Federal Web Council

A cross-agency group that is working to improve the delivery of government information and digital services.

The Federal Web Council was launched in January 2004 as an interagency group of federal web managers working together to improve the delivery of U.S. government information and services online. It provides a forum for high-level cross-agency collaboration, and recommends policies and guidelines for all public-facing U.S. federal websites.


The purpose of the Federal Web Council is to:

  • Provide a venue for agency web and digital leaders to share, discuss, and collaborate on digital best practices for the federal government
  • Provide a means for coordinating web and digital communication across all federal agencies during incidents of national significance under Emergency Support Function (ESF) 15 of the National Response Framework
  • Serve as the point of contact and a source of expertise for the White House, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Congress, and other key stakeholders on policy related to federal digital services
  • Facilitate implementation of laws and policies impacting federal digital services, including the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (21st Century IDEA), the Connected Government Act, and M-17-06 Policies for Federal Agency Public Websites and Digital Services (PDF, 1.2 MB, 18 pages, November 2016)


Participating agencies include the 24 Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act agencies, and other select federal agencies that provide high-impact services to the public and federal agencies. Membership is invitation-only, and is comprised of senior level federal agency web or digital directors that are appointed by their agencies.

All federal employees working on web and digital services are encouraged to join and participate in the Web Content Managers Forum or any of the other Digital.gov communities of practice.


The Web Council is led by two co-chairs; one from the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) as the sponsoring agency, and the other from one of the member agencies.

  • Rachel Flagg — Content Strategist at GSA’s Office of Government-wide Policy (OGP)
  • Matthew Harmon — Director of Web Communications at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of Public Affairs

Current Projects and Key Resources

Current Council Members

You are encouraged to reach out to your agency’s Web Council member if you have any questions regarding the initiatives listed above, including 21st Century IDEA.

  • Agency for International Development — Gregg Your
  • Department of Agriculture — Peter Rhee
  • Department of Commerce — Stan Smith
  • Department of Defense — Amanda Villwock
  • Department of Education — Sally Harris
  • Department of Energy — Tom O’Neill
  • Department of Health and Human Services — Stacey Palosky
  • Department of Homeland Security — Matt Harmon
  • Department of Housing and Urban Development — Helen Savoye-Minor
  • Department of the Interior — DeRon Johnson
  • Department of Justice — Ashley McGowan
  • Department of Labor — Stan Olshefski
  • Department of State — Monica Perry
  • Department of Transportation — Beth Couturier
  • Department of the Treasury — Teri Greene
  • Department of Veterans Affairs — Joshua Tuscher
  • Environmental Protection Agency — Lin Darlington
  • General Services Administration — Sarah Bryant
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Brian Dunbar
  • National Science Foundation — Bridgette White
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission — VACANT
  • Office of Personnel Management — Heather Stern
  • Small Business Administration — Nagesh Rao
  • Social Security Administration — Wayne Whitten