SAMHSA E-mail Updates

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  • SAMHSA's Road to Recovery is a twice-monthly newsletter that updates you on all activities leading up to National Recovery Month, including the latest webcasts and community events.
  • The Dialogue, a quarterly newsletter for professionals in the disaster behavioral health field, shares information, resources, trends, solutions to problems, and accomplishments from the field.
  • SAMHSA’s Financing Focus features the latest news, reports, and information on financing health care as well as treatment and prevention services for mental disorders or substance use.
  • SAMHSA Headlines is your twice-monthly source for the latest on SAMHSA’s behavioral health news, events, and resources.
  • The DTAC Bulletin is a monthly email providing updates in the field, upcoming activities, and new resources for disaster training and technical assistance.
Behavioral Health Topic Areas
  • Updates on resources for promoting and implementing prevention and early intervention strategies to reduce the impact of mental and substance use disorders in America’s communities.
  • Updates on prevention, training, and resources that support suicide prevention efforts.
  • Updates on mental illness and substance use treatment, recovery-oriented care, and recovery support systems, to help people with mental and/or substance use disorders manage their conditions successfully.
  • Updates on how health information technology improves behavioral health care for patients and providers, and SAMHSA's role in encouraging adoption of Health IT.
  • Updates on current behavioral health data and analyses to better inform policy and assess the quality of services.
  • Updates on evidence-based practices, training, and technical assistance resources to support prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts in all communities. Updates on efforts to increase the supply of trained and culturally aware professionals to address the nation’s behavioral health needs.
  • Updates on news and resources addressing the impact of trauma on individuals, families, and communities as a behavioral health concern. Updates on news and resources that help address the behavioral health needs of people involved or at risk of involvement in the criminal and juvenile justice systems.
  • Updates on policies, health care laws, and political actions that affect behavioral health care services.
  • Updates on practices that support access to behavioral health care, and the resilience and emotional health of veterans, military service members and their families.
  • Updates on systems supporting healthy mental, emotional, and behavioral development in children, youth, and young adults.
  • Updates on behavioral health resources that help communities and emergency responders prepare, respond, and recover from natural or human-caused disasters.
New Media
  • Receive updates from the SAMHSAs blog, including articles from SAMHSA staff, announcements of new programs, and ways to connect to other behavioral health resources.
Agency Announcements
  • Receive an update when new products available to order from the SAMHSA Store.
  • Receive the latest updates from SAMHSA's Office of Communications, including news releases, campaign announcements, and opportunities to engage with the Agency.
  • Receive updates on the latest grant announcements and funding opportunities from SAMHSA.
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