Federal Partners Outreach

Federal Partners Outreach

Federal Partners Outreach


The following materials are provided to support Federal government department and agencies in countering foreign intelligence threats.  All materials may be downloaded.  For questions about the materials, please contact the Federal Partner Outreach Team via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Federal Partner Newsletters

April Newsletter 2019

July Newsletter 2019

October Newsletter 2019

January Newsletter 2020

September Newsletter 2020

December Newsletter 2020





This briefing will enable CI and Security officials within USG departments and agencies to brief employees and contractors on foreign intelligence threats, potential vulnerabilities, and the steps that should be taken to safeguard classified and sensative information.  This instructor-led briefing, is designed to allow individual organizations to determine which modules are applicable to their workforce.  So, for example, if an organization does not have any employees who travel abroad, that module can be removed from the briefing.


CFIT Workforce Awareness Briefing (108 MB PowerPoint File)