Explore Beta

NSF Alexandria Building

NSF Careers

NSF Careers

Build a career that has a lasting impact. One that helps change the world. A career that you'll be proud of for the rest of your life.

NSF 70 Years

NSF 70th Anniversary Toolkit

NSF 70th Anniversary Toolkit

This year marks the 70th anniversary of NSF’s founding. We invite you to participate in several initiatives and help communicate the critical role that federal funding of basic science contributes toward innovation, the STEM workforce and society. 

people brainstorming ideas

Finding Funding

Finding Funding

The development team has been conducting research on ways we can make it easier for potential grantees to find relevant funding opportunities.

Latest Updates

Latest Updates

We’re building NSF’s new website in small, iterative pieces. This effort has just begun, so there may not be much to see right now. As we revise content in the coming weeks and months, we will move it from nsf.gov to beta.nsf.gov. While this is NSF’s “beta” site, the content is real.

User-centered design

User-centered design

We're conducting user experience testing as we develop our new site, and we're looking for volunteers to participate in the design process. Are you interested?

Feedback Loops

Frequent feedback loops

Frequent feedback loops

We encourage you to let us know what you think about what you're seeing on beta.nsf.gov