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Diving Program


NOAA Diving Center instructors wearing diving dry suits and rebreathers

NOAA Diving Center (NDC) and Program (NDP) staff members during a rebreather training session in Seattle. From left to right: Nick Jeremiah (NDC), Katie Mahaffey (NDC), Leon Scamahorn (Innerspace Systems Corp.) who provided instruction on the Megalodon rebreather, Cmdr. Joel Dulaigh (NDP), and Lt. Cmdr. Justin Keesee (NDC). 

NOAA Diving Program

7600 Sand Point Way NE
Building 8
Seattle, WA 98115

Phone: 206-526-6196
Fax: 206-526-6506
General Inquiries:

Diving Program Manager: Vacant
Diving Safety Officer: Roger Mays (301-525-7380)
Financial Specialist: Vacant (206-526-6196)
Program Assistant: vacant

NOAA Diving Medicine

NOAA diving emergency: 855-UBA-DIVE (855-822-3483) or (satellite phone) 206-526-6986

Diving Medical Officers (DMO):

  • General DMO e-mail:
  • For transmission of medical documents with personal information:
    • Secured DMO Fax: 206-529-2759
    • Secured File Transfer: Accellion

Standard Equipment Program (SEP)

SEP Manager: Lisa Glover (206-526-6446)
SEP Assistant: vacant

NOAA Diving Control and Safety Board (NDCSB)

NMFS Line Office Diving Officer (LODO): Andrew David (850-234-6541 x208)
NMFS Deputy LODO (DLODO): Raymond C. Boland (808-725-5716)
Chair and NOS LODO: Brian Degan (252-728-8704)
NOS DLODO: Joseph Hoyt (240-533-0679)
OMAO LODO: LT Aras Zygas (206-526-6460)
OMAO DLODO:  CDR Eric T. Johnson (301-817-4406)
NDP Manager: Vacant
NDC Manager: David Kowalick (206-526-6476)
NOAA Diving Safety Officer: Roger Mays (301-525-7380)
NOAA Diving Medical Officer:
NOAA Safety and Occupational Health Specialist: Joe Duran (206-526-6049)

NOAA Diving Center

7600 Sand Point Way NE
Building 8
Seattle, WA 98115

Diving Center Manager: David Kowalick (206-526-6476)

Executive Officer: LT Aras Zygas (206-526-6460)

Operations Officer: LTJG Sean Digre (206-526-6223)
Administrative Assistant: Sari Olson (206-526-6932)

Training and Equipment Specialists

Zachary Hileman (206-526-6936)

Nicholas Jeremiah (206-526-6934)

Jessica Keller (206-526-6450)

Kathleen Mahaffey (206-526-6937)

Joseph Mangiafico (206-526-6475)


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Reviewed: November 20, 2020. Contact us with page issues.

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