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Centralized Receivables Service (CRS)

Fiscal Service is conducting a Financial Agent Selection Process (FASP) for the Centralized Receivables Service (CRS) program. Please see the SolicitationPDF document, Non-Disclosure AgreementPDF document and Updated Evaluation TimelinePDF document. Any questions regarding the application submission process must be submitted to the Fiscal Service by e-mail to: CRSFASPSolicitation@fiscal.treasury.gov.

Also, please see the CRS FASP Information Session 1 SlidesPDF document, CRS FASP Information Session 2 SlidesPDF document, Updated Pricing Submission DatePDF document, and our Frequently Asked QuestionsPDF document.

The Centralized Receivables Service (CRS) is currently a pilot service provided to federal agencies to assist them in managing accounts receivable. Treasury's goal is to provide a service that increases collections on current receivables, which contributes to the reduction of delinquent debt.

CRS is focused on managing pre-delinquent debt and debt in the early stages of delinquency before it is eligible for Debt Management Services (DMS) referral.

CRS diagram

CRS also focuses on leveraging Treasury's provision of collection and reporting services, specifically Pay.gov and Collections Information Repository (CIR), formerly the Transaction Reporting System (TRS).

CRS services are provided by a financial agent using state-of-the-art collection practices, which integrate with existing complementary operations in Fiscal Service for complete and efficient program management and oversight.

CRS will facilitate the seamless transfer of eligible delinquent debt to DMS for Cross-Servicing as required under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 (DCIA).

The pilot period is for three to five years. For more information on the pilot and participation, please vist the CRS Contacts page.

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