
NCSC Videos

The most up-to-date training and awareness films addressing threats such as foreign recruitment of U.S. students, targeting of U.S. industry and corporate executives, Insider Threats, and the advanced technical threats of the 21st Century.


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Game of Pawns -- The Glenn Duffie Shriver Story


Based on a true story, Game of Pawns is a call for vigilance to the nearly 260,000 American students studying abroad.



There is an ancient Chinese proverb:  Life is a game of chess, changing with each move.  Glenn Duffie Shriver's first big move was the dream of a lifetime:  a study abroad year in Shanghai, China.  But, his year overseas would, eventually, lead him down a treacherous path.  After answering a work-for-hire ad in a online college newspaper, shriver is befriended by three Chinese intelligence officers.  What first seems like an innocent offer of friendship and a "free" scholarship ends in a life-altering prison term for conspiracy to commit espionage against the United States.

Produced by the Counterintelligence Division of the FBI in association with the FBI's Washington Field Office and the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, Game of Pawns is a cautionary tale for all students to be vigilant during their time abroad.


(coming soon a Special Features: Excerpts from the prison cell interview with the real Glenn Duffie Shriver.)


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Terminal Risk 

 Terminal Risk -- a video jointly produced by NCSC, NSA, FBI and State/DS-- focuses on the Counterintelligence and security threats faced by the private sector at home and abroad. The ten vignettes were the result of NCSC discussions with industry security officers in the defense, pharmaceutical, entertainment, energy and IT sectors. They reflect real-life threats faced by the U.S. private sector from terrorists, foreign intelligence services and foreign competitors. The video also provides advice on steps private sector firms and their employees can take to counter these threats.


National Counterintelligence and Security Center