Environmental Documents: Endangered Species

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was passed by Congress to protect species that are in danger of becoming extinct or are threatened with extinction. Reclamation complies with the ESA in the operation, maintenance, and rehabilitation of projects and facilities, and on new construction projects, by completing Biological Assessments for actions that may affect those species. ESA compliance is also fully incorporated into the region's National Environmental Policy Act process.

NOAA Fisheries Service oversees the protection and recovery of certain marine-related endangered or threatened species, including salmon and steelhead. NOAA Fisheries’ judgment of how to protect these species is presented in a Biological Opinion issued to Federal agencies. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service also issues Biological Opinions for actions affecting non-marine endangered/ threatened species.

Biological Assessments and Opinions

04/2012 Endangered Species Act Biological Opinion and Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat Response for the Future Operation & Maintenance of the Rogue River Basin Project-NOAA
03/2012 Biological Assessment on the Future Operation and Maintenance of the Rogue River Basin Project and Effects on Essential Fish Habitat Under the Magnuson-Stevens Act
10/2009 Biological Assessment on the Future Operation and Maintenance of the Rogue River Basin Project, Talent Division
03/2009 Biological Assessment for Bureau of Reclamation Future Operations and Maintenance in the Tualatin River Subbasin
07/2008 Willamette Project Supplemental Biological Assessment and Opinion
02/2005 Biological Opinion for the Ongoing Operation & Maintenance of the Deschutes River Basin Projects
09/2003 Biological Assessment on Continued Operation & Maintenance of the Deschutes River Basin Projects & Effects on Essential Fish Habitat under the Magnuson-Stevens Act
08/2016 2015 Annual Report for Activities under the Endangered Species Act Biological Opinion, Lewiston Orchards Project
03/2016 2015 Annual Bureau of Reclamation Report on Monitoring and Implementation Activities with the USFWS 2005 Biological Opinion for the Operations and Maintenance in the Snake River Basin above Brownlee Reservoir
04/2015 Revised Biological Assessment for the Bureau of Reclamation Operations and Maintenance in the Snake River Basin above Brownlee Reservoir on Snake River Physa Snail
09/2014 Decision Document for Bull Trout Habitat in the Upper Snake River Basin
09/2014 Biological Assessment for Bureau of Reclamation Operations and Maintenance in the Snake River Basin above Brownlee Reservoir on Snake River Physa Snail
12/2013 Biological Assessment for Bull Trout Critical Habitat in the Upper Snake River Basin
08/2010 Biological Opinion for the Repairs to Deadwood Dam Access Bridge Project
10/2009 Biological Assessment and Opinion for Operation of the Lewiston Orchards Project
08/2007 2007 Upper Snake Biological Assessment and Opinions
01/2013 Endangered Species Act Biological Opinion and Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat Consultation Prepared by National Marine Fisheries Service Regarding Bureau of Reclamation's Odessa Subarea Modified Partial Groundwater Replacement Project on the Columbia River in Adams, Lincoln, Franklin and Grant Counties, Washington
10/2012 Biological Assessment of Effects to Species & Critical Habitat for 13 Anadromous Salmon ESUs, Pacific Eulachon, Green Sturgeon, & Killer Whales in the Columbia Basin from Implementation of the Modified Partial Groundwater Irrigation Replacement Alternative (Alternative 4A)

Columbia/Snake Salmon Recovery Program
Reclamation and US Army Corps of Engineers own and operate the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS), a series of hydropower projects on the Columbia and lower Snake Rivers. The Bonneville Power Administration markets and distributes the power generated from these dams. The FCRPS is operated in compliance with the Endangered Species Act and other Federal laws. Details on FCRPS and the ESA >>

Related Links
Idaho Fish & Wildlife Office Biological Opinions
Tributary Habitat Program
NOAA Fisheries
US Fish and Wildlife Service


Sonja Kokos
Program Manager, Ecosystems Analysis
(208) 378-5081

Bureau of Reclamation
Pacific Northwest Region
1150 N. Curtis Road
Boise, Idaho 83706

Last Updated: 8/26/16