Fair Housing Center of South Puget Sound - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Fair Housing Center of South Puget Sound (Fair Housing Center) proposes to utilize grant funds to serve Western and Central Washington to investigate and file individual complaints and measure the degree of systemic discrimination relating to national origin. In addition, the Fair Housing Center will expand services to migrant populations and faith-based organizations throughout the service area. To achieve its goals, the Fair Housing Center will: provide intake and investigation of complaints; conduct paired rental and sales tests as well as systemic audits; recruit and train new testers; expand education and outreach to protected classes as well as to migrant farm worker populations and faith-based organizations; collaborate with other FHIP/FHAP agencies statewide on Fair Housing Month Activities; and write and publish a statewide newsletter on fair housing.


Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council, Inc. - $275,000
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

The Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council (MMFHC) will conduct coordinated statewide and regional enforcement activities for the purpose of identifying and eliminating discriminatory housing practices. These activities will be primarily implemented in 10 Wisconsin counties through the linkages between MMFHC and its satellite offices in Dane County and Northeast Wisconsin. Through funding under this grant, MMFHC will conduct a multi-jurisdictional investigation in Wisconsin of systemic forms of discrimination in the sales market against Latinos, Southeast Asians and African Americans; conduct intake of predatory lending practices; participate in a multi-city investigation of predatory lending practices; and refer complaints to HUD, other administrative agencies, and/or attorneys to increase enforcement actions and eliminate illegal housing discrimination.

United Migrant Opportunity Services, Inc. - $99,999
Education and Outreach-General (EOI-G)

United Migrant Opportunity Services, Inc. (UMOS) provides fair housing outreach and education services to migrant farm and cannery workers in South Dakota and Minnesota. This project will address illegal housing discrimination through education and outreach activities by collaborating with an effective and experienced fair housing organization, utilizing developed and proven strategies that will be adapted for use with the identified population. Through education and outreach, the project will teach migrants, Hispanics, and other disadvantaged people (especially Middle Easterners of the Muslim faith) about fair housing laws and procedures and how to file fair housing claims with HUD. UMOS also will develop a fair housing enforcement referral network, develop a regional complaint tracking system to assure follow-through on complaints, and create a regional outreach and education program utilizing a standardized format for counseling and referral. As part of its "Best Practices" report, UMOS will produce a manual for distribution on fair housing and outreach and education initiatives


Wyoming Fair Housing, Inc. - $198,185
Private Enforcement Initiative (PEI)

Wyoming Fair Housing, Inc. is a full service, nonprofit fair housing organization that is dedicated to affirmatively furthering fair housing activities in the State of Wyoming. This project will address and assist in the elimination of the impediments to fair housing outlined in the State of Wyoming's 1997 Analysis of Impediments to fair housing choice, such as the application of different terms and conditions and disparate treatment of protected class members. These impediments will be reduced by enforcement activities, particularly investigation of allegations of discrimination and education and outreach activities. Implementation of this project will provide fair housing services for the entire State of Wyoming. Wyoming Fair Housing, Inc. will; (1) receive and track complaints, (2) recruit and train new testers, (3) complete complaint-based, paired rental tests; and paired tests focusing on discrimination in mortgage/lending, sales and insurance practices, (4) refer enforcement proposals to HUD as supported by preliminary evidence, and (5) continue education and outreach activities.

Content Archived: April 9, 2010

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