National and Intelligence Community Strategy Development

National and Intelligence Community Strategy Development

National and IC Strategy Development


NCSC leads the development, implementation and assessment of the National CI Strategy that guides US Government and private sector entities to unify CI efforts at home and abroad.  NCSC also leads the development, implementation and assessment of the Unifying Intelligence Strategy for Counterintelligence for the Intelligence Community.  NCSC leads comprehensive assessment programs to identify gaps, make recommendations about priorities, and inform and shape resource and budget decisions.


i.    National CI and Security Policy Development
NCSC is responsible for national CI and security policy development and policy compliance oversight. The National Counterintelligence Policy Board, established by the Counterintelligence and Security Enhancements Act of 1994, serves as the principal mechanism for developing national policies and procedures to guide the conduct of counterintelligence activities across the US Government.


For personnel security under SecEA authorities, in coordination with the Suitability Executive Agent, NCSC ensures that policies, procedures and standards relating to suitability of contractor and employee fitness, eligibility to hold a sensitive position, access to federally controlled facilities and information systems, and eligibility for access to classified information are aligned to the extent possible, for reciprocal recognition and protection of national security information.


ii.    Intelligence Community Policy and Guidance
NCSC facilitates and monitors the implementation and effectiveness of IC CI and security policies and programs, and develops recommendations for new or modified policies; develops and promulgates IC CI and security standards and other guidance to implement CI and security policies.

National Counterintelligence and Security Center