CDBS Electronic Filing System
Informal Filings - Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents

Questions and Answers

Q. What are "Informal Filings"?

Informal filings are anything that is typically submitted on paper to the Media Bureau and not on an FCC Form. Examples of common Informal filings include Consummation Notices, Address Change Notifications, Requests for Special Temporary Authority, Petitions and Objections. As the different types of Informal filings are released, the Bureau will announce their availability.

Q. What informal filings are available?

Currently available informal filings are:

  • Change in Official Mailing Address for Broadcast Station
  • Consummation Notice
  • STA (Special Temporary Authority)
  • DTV Transition Notification
  • Digital Notification (Form 335)
  • Informal Objection
  • Petition to Deny
  • Petition for Reconsideration
  • Application for Review
  • Reply
  • Opposition
  • Supplement
Q. Can a CDBS Electronic Filing account include both formal forms and informal filings?

Yes. The CDBS Main Menu will show the formal forms while the Informal Filing menu will show the informal filings.

Q. How do I go to the Informal Filings menu? How do I return to the Main Menu?

The last link in top part of the Main Menu (named "Additional non-form Filings") will take you to the Informal Filing Menu. Once there, you can return to the Main Menu using the "Return to Main Menu" button.

Q. How are informal filings different from the formal numbered forms?

Informal filings only consist of one section (sometimes with lower level subforms). Therefore, there will not be a Section Menu. Some filings will receive an ARN (part of the File Number) however, others will not.

Q. How do I search for an informal filing using the CDBS Public Access web pages?

Informal filings that are associated with a station can be searched for using the CDBS Public Access "Station Search" web page. You could use this method if you wanted to see a Change of Address filing for a facility. Search for the facility and, from the Station Search Results, use the "Click for Details" link to display station information. At the bottom of the Station Details page, a link named "View Correspondence Folder" will display a web page with a link for each informal filing for that station.

Informal Filings that are associated with an application can be searched for using the CDBS Public Access "Application Search" web page. You could use this method if you wanted to see a Consummation filing for a sales form. Search for the application and, from the Application Search Results, use the "Info" link to display application information. At the bottom of the Application Details page, a link named "View Correspondence Folder" will display a web page with a link for each informal filing that is associated with the application.

Q. Help for preparing an Address Change.

  • We strongly recommend that you use the Station Search screen in CDBS Public Access to research your changes. By querying by the Licensee name (possibly using a wildcard character: %) or the address, you should be able to retrieve a listing of all stations to be changed, showing you the current callsign, facility id, service and the exact spelling of the name.
  • Data about the facility entered on the preform will be automatically copied to the station subform (which is accessible using the "Enter Station Information" button).
  • For each station subform row, make sure that the Licensee Name (both on the subform row and on file for the facility in the CDBS database) matches the name on the front of the form. This form cannot be used to change the official licensee name of a facility.
  • For each station subform row, make sure that the Call Sign, Facility ID, Service, and Licensee Name are consistent and match the values in the CDBS database.
  • An FRN is required, although a CORES "Red Light Check" is not performed.
  • When you successfully file the form, other forms in your account will be automatically updated with the new address. (Note: This may take a couple of minutes - please be patient and allow it to finish.) The update will happen for all forms (on the Main Menu and Informal Menu) with a status of PENDING, VALID, or READY.
  • During the early morning of the next FCC work-day, the Address change form will be processed in the CDBS database. When this happens, the information for the specified facilities will be updated.

