TTS Solutions

TTS Solutions helps agencies improve delivery of information and services to the public. Our primary focus areas align with larger administration priorities, including:

Data and Analytics

Our aim is to empower the public with better access to government information and resources. We also provide agencies with analytics and data management capabilities to make better decisions and improve service to the public.

  • is the hub for federal agencies to maintain public listings of all of their data sets, enabling open access for citizens, entrepreneurs, researchers and others.
  • The Digital Analytics Program (DAP) offers advanced web analytics to help federal agencies determine what content is most effective when communicating with the public online.
  • is a free application programming interface management service which aims to make it easier for agencies to release and manage APIs.
  • Feedback Analytics develops products and services to support federal agency staff with actionable user feedback analysis & reporting to improve public service delivery. This includes a tool designed to enable easy management of customer experience (CX) feedback.


We support initiatives that invite participation and fresh perspectives from stakeholders to innovate and help solve problems across government. By coordinating innovation opportunities and encouraging more ambitious applications of such approaches, we foster networks and communities of contributors who share skills and collaborate on projects that support agency missions.

  • is an open innovation hub with a federal listing of challenge competitions where the U.S. government seeks innovative solutions from the public. One hundred agencies have run more than 825 challenges in the federal government since launched in 2010, yielding results and solutions in vital efforts as diverse as national security and public health.
  • is designed to accelerate the use of crowdsourcing and citizen science across government by providing a searchable catalog of federally supported citizen science projects, a toolkit to assist with designing and maintaining projects, and a gateway to a federal community of practice to share best practices.
  • 10X is an incremental investment fund inside the United States Federal Government. We fund internal projects that can scale across the federal government or significantly improve how our government builds technology for the public good.

Public Experience

Our goal is to unify, improve, and standardize the experience the public has while interacting with the federal government.

  • USAGov connects people with government information more than 700 million times a year through our websites ( and USAGov en español), social media, publications, email, and phone calls to the USAGov Contact Center.
  • Labs is a test bed to create, test, refine and deploy new functionality for cross-agency and agency-agnostic content and services.
  • The U.S. Web Design System (USWDS) makes it easier to build accessible, mobile-friendly government websites for the American public.

Secure Cloud

Our focus is to help agencies move securely to the cloud.

Smarter IT

We provide federal agencies with common technology components that are modular, interoperable and secure.

  • is a search solution for government websites.
  • is a catalog of open source code from across the federal government. Code is searchable by agency and intended use, encouraging sharing and cost and time-savings.

  • helps government teams build, run, and authorize cloud-ready or legacy government systems quickly and inexpensively. The platform has a FedRAMP Joint Authorization Board (JAB) authorization, which means you can focus on developing mission-critical applications and leave server infrastructure management to us.
  • Federalist helps federal agencies and offices quickly launch compliant websites. Use Federalist’s templates and hosting to launch a website in minutes.

  • offers users simple, secure access to online government services. Integrate with your existing services, and users will be able to sign in with a single set of credentials for all participating government programs.

Free and Low-Cost Tools

In addition to the main portfolios above, TTS Solutions also offers many other free and low-cost tools to U.S. government agencies:

  • is a platform to help agencies provide digital services and information for the public.
  • DigitalGov University (DGU) provides training events to help agencies build and accelerate digital capacity.
  • DigitalGov Communities of Practice with a focus on digital; includes social, mobile, customer experience, and more. The MobileGov community sponsors the Federal Crowdsource Mobile Testing Program and the Structured and Open Content Models Working Group, and offers programming through webinars and in-person events.
  • U.S. Digital Registry is an authoritative inventory of official government social media and public-facing collaboration accounts, mobile websites and apps.
  • Federal CrowdSource Mobile Testing Program is a free service provided for federal agencies by federal agencies. We do compatibility testing (determining how mobile websites display on the multiple makes and models of devices, operating systems, and mobile browsers) for mobile websites that agencies think are mobile-friendly.
  • Terms of Service A list of federal-friendly terms of use agreements for free software tools.
Last Reviewed: 2020-06-15