Virtual Dives

An immersive 360 view of your national marine sanctuaries

Dive in without getting wet! Your National Marine Sanctuary System protects a network of underwater parks encompassing more than 600,000 square miles of marine and Great Lakes waters, and now you can visit these amazing places in the blink of an eye. From the thriving kelp forests of Channel Islands to the treasured coral reefs of the Florida Keys, few places on the planet can compete with the wonders of the National Marine Sanctuary System. Come along as we experience these underwater treasures through virtual reality.

Check out the Next Generation Science Standard lesson plans that complement the VR videos to go deeper.

Dive In

All you need is an internet connection!

computer icon
smartphone icon
vr goggles icon

These sanctuary views can be seen on a personal computer or a smartphone. Pair your phone with a virtual reality headset or goggles of your choice (and click the googles icon icon) for an extra‐immersive experience.

Select which sanctuary you want to visit above and click on a panorama to start your dive!

boy wearing vr goggles
girl wearing vr goggles
woman looking through vr glass on her smartphone


What is a Virtual Dive?

It's the ability to view a spot within a sanctuary from every angle; to be able to explore the surrounding environment as though you were there. This virtual reality experience is made possible through technology that produces 360 degree images which are "stitched" together from a series of six underwater photos. These pictures are taken by trained divers with special cameras, and are the product of an exciting collaboration between the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and The Ocean Agency. We will continue to add images from across the sanctuary system as our NOAA divers collect more snapshots, so be sure to check the above galleries often to see new virtual dives!