
Remote Participant Support

All NSF panel meetings through March 31, 2021 will be moved to a virtual format. If you previously registered as participating in-person and the panel is now virtual, don't forget to change your registration to be a virtual participant. See this reference guide for step-by-step instructions on how to change your status to 'virtual.'

Welcome to the Remote Participant Support Site!

This site provides helpful resources and information to ensure remote participants have a successful National Science Foundation meeting experience. Here you will find tips for planning virtual meetings, instructions on how to set up video conferencing platforms, technical support information, reference guides, and suggestions for accommodating individuals with disabilities. Please review this information thoroughly prior to your meeting.

NSF Merit Review Policies and Processes

NSF Merit Review Policies and Processes

In this section: Merit Review orientation and Conflict-of-Interest

Prepare for Virtual Meetings

Your Virtual Meeting

Your Virtual Meeting

Preparing for and attending your meeting

Video Conferencing Platforms

Video Conferencing Platforms

Setup and test your platform

Help & Accessibility

Help & Accessibility

Technical support and accessibility for your meeting

Still having trouble?
Verify that your computer and web browser meet recommended System Requirements or get more help.