Interagency Office

Interagency Office

HandshakeThe Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Interagency Office (IAO) leverages the research and development activities and investments of external organizations and builds partnerships to address high priority homeland security requirements.  By identifying and engaging with others who are developing emerging and innovative technologies, we leverage existing R&D capabilities, eliminate duplication of effort and more rapidly identify solutions to satisfy critical DHS mission needs.

IAO's Vision and Mission

Vision: We connect capabilities to safeguard America.

Mission: Leverage knowledge, partnerships, and capabilities to protect, prevent, and respond to homeland security threats.

IAO's Programs

IAO employs its relationships with a variety of stakeholders to gain knowledge and insight that can ensure S&T leverages other government assets and capitalizes on emerging trends in the private sector.                                               

Tech Scouting Program Management Office

IAO's Technology Scouting Program Management Office utilizes a technology network comprised of internal and external government laboratories, academia, government research and development (R&D) entities, industry, and international partnerships, to identify and analyze existing and emerging technologies.  The office provides S&T managers and DHS Components with an easy-to-use, comprehensive and affordable Tech Scouting Service.

Tech Forecasting

Tech Forecasting builds a proactive tech forecasting foundation to inform the tech scouting analysis, advise leadership on significant innovative and disruptive technology trends, reduce R&D duplication, and provide a longer term outlook on new technologies to best meet mission needs.

Department of Energy (DOE) Portfolio

The DOE Portfolio is responsible for the coordination and utilization of the national laboratories, creating a networked laboratory system for the purpose of supporting the mission of DHS and helping DHS solve some of its toughest scientific problems.

Special Projects Portfolio

The Special Projects Portfolio supports S&T principals with near real-time intelligence information, scientific and technical intelligence, and situational awareness.  Intelligence information sharing is provided in keeping with the Under Secretary for Science and Technology's role as an S&T advisor to DHS leadership as well as the need for S&T principals to maintain situational awareness of impacting and emerging scientific and technical intelligence.

Homeland Security Science and Technology Advisory Committee

The Homeland Security Science and Technology Advisory Committee (HSSTAC) serves as a source of independent expert advice to the Under Secretary for Science and Technology. 

Contact Us!

For more information, contact us via email at

S&T IAO Stop 0205
Department of Homeland Security
245 Murray Drive
Washington, D.C. 20528-0205

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