Q. Help for preparing a Consummation.

  • Enter the File Number of the main station of the Assignment of License or Transfer of Control - not the File Number of one of the members of a group.
  • A choice on the Pre-form (Extension of Consummation) will create a version of this form that can be used to request an extension of time within which to consummate the transaction.
  • A choice on the Pre-form (Notification of Non-consummation) will create a version of this form to notify the FCC that the entire Assignment of License or Transfer of Control will not consummate.
  • By default, the Consummation informal filing indicates that all members of the group will consummate. If one or more of the members will not consummate with the main station, use the check boxes in Question 6 to indicate them. When the consummation form is processed by the FCC, the facilities with the check marks will be removed from the group (first).
  • On the ordinary Consummation form, you cannot use the check boxes to specify that all group members will not consummate. In that situation, use the Notification of Non-consummation purpose on the Pre-form.
  • The Consummation may be filed either by the Buyer or the Seller. Filing by the Seller is preferable, because the FRN is already associated with the facility.
  • The Assignee's/Transferee's (that is, the Buyer's) FRN is optional (and note that its password is not requested). If that FRN is included, upon consummation we will automatically associate the Buyer's FRN with the facility. If it is not included, the Buyer will need to contact the FCC to do this.

Q. Help for preparing an STA (Special Temporary Authority).

  • The STA's that can be filed using CDBS are divided into: 1) Silent STA's and 2) Engineering or Legal STA's. They are started from the Informal Menu using two links:
    • Silent STA / Notification of Suspension / Resumption of Operations / Extension of STA Request / DTV Transition Notification
    • STA Engineering Request / STA Legal Request / Extension of STA Request
  • The Silent STA filing allows an applicant to file a Silent STA request, a notification of suspension, a resumption of operations, and an extension. The filing of the Silent STA request and extension requires a Drug Certification, and all Silent STA kinds require an FRN. The Silent STA request and extension will be given a File Number, although the notification of suspension and resumption of operations do not get a File Number, but are instead stored in the Correspondence Folder.
  • The Engineering/Legal STA filing allows an applicant to file an STA Engineering request, STA Legal request and STA extensions for them. For STA Engineering, it allows the applicant to enter the proposed engineering specifications for any of the given services. For STA Legal the applicant is required to provide a justification for the STA. The filing of the STA request and Extension requires a Drug Certification, an FRN and a fee. Only governmental entities and non commercial educational licensees are exempt from paying a fee. All Engineering and Legal STA's are given File Numbers.

Q. Help for preparing a DTV Transition Notification.

  • Since some of the DTV Transition Notifications have to do with a station going silent (turning off their analog broadcast), they are accessed via the Silent STA Informal Menu link:
    • Silent STA / Notification of Suspension / Resumption of Operations / Extension of STA Request / DTV Transition Notification
    The desired DTV Transition Notification can be selected in the Pre-form.
  • DTV Transition Notification informal forms do not get a File Number and are stored in the Correspondence Folder.
  • Additional notes for the Analog Service Termination Notification informal form.
  • Certain information on the Analog Service Termination Notification form can be updated (after the filing deadline) by using the Analog Termination Information Update form. It can be used to update termination time of day and consumer referral contact information. It may not be used to change binding termination options or certifications. It must be started in the following way:
    1. Login to your CDBS Electronic Filing account.
    2. Go to the Informal Menu.
    3. Select the radio button to the left of the FILED Analog Service Termination Notification form that you want to update.
    4. Press the "Copy Form" button at the bottom of the page.
    5. When the Pre-form is displayed, enter all of the required information and choose a purpose of "Analog Termination Information Update".
    Note: If you need to file another Update form, specify the previous one and use "Copy Form" again.


Help for preparing an AM digital notification.

The licensee of an AM station or the permittee of an AM station that has commenced program test operation pursuant to 47 C.F.R Section 73.1620 may use FCC Form 335 to notify the Commission of  commencement of hybrid AM digital operation with digital facilities which conform to the technical specifications specified for hybrid AM digital operation in the First Report and Order in MM Docket No. 99-325 (  See also 47 C.F.R. Section 73.404.



Help for preparing an FM digital notification

The licensee of an FM station or the permittee of an FM station that has commenced program test operation pursuant to 47 C.F.R Section 73.1620 may use FCC Form 335 to notify the Commission of commencement of hybrid FM digital operation with digital facilities which conform to the technical specifications specified for hybrid FM digital operation in the First Report and Order in MM Docket No. 99-325, as revised in the subsequent 2010 Order in MM Docket 99-325 (, and digital power not exceeding -14 dBc. Additional guidance concerning the information required to complete this form can be found in Public Notice DA 10-866 (  See also 47 C.F.R. Section 73.404.



