
Switchgrass as a bioenergy crop.  (Photo credit ARS)
Fuels from farm products - energy from plants and animal materials - are becoming increasingly important in world energy systems. Find information about biofuel options and related technologies, research, policies and programs.

U.S. Department of Energy.

"Learn how the Energy Department is working to sustainably transform the nation's abundant renewable resources into biomass energy."

USDA. Economic Research Service.

Showcases economic data, research, and analysis on ethanol, biodiesel and other biofuels. Also, links to many related USDA resources on biofuels.

U.S. Department of Energy. National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Provides information on research to develop and advance technologies for biofuels, biopower, bioproducts and other biomass energy applications.

USDA. Office of the Chief Economist. Office of Energy Policy and New Uses.

Develops and coordinates energy policy, programs and strategies for biodiesel research, ethanol studies, energy use in agriculture and measurement of atmospheric emissions associated with renewable energy. Also, conducts research on the feasibility and economic potential of new uses for agricultural products.

DOE. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Covers topics including the use of algae as a biofuel, biofuel feedstocks, biorefineries, research and technologies, funding, current news, events. and more. Answers Bioenergy Frequently Asked Questions.

USDA. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education.

Learning Center materials on bioenergy and biofuels includes books, reports, bulletins, curricula, decision-making tools, case studies, conference materials, presentations, videos and webinars and more.

International Energy Agency Bioenergy.

Tools, statistics, reports, and analysis covering all aspects of bioenergy including definitions, technologies, sustainability, environment, economy, benefits, and implementation.

Journey to Forever.

Includes a reasons for biofuels use, information on ethanol and biodiesel, and a Biofuels Library.

Iowa State University.

Information about education, research, and outreach programs on bioproducts from a large research institution. News, events, job opportunities and other information sources are also provided.