NITTF Assistance

NITTF Assistance

Assistance Icon  NITTF Outreach


Executive Order (E.O.) 13587 and the National Insider Threat Policy direct the NITTF to assist departments and agencies (D/A) in developing, implementing, and improving their Insider Threat Programs. The assistance effort is a collaborative process between the NITTF and the individual D/A. Through the assistance program, NITTF subject matter experts provide expertise, guidance, and advice on how best to achieve the Minimum Standards required for all insider threat programs. All components of the NITTF help facilitate the assistance mission in order to aid the executive branch D/As in meeting the requirements of E.O. 13587.


The NITTF Liaison Team is a critical part of the assistance program. Liaison Team members work directly with individual Federal Partners and select Department of Defense components. They provide direct assistance to insider threat program managers and personnel and help identify common solutions to common problems that are present across the enterprise. The Liaison Team also serves as an intermediary between D/As and the NITTF, helping identify task force resources, such as training or technical assistance, that may be beneficial to insider threat programs.


If you have any questions and/or insistence in establishing and insider threat office contact NITTF Assistance at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..