Mission Overview

TESS Light Curves From Full Frame Images ("TESS-SPOC")


Primary Investigator: Douglas A. Caldwell

HLSP Authors: Douglas A. Caldwell, Jon M. Jenkins, Eric B. Ting, Peter Tenenbaum, Joseph D. Twicken, Jeffrey C. Smith, Christina Hedges, Michael M. Fausnaugh, Christopher J. Burke, Bill Wohler

Released: 2020-11-12

Updated: 2020-11-12

Primary Reference(s): Caldwell et al. 2020

DOI: 10.17909/t9-wpz1-8s54

Citations: See ADS Statistics

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TESS-SPOC Distribution of Targets
Distribution of selected TESS-SPOC FFI targets from Sector 14 shown as a stacked histogram. The Sector 14 FFI target list includes 156,217 total targets with 20,000 targets from the two-minute cadence list (blue), 31,175 IR-bright, or nearby targets (cyan), and 105,042 FFI field star targets selected by TESS magnitude (red).


Since the start of the TESS Mission, the TESS Science Processing Operations Center (SPOC) pipeline has been used to calibrate full-frame images (FFI) and to assign world-coordinate system information to the FFI data delivered to the MAST. The SPOC pipeline has generated target pixel files, light curves, and associated products from two-minute cadence target data, but not from FFIs (Jenkins, et al. 2016). Data provided with this release extend the SPOC pipeline processing to include targets selected from the FFIs to create target pixel and light curve files for up to 160,000 targets per sector.

Targets are selected from the FFIs using the TESS Input Catalog (TIC; Stassun et al. 2019) with a maximum of 10,000 targets per Sector on each of the sixteen TESS CCDs. Selection criteria include all two-minute cadence targets, targets bright in the near-infrared (H magnitude <=10), targets within 100 parsecs, and targets with TESS magnitude <=13.5. Details of the target selection are given in (Caldwell et al. 2020). The data products for the TESS-SPOC FFI targets are the same as for the two-minute cadence targets: calibrated target pixel files, simple aperture photometry flux time series, presearch data conditioning corrected flux time series, and cotrending basis vectors (CBV) sampled at the FFI cadence. The initial release includes TESS-SPOC FFI data products for the TESS northern hemisphere Sectors 14-26.

Data Products

The light curve and target pixel files have the following file naming convention:



  • <tid> = The full, 16-digit, zero-padded TIC ID.
  • <sector> = The Sector represented as a 4-digit, zero-padded string, preceded by an 's', e.g., 's0026' for Sector 26.
  • <type> = 'lc' for the light curve and 'tp' for the target pixel files.

The co-trending basis vector (CBV) files have the following file naming convention:



  • <cam> = The Camera number, one of {1, 2, 3, 4}.
  • <ccd> = The CCD number, one of {1, 2, 3, 4}.
  • <sector> = The Sector represented as a 4-digit, zero-padded string, preceded by an 's', e.g., 's0026' for Sector 26.

The target and CBV bundles have the following file naming convention:



  • <sector> = The Sector represented as a 4-digit, zero-padded string, preceded by an 's', e.g., 's0026' for Sector 26.
  • <type> = "target" for light curve and target pixel file bundles, "cbv" for the CBV bundles.
  • <exten> = The data file type, either "tar.gz" or "sha256".

Data file types:

_lc.fits Light curve file.

Target pixel file.

_cbv.fits Co-trending Basis Vector file.
_bulk-dl.tar.gz All QLP light curves for a given Sector.
_bulk-dl.sha256 SHA256 checksum to verify successful download of the tar.gz file.

Data Access

Sector Availability

Each Sector will have tar files available that contain every light curve and target pixel file, and another tar file with the CBV files for that Sector.  When available, that Sector's "Bundle" links will become active.  NOTE: Each of the target bundles is large, ~250 GB for Sectors 1-26, larger for the Extended Mission Sectors that will begin with Sector 27.  The CBV bundles are not very large.  In addition to the bundles, the target data will also be available in the MAST Portal and through the MAST APIs like astroquery.mast.  When each Sector is fully available, the status in the Table will be changed to "Yes".  NOTE: Currently the interactive plot tool in the Portal does not work for TESS-SPOC HLSP light curves.

Year 1 (Sectors 1-13) Year 2 (Sectors 14-26) Year 3 (Sectors 27-)

Sector 01: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? No

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 14: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? Yes

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 02: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? No

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 15: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? Yes

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 03: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? No

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 16: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? Yes

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 04: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? No

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 17: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? Yes

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 05: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? No

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 18: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? Yes

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 06: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? No

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 19: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? Yes

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 07: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? No

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 20: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? Yes

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 08: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? No

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 21: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? Yes

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 09: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? No

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 22: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? Yes

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 10: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? No

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 23: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? Yes

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 11: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? No

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 24: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? Yes

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 12: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? No

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 25: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? Yes

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 13: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? No

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Sector 26: Target Bundle | Checksum | Portal/API? Yes

                     CBV Bundle | Checksum

Link to the MAST Portal Webpage

MAST Portal

A web-based interface for cross-mission searches of data at MAST or the Virtual Observatory. Download TESS-SPOC light curves for a few targets.

MAST Astroquery

Search for, and retrieve, TESS-SPOC data products programmatically based on a list of coordinates or target names.


Please remember to cite the appropriate paper(s) below and the DOI if you use these data in a published work. 

Note: These HLSP data products are licensed for use under CC BY 4.0.
