What are the pre-employment tests required of applicants without previous air traffic control experience?

Published 08/04/2016 03:22 PM   |    Updated 08/11/2016 09:46 AM
What are the pre-employment tests required of applicants without previous air traffic control experience?

There are two types of tests:

  • Biographical Assessment:  An assessment used to identify those candidates who have the highest probability of reaching final controller certification.
  • Air Traffic Control Specialist Skills Assessment Battery (ATSA):  A battery of tests that measure abilities and characteristics shown to be predictive of success as an ATCS.

Applicants for entry-level ATCS positions who elect to be considered under Pool 1 must pass the ATSA for further consideration.  Applicants who elect to be considered in Pool 2 must pass both the Biographical Assessment and the ATSA for further consideration.

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