Help for filing a pleading in CDBS

There are basically three kinds of pleadings you may file in CDBS: Petitions, Appeals, and Responsive Pleadings.

Petitions are requests for relief, including challenges to applications. They include "Petition to Deny" and "Informal Objection." A petition should not be filed without good legal grounds to support it. For example, a Petition to Deny or Informal Objection should state facts sufficient to raise a substantial and material question of fact as to whether grant of an application is in the public interest.

Appeals are challenges to a Commission action (such as grant of an application) or decision (such as denial of a Petition to Deny or Petition for Reconsideration). They include "Petition for Reconsideration" and "Application for Review."

Responsive Pleadings are responses to a Petition or Appeal filed by another party. They include "Opposition" and "Reply."

To File: You begin the process of submitting a pleading by selecting "Informal Objection/Petition to Deny/Petition for Reconsideration/Application for Review/Opposition/Reply/Supplement" from the Informal Filings menu. The link will take you to the CDBS Pre-form for "Informal Objection/Petition to Deny/Petition for Reconsideration/Application for Review/Opposition/Reply/Supplement" where you select the type of pleading to be filed and enter the application file number to which the pleading pertains. Upon completion of the Pre-form, click on "Enter." The link will take you to the "Informal Objection/Petition to Deny/Petition for Reconsideration/Application for Review/Opposition/Reply/Supplement" Form.

NOTE: CDBS can only be used to file pleadings relating to non-docketed proceedings (that is, proceedings that do not have a Docket Number, e.g., MB Docket No. 12-001). To file comments or pleadings in docketed proceedings, go to the Electronic Comment Filing System (ECFS):

Party Filing Pleading or Appeal: Enter the individual or entity name, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the person or entity on whose behalf the pleading is being filed.
Contact Representative: If the person submitting the pleading is different than the party filer (for example, an attorney), enter the information for the contact representative. The contact representative will receive all correspondence relating to the pleading.
Purpose: The specific pleading that is being filed will be pre-selected, based on the type of pleading selected on the Pre-form.
File Number: Enter the prefix (beginning with "B," for example, "BNPH") and the 11-character file number (for example, "20120614AZC") of the application to which the pleading pertains. If filing a Petition for Reconsideration of grant of a construction permit, for example, use the file number of the application for the granted construction permit. If filing the same pleading against multiple related applications, use the "Enter File Number" button to select additional file numbers.
Attaching the Pleading: You must upload the actual pleading, along with any attachments, into CDBS. Use the "Browse" button to select the pleading in your computer to be uploaded. The "Browse" button will open a window enabling you to navigate to the location in your computer where the pleading(s) and attachment(s) are located.

Attached files must be in PDF format. The Portable Document Format (PDF) makes it easy to view an attached file by using a PDF-reading program such as the Adobe Acrobat Reader. For more information, see the User's Guide .

After completion of the form and attachment of the pleading, you must return to the Informal Filings menu to submit the pleading. This is done by selecting the radio button to the left of the completed form and clicking on the "File Form" button. A confirmation screen will be displayed when the form is submitted successfully.



OMB Number/Paperwork Reduction Act information for Informal Forms.

The following notice applies to CDBS informal filings unless they have their own Paperwork Reduction Act notice.


We have estimated that each response to this collection of information will take from 0.5 to 5 hours. Our estimate includes the time to read the instructions, look through existing records, gather and maintain the required data, and actually complete and review the form or response. If you have any comments on this burden estimate, or on how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please e-mail them to or send them to the Federal Communications Commission, AMD-PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060-0386), Washington, DC 20554. Please DO NOT SEND COMPLETED APPLICATIONS TO THIS ADDRESS. Remember - you are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060-0386.


The general CDBS User's Guide can be found at:

The most recent copy of this FAQ can be found at:


Last updated on: June 22, 2012.