GHRC Data Management

GHRC is a full service NASA science data center that performs data ingest, processing, archiving, and cataloging, and produces and distributes dataset documention and user services and tools.  Our goal is to aid Users in obtaining and using NASA data.  
The process of incorporating datasets into the GHRC long-term archive requires many steps and adhereance to accepted standards.  The standards GHRC uses are outlined in the documents below.  The links on the left can also be used to access management documents. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about these documents or any other topic related to GHRC Data Management.

GHRC Mission

The mission of the GHRC is to provide a comprehensive archive of both data and knowledge augmentation services with a focus on atmospheric phenomena, their governing dynamical and physical processes, and associated environmental applications.  Unique capabilities include:

  • Providing data stewardship services to both NASA’s Research and Applied Science missions;

  • Focusing on hazards and disasters to help accelerate operational use of NASA data, with a goal of serving as the interface to other agencies wanting NASA data for specific hazards, past and/or present;

  • Providing a state-of–the-art infrastructure to support all stages of Field Campaigns from mission planning and coordination to data archive and publication.


    Current Data Holdings

    Datasets at GHRC DAAC can be mapped to the various mission goals as shown below. All data are accessible from the GHRC HyDRO search tool.


    Dataset Lifecyle

    This document specifies NASA DAAC requirements, outlines our current data holdings, and presents the steps involved with handling data at GHRC.


    GHRC Levels of Service

    Not all datasets receive the same level of service. This document outlines the effort provided by DAAC personnel for data ingest, post-ingest processing, documentation and distribution of GHRC data.


    Data Processing Levels

    GHRC follows the definitions of the EOSDIS Data Panel report for data management and with the Committee on Data Management, Archiving and Computing (CODMAC) definitions.


    GHRC Dataset Name Convention

    We use a standard naming convention for data files. This document describes the logic used.


    Publish Your Data at GHRC

    GHRC uses an online data publication tool named DAPPeR. The data publication process is further described on our DAPPeR web page. 


    Project Management Plans

    These are the data management plans for specific projects at GHRC.  If yours is missing, please contact us.


    New Data Evaluation Template


NASA Earthdata Data Policies


Data and Information Policy

This describes NASA’s goal of the full and open sharing of Earth science data.


Data Rights

This was created by NASA to include in Cooperative Agreements and Contracts with data providers supported by NASA.


EOSDIS Data Use Policy

This is a statement with regard to the access of NASA data from the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS). It applies to NASA products downloaded from our collection. Non-NASA data is covered by the license arrangement of the organizations that sponsor that dataset.



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