Know the Risk Raise Your Shield

Know the Risk Raise Your Shield


 NCSC Know the Risk Raise your Sheild animated graphic


CBS' 60 Minutes (23 December 2018) interviewed NCSC Director Evanina on the threat of Chinese espionage aginst the United States:


Know the Risk | Raise Your Shield


Foreign intelligence entities, which may include foreign governments, corporations, and their proxies, are actively targeting information, assets, and technologies that are vital to both U.S. national security and our global competitiveness. The National Counterintelligence and Security Center is dedicated to raising awareness among government employees and private industry about these foreign intelligence threats, the risks they pose, and the defensive measures necessary for individuals and organizations to safeguard that which has been entrusted to their protection.


This campaign and related products will enable personnel to better understand these threats and provide guidance and tips for protecting the sensitive information, assets, technologies, and networks to which employees have access.  It will also serve to help them protect their personal, confidential information that may be used by others to gain their trust.


NCSC Awareness Materials

National Counterintelligence and Security Center