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Upcoming Single Family Housing Events and Training

FHA is pleased to offer the following events and training, including a series of pre-recorded training modules, covering multiple topics on FHA Single Family Housing policies, processes, and technology.

SF Handbook Pre-Recorded Training Webinars. This series of pre-recorded training webinars cover the policies that mortgagees use for origination through obtaining a FHA insurance endorsement for Title II forward mortgages. The modules provide an overview of the policies and requirements contained in Sections II.A and II.D of FHA's Origination through Post-Closing/Endorsement for Title II Forward Mortgages section of the Single Family Housing Policy Handbook 4000.1.

There are currently No Events or Trainings Scheduled.

Electronic Class (EClass) on FHA Loss Mitigation & Servicing System: The EClass System provides additional training on FHA's Loss Mitigation Programs, including FHA's Home Affordable Modification Program (FHA-HAMP), as well as continuing education on loss mitigation & servicing issues that have generated the most industry questions & requests for further training. The EClass System is designed to provide web-based training to HUD-Approved Servicers, HUD-Approved & Nonprofit Housing Counseling Agencies. Find out more...

HUD has webcasts that provide training for housing industry partners. A Webcast is a video you can view from your computer screen. HUD offers live Webcasts & an archive of previously aired training sessions.

Training and outreach events for housing counselors: Find out more...

This listing may provide training opportunities & event announcements for non-profit & local government HUD partners. HUD does not endorse the sponsoring organizations, or the views they express, or the products/services they or their community/business partners may offer. If your not-for-profit organization has housing industry training to offer that you would like listed here, please request by  email and in the subject line, type: SF Events & Training Request. Be sure to include the title, date, time, and location.